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Giant Bomb News


Fallout 3 DLC For You And Me

What? It's rhyming-headline day here at Giant Bomb. OK, just look at these screens of Operation Anchorage.

Hot on the heels of the mod tools for the PC version of Fallout 3, Bethesda tossed out some new screenshots of the first $10 DLC pack, Operation Anchorage, that was announced last month. See those below.

IGN's also got an in-depth interview on OpAnch (I made that up), as well as the two subsequent DLC packs, The Pitt and Broken Steel. The latter of those, you may remember, is the one that will continue the central storyline of the original game and raise the level cap for your character past 20.

Here are a few choice quotes with the juiciest bits of info.

  • In Operation: Anchorage the player will find themselves able to re-live the famous liberation of Anchorage from Fallout lore -- inside a simulation similar to one found along the main quest of Fallout 3. Once the player finds their way into the simulation, they'll be stripped of their resources and have to survive within the rules set up by the simulation's creators.
  • The Chinese red army is everywhere, and the player will first have to secure the surrounding mountain side and then fight their way into the Chinese base. The player will have to use a lot of their standard combat skills, along with several new tools that will only be available in the downloadable content. These include interactive Strike Teams under the player's command and unique armor, weapons, and other exotic gadgets.
  • [To access the DLC,] here will be a new quest objective and map marker for the player to travel to. You can play through this content at any level, once you've exited the Vault.
  • [Anchorage is] about four or five hours, depending on play style. Plus, it will give you new weaponry and other tools that the player can use through the main game.
  • Based on a lot of feedback, we're going to allow the player to continue on after the main quest ends in the Broken Steel DLC. While a lot of details still have to be sorted, this will allow the player to continue on and play in the Wasteland enjoying the side and freeform quests, along with any new downloadable content we have planned in the future.

Check out the full Q&A for all the info. Also, screens!

Brad Shoemaker on Google+