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Giant Bomb News


Dragon Age II Will Feature Its Own Cerberus Network

Let's call it "Dragonslayers Den." No, wait--"Heroes Guild." C'mon, spitball with me here.

Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 2 have a couple of features in common already, but the latest revealed feature might entice you to purchase the follow-up to Dragon Age: Origins in its new retail form. That's because Dragon Age II will feature a content delivery portal not unlike Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network, meaning you'll need to get a code for this portal if you want certain DLC. And If history repeats as we expect it to, codes will be included with new copies of the game, while "used" owners will be pulled into a money-flinging party that'll go well over the five bucks that they saved.

"We will be doing that," game executive producer Mark Darrah replied when asked by Joystiq if Dragon Age II will feature a service like Cereberus Network. "We haven't announced what's in it, but it'll definitely be something kind of in that Cerberus vein where there will be additional content." 

== TEASER ==There's some slight room for interpretation of Darrah's words, but it seems unlikely that developer BioWare wouldn't implement another version of the system EA has so often touted. Plus, it's a very effective way for EA and BioWare to pull some cash from users who purchased the game on used shelves. In Mass Effect 2, for example, Cerberus Network cost owners without a free code $15. Then, said user had to purchase whatever DLC he or she wanted--provided it wasn't already free. That adds up.

And speaking of DLC, Darrah said that the content delivered through this system wouldn't be so much like Return to Ostagar. Bigger teams will create bigger DLC levels with more unique creatures, he told Joystiq.

Making this a little bit more confusing is the fact that pre-order copies of the game will also ship with a bonus character, missions, weapons, and items. We'll have to wait for some clarification from EA prior to the game's release next March on exactly how all this stuff will be laid out.