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From #1reasonwhy to #1reasontobe, and 1,600 Comments In-Between

Some thoughts on the fiery discussion prompted at Giant Bomb and elsewhere by a Twitter hashtag meant to raise awareness of sexism in the video game industry.

As with Mirror's Edge, the upcoming Tomb Raider revival was penned by Rhianna Pratchett, and tells the story of how Lara Croft came to be.
As with Mirror's Edge, the upcoming Tomb Raider revival was penned by Rhianna Pratchett, and tells the story of how Lara Croft came to be.

A tweet alone cannot change anything, but enough tweets can become a movement, a movement can raise awareness, and awareness can lead to action. That’s the potential power behind #1reasonwhy, a hashtag from this weekend encouraging women members of the games industry to speak up with stories of their own difficulties, and raise needed awareness about industry sexism.

#1reasonwhy is, by design, full of upsetting, troubling, and negative stories about what it’s like to be a woman that’s making video games in 2012, and games writer Rhianna Pratchett (the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot, Mirror’s Edge, Heavenly Sword) figured something more positive would be of use. Thus, the creation of #1reasontobe, a hashtag with reasons why women are part of the industry at this very moment, should continue to be part of the industry, and call attention to the many stories of strong, independent women succeeding in games--or trying.

Here are a few of their stories:

#1reasonwhy is important, but I’m creating #1reasontobe because I’d like female devs to share why they're in games & what they get from it.

— Rhianna Pratchett (@rhipratchett) November 27, 2012

So our children can see women succeeding in tech and games, and not know why it would ever be any different. #1reasontobe

— strange language (@neuralwiles) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe Because of the jobs I've had in the past ~7 years, the ones where I create game-related things make me the most happy.

— Eve Walter (@MidnightRem) November 27, 2012

Because my daughter plays video games, she loves video games, and she needs role models who have come before her to be strong. #1reasontobe

— CK Burch (@ckburch) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe Because when you find a game company who values everyone's opinion, you can just concentrate on making phenomenal games.

— Lindz (@lindzart) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe - After years of work & careers which left me unfulfilled and outcast from so much, I've found a welcome & passionate home.

— Donna Prior (@_Danicia_) November 27, 2012

There is a growing diverse, queer culture that needs more voice, and games can give it to them. Now let us have it #1ReasonToBe

— Mattie Brice (@xMattieBrice) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe Despite the bullshit, I am able to work constantly with amazing men and women who care about telling great stories

— Lillian Cohen-Moore (@lilyorit) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe Because most men in the industry are accepting/inclusive/supportive. Don't let the bad apples dissuade you from going for it.

— LM Lockhart (@missdoomcookie) November 27, 2012

And #1reasontobe is that the only way to change things is to be part of the change. #wecandobetter

— Kathleen (@ninjaharlot) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe When you get feedback from players that your game changed their life in some way, let them be the hero for once

— Tara J. Brannigan (@kindofstrange) November 27, 2012

#1reasontobe Cuz at their best, games push new boundaries in experience, and we're like 0.5% of the way to getting good at that. Define it!

— AngelosLH (@AngelosLH) November 27, 2012

#1ReasonToBe Because my presence here is changing the industry.

— Ceri Young (@Toughlovemuse) November 27, 2012

It’s good #1reasontobe exists. A problem isn’t solved without a solution, and #1reasontobe provides the disenchanted with glimmers of hope we can work towards a better environment. The next step is creating accessible avenues for people to make connections beyond Twitter, which #1reasonmentor aspires towards.

I haven’t done the math, but yesterday’s article about #1reasonwhy probably broke a comments record on Giant Bomb. I stopped reading the thread after it passed 500 or so comments, both because it’s pretty unwieldy in our current system, and I was roundly discouraged by some of the discussion.

Much of the response felt driven by a feeling that talking about #1reasonwhy, and thereby discussing problems women having in the games industry, suddenly means there are zero problems for men. Elevating the discussion of misogyny implies there is no misandry, or so the argument goes. I don’t buy that, and have trouble reasoning with people who continue to peddle it. Bringing up one very real problem does not invalidate other very real problems, but being so dismissive of the argument suggests you aren’t taking the original argument seriously, and instead want to discredit it because you don’t believe it has any merit in the first place. At least be honest.

I do not consider myself a feminist or particularly aligned with the feminist movement. I just know bullshit when I see it, and I'm tired of bullshit that involves the vapid, shallow arguments that crawl out of the comments section of every single website whenever this subject comes out. It feels like the same 50 people are just making dupe accounts across the Internet, and making sure to drown out any real conversation. Those people deserve a chance to be heard, and that includes the larger-than-you'd-think audience of women right here on Giant Bomb.

Maybe I’m just wading into an unwinnable argument, but I wanted to paste a comment that seemed emblematic of so much of the 1,600 comment (and still growing) thread.

No Caption Provided

I actually don’t have much of a problem with this comment, except for the fact that it was made at all. Video games, like any entertainment medium, are just a hobby to a vast majority of the audience, and their daily lives are filled with concerns vastly more important than the dynamics between men and women in the games industry. That is 100% okay, as there are plenty of things that I enjoy where I’ve done little-to-no research about whether I’m comfortable with all that’s happening behind-the-scenes. Still, you took the time to scroll to the bottom of this article, long after the achievement for a first post was possible, and post a comment that amounts to little more than trolling. There is no opinion here, and we’d all be better off if the discussion, positive or negative, didn’t include pointless derailment.

This isn’t all of you, obviously, and many of you made substantive arguments, even if I disagreed. I suppose the biggest problem I have is with the tone, the dismissiveness, the idea that none of this matters, and that if people only just spoke up at their jobs, engaged with sexual harassment laws (which is hardly the most pervasive issue), changed their attitude, this would just go away. “I have a solution, just grow some fucking balls,” was one comment that stuck out on page 20-something of the comments. There is a reason why it’s not easy to just “grow some fucking balls,” and it’s because of the response these subjects generate, and the seemingly futile nature of having this debate in a public forum. Not to mention that if you’re looking at the current layoff happy climate of the games industry, speaking up about this issue and possibly risking your job if it backfires doesn’t sound like the greatest idea ever.

If you were a woman at a game developer, would you want to speak up after reading that thread, or the countless others that sprouted up yesterday? Twitter is, at least, a place where you can do filtering and hear voices you regard.

“I’ve been watching the #1reasonwhy hashtag on Twitter with an anxious kind of understanding,” said games writer Katie Williams in a blog not long after #1reasonwhy started catching fire. “Like, part of me wants to jump right in and post a dozen of my own experiences, but I’ve also learned what happens if you say that shit publicly: you’re berated, blamed, dismissed. I’ve been there.”

She is not alone, and I don’t blame her for it.

I suspect there's an underlying fear involved in all of this, as well. "What does this mean for the games we love? What if we're okay with how games are made already? Don't ruin them!" Change, while painful, is often healthy, but I'm also realistic. I don't expect drastic change due to market realities--what sells well will continue to sell well, and that includes plenty of dudebro that, hey, I also enjoy playing! You know, even if the Entertainment Software Association does report that 47% of all game players are women. If there's better women representation in development, those people given a bigger voice, it's not going to make the video games you already enjoy go away. But maybe it means video game companies will be more willing to create games for a growing audience who play games because they love games but do not have characters that speak to them. It might not change publishers who release games with women protagonists but don't support them with marketing, but change happens slowly.

Again, it’s weird. I’m a guy, I’ve never had to deal with any of these problems. But I’m willing to admit where there’s smoke, there’s probably fire, and listening is helpful, informative. If you don’t want to listen, you don’t have to. No one is forcing you. Just stop shouting down others who want to.

As with last time, I'll leave you with my own contribution, this time for #1reasontobe.

#1reasontobe Because we need strong female role models, and more of them. It won't solve everything, but it's a start.

— Patrick Klepek (@patrickklepek) November 28, 2012
Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By bigdaddy81

@EnduranceFun said:

@CaptStickybeard said:

@BigDaddy81 said:

I feel Jeff's comment was correct and justified. He made it quite clear that he was only calling out "some" of the community.

And that's the problem.

Focusing on the fire starters instead of the actual discussion/ideas.

This. Like I said in my comment, the amount 'some' pertains to - and I made it very clear in my comment that he highlighted the word 'some,' so I don't know why you felt the need to re-highlight it as if I didn't - is a very tiny amount of commenters. And they were so intermittent and posting such small posts, I doubt they were even reading the rest of the comment section first; trying to 'stop them' with a forum post obviously would not work.

It honestly only threw fuel on the fire as Jeff did not acknowledge that this was a small amount of the commenters, only 'some,' allowing the implication to follow that 'hey, he may mean everyone who disagreed with the article!' That may not be what Jeff meant, but he hardly went out of his way to accurately portray the comments. That's irresponsible when he also acknowledged there are 'antagonizing posts.'

The best way to handle a tense situation is not to pop in with a vaguely defined insult directed at 'some people,' then leave immediately after, ensuring that no one can ask you to clarify what you just said.

I disagree entirely and think the best way to come down on the trolls is to stamp them out with your boot. You're acting overly sensitive to a comment that wasn't addressed to you and many of the other commenters. And yes, I felt that I needed to re-highlight "some" since many of you still just don't seem to get it even when you acknowledge that you were not the target of his post but are still feeling persecuted. Like many other human beings, Jeff got annoyed at the amount of ignorance in this thread (and despite your claims otherwise, it had to be a substantial amount to get him annoyed, not this extreme minority you keep going on about) and posted a statement showing his annoyance. And I don't see how his comment "added fuel to the fire" since the conversation has since calmed down a bit. You and the others who need clarification on what seems like a very cut and dry post indicates to me that you have lost sight of the original issue and just want to change the discussion to something else entirely because it's hard to be on the side that denies the severity of sexism in the gaming industry or its relevance on Giant Bomb.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@BigDaddy81 said:

it's hard to be on the side that denies the severity of sexism in the gaming industry or its relevance on Giant Bomb.

Seriously, that is not the case. Nearly everyone complaining has said that they either don't care or want better coverage, not that they 'deny the severeity of sexism in the gaming industry.' I cannot believe someone is pushing this lie after all the previous discussion.

And all I said was that Jeff's post was bad, not that I felt persecuted. You argue that Jeff knew what he was doing on the basis of his professionalism and reading the comments, two aspects I actively questioned.

You know, your post backs up exactly what I said. Jeff vaguely identifies trolls, users then interpret this as a call to attack the people having an intelligent debate, based purely on their stance against the article, which they hold for perfectly justifiable reasons.

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Edited By DaveC524
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I won't say it's a minority, I'd say the amount who popped in to say "STAY IN DA KITCHEN LOLZ" is probably equal in number to those who said "We should have justice and fairness for all, regardless of gender."

The difference is is that the assholes who come to squat and shit on the argument _aren't sticking around to be lectured_. They are gone five seconds after making their post, off to find someone else to frustrate. The people who remain, who are 'fighting the good fight', all the ones who remain to be scorned and shamed for the actions of the miscreant. The trolls are having a one-way discussion, where they say something provocative and then throw a smoke bomb and vanish. Hectoring their backs as they leap through the skylight is not effective, and lumping them in with the reasonable and responsible only serves to demonize anyone who dares disagree.

I will say I've been emotionally ground down by 'fighting the good fight'. For attempting to overhaul sexism, all it's rewarded me with is being called a sexist. It's exhausting to be constantly undermined and have every ethical argument dismissed on account of my gender. I would never dare to tell someone "well you're a woman or trans, you are too different to understand!" It all reeks of the brutal chauvinism that men reacted to proto-feminists with. "She thinks she understands government, despite being a woman! Pshaw and poppycock!"

And still, don't disagree with the goal here. Women should have as many opportunities and rights as men, in the gaming industry or otherwise. And I'd like more female protagonists out of nothing more than diversity of experience (and not tokenism spurred by some kind of equality quota). But we should always act as just and fair as possible for good causes. Look at John A. Adams and the Boston Massacre. Despite being a patriot, he defended the British at a time when it would be political suicide, he could have said "hang them, in the name of America!" but instead he defended them; because it was just.

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Edited By NyxFe
@CaptStickybeard said:

@NyxFe said:

@LikeaSsur said:

@NyxFe: Thank you for assuming what I am or am not doing with my time. Also, for all your time and energies spent toward convincing everyone that they're feminist, the word egalitarian has slipped your radar completely.

Feminist is a subset of egalitarian, and if you are egalitarian you are feminist by definition.

By that logic, wouldn't you also have to be a masculinist?

Not necessarily, as masculinist only refers to advocating men's rights, not necessarily equal rights like egalitarianism and feminism. 
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Edited By NyxFe
@LikeaSsur said:

@NyxFe: Look....I'm....sincerely sorry that I think differently than you do, really. It's a real shame that we have different definitions of a word (and don't give me the bullshark about "The dictionary definition says this!" Because hey English language, what are you doing here with multiple meanings?), really, but I am not a feminist. Never have been, never will be. Sorry. I'm an egalitarian, not a feminist. Deal with it.

No need to be sorry, but your so-called definition of feminism is one which simply doesn't exist. I don't have to deal with anything, if you are egalitarian, you are literally feminist whether you want to call yourself that or not. Like the example I gave to another guy in this thread, whether you want to be called a vegetarian or not, if all you eat is vegetables you are a vegetarian by definition.  
 I understand why you don't like the term feminist, but my point is that politically charged or not, it doesn't change the definition. If you are really so bent on letting the perception of the ignorant masses drive you to avoid a term than only means "Equal rights for men and women" then by all means, feel free. It still doesn't let you make up definitions for words. Plenty of words have various accepted definitions. Nowhere does a legitimate source consider feminism a definition for anti-male, radical, or any behaviour other than being a proponent for equal rights between men and women. 
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Edited By EnduranceFun

@Brodehouse said:

I won't say it's a minority, I'd say the amount who popped in to say "STAY IN DA KITCHEN LOLZ" is probably equal in number to those who said "We should have justice and fairness for all, regardless of gender." The difference is is that the assholes who come to squat and shit on the argument _aren't sticking around to be lectured_. They are gone five seconds after making their post, off to find someone else to frustrate. The people who remain, who are 'fighting the good fight', all the ones who remain to be scorned and shamed for the actions of the miscreant. The trolls are having a one-way discussion, where they say something provocative and then throw a smoke bomb and vanish. Hectoring their backs as they leap through the skylight is not effective, and lumping them in with the reasonable and responsible only serves to demonize anyone who dares disagree. I will say I've been emotionally ground down by 'fighting the good fight'. For attempting to overhaul sexism, all it's rewarded me with is being called a sexist. It's exhausting to be constantly undermined and have every ethical argument dismissed on account of my gender. I would never dare to tell someone "well you're a woman or trans, you are too different to understand!" It all reeks of the brutal chauvinism that men reacted to proto-feminists with. "She thinks she understands government, despite being a woman! Pshaw and poppycock!" And still, don't disagree with the goal here. Women should have as many opportunities and rights as men, in the gaming industry or otherwise. And I'd like more female protagonists out of nothing more than diversity of experience (and not tokenism spurred by some kind of equality quota). But we should always act as just and fair as possible for good causes. Look at John A. Adams and the Boston Massacre. Despite being a patriot, he defended the British at a time when it would be political suicide, he could have said "hang them, in the name of America!" but instead he defended them; because it was just.

Obviously completely agree. Jeff may actually be partly at fault for comments like AmericanNinja's. He and Ryan, since the dawn of Giant Bomb, have had this wacky sense of humour. Some of these 'provocative posts' may simply be trying to emulate that humour and yet they still get treated as if they're a serious party. Even Patrick has that one meme, 'video gaaaames xDD'

Old point, but... it's a tonal problem. If Patrick wants to have a serious article, he has to have hard evidence, cover every side of the argument and keep the tone consistent. The first article did not do this, it slipped back into the sarcastic funny man side of Giant Bomb when it mentioned Dead or Alive DLC at the end, which pissed off more than a few users.

@NyxFe: What then is the male equivalent of feminism? Does one exist?

Just curious.

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Edited By bigdaddy81

@EnduranceFun said:

@BigDaddy81 said:

it's hard to be on the side that denies the severity of sexism in the gaming industry or its relevance on Giant Bomb.

Seriously, that is not the case. Nearly everyone complaining has said that they either don't care or want better coverage, not that they 'deny the severeity of sexism in the gaming industry.' I cannot believe someone is pushing this lie after all the previous discussion.

And all I said was that Jeff's post was bad, not that I felt persecuted. You argue that Jeff knew what he was doing on the basis of his professionalism and reading the comments, two aspects I actively questioned.

You know, your post backs up exactly what I said. Jeff vaguely identifies trolls, users then interpret this as a call to attack the people having an intelligent debate, based purely on their stance against the article, which they hold for perfectly justifiable reasons.

Whatever your original opinion on the subject of this thread has been lost due to your fixation on Jeff's post. You are trying to derail the debate to call out Jeff for his attempt to shut up some of the idiots in here. If you're a teacher in a classroom and have a couple of unruly students disrupting the rest of the class, you don't solve the problem by saying "Hey everyone, I just wanna say what a good job you're doing and I really appreciate those of you are behaving. Gold stickers for everyone!". No, you tell the little unruly shits to shut the fuck up. That's how you deal with these types of people.

And I don't think some of the users' stance against the article is "perfectly justifiable". Most of their issues seems to be that Patrick expressed disgust with certain people who were dismissive of the issue entirely or didn't think it deserved to be reported on Giant Bomb. And then Patrick committed the cardinal sin of singling a person out (who posted on public fucking forum) for their bullshit. Statements have consequences and a lot of people here are beginning to learn that. This whole attitude of "you don't attack your own" is complete and utter bullshit.

There is room for intelligent discussion here, but you and others like you are contributing to the problem by just bitching about Jeff's post. And by responding to you, I am also contributing to the problem as well. So either start a new thread to detail your concerns or go back to talking about the original subject of the thread. This particular discussion has become asinine.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@BigDaddy81 said:

Whatever your original opinion on the subject of this thread has been lost due to your fixation on Jeff's post.

No, you are fixated on my post and are now replying using mass ad hominem.

You're reposting talking points from earlier in the discussion and putting your own spin on them while pretending that these are not subjective, but objective facts about the comment section. Just stop.

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Edited By Carousel

@NyxFe said:

@CaptStickybeard said:

@NyxFe said:

@LikeaSsur said:

@NyxFe: Thank you for assuming what I am or am not doing with my time. Also, for all your time and energies spent toward convincing everyone that they're feminist, the word egalitarian has slipped your radar completely.

Feminist is a subset of egalitarian, and if you are egalitarian you are feminist by definition.

By that logic, wouldn't you also have to be a masculinist?

Not necessarily, as masculinist only refers to advocating men's rights, not necessarily equal rights like egalitarianism and feminism.

You're silly.

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Edited By AV_Gamer


You people are hating on Patrick for doing his job, but he created two back-to-back threads with over one thousand and six hundred comments. That's never been done on this website before.

That's called winning, and you people complaining over a topic that makes you think and question yourself are responsible for his success.


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Edited By EnduranceFun

@AV_Gamer: ROFL! 100s of people hated my article! That's called winning!

This is what I would call a 'shitstorm.' Not a success.

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Edited By ProfessorEss

@EnduranceFun said:

@AV_Gamer: ROFL! 100s of people hated my article! That's called winning!

This is what I would call a 'shitstorm.' Not a success.

Sadly, AV Gamer is kind of right. Patrick's job is get hits and he succeeded - beyond expectations I'm sure.

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Edited By bigdaddy81

@EnduranceFun said:

@BigDaddy81 said:

Whatever your original opinion on the subject of this thread has been lost due to your fixation on Jeff's post.

No, you are fixated on my post and are now replying using mass ad hominem.

You're reposting talking points from earlier in the discussion and putting your own spin on them while pretending that these are not subjective, but objective facts about the comment section. Just stop.

I'm fixated on your posts because you keep posting the same fucking thing over and over.

Look at Brodehouse. You both share similar opinions but at least he varies his discussion and stays on topic. You just keep going on and on about Jeff and his impact on this thread. And I made the mistake of letting myself get annoyed by it.

I don't consider the GB staff infallible, but I give Jeff enough credit that he knows what the fuck he's doing. And Patrick can keep on posting editorials expressing his own opinion and addressing issues that concern the gaming industry. You know, his job? You see this line: "Some thoughts on the fiery discussion prompted at Giant Bomb and elsewhere by a Twitter hashtag meant to raise awareness of sexism in the video game industry"? That was the header for the second article Patrick wrote. What about that line indicates that this is going to be some meticulously researched, objective overview of the issue at hand? He wrote an editorial about his feelings on the matter and did in fact use evidence to back up his statements. I put more stock in his opinion than some random person in a forum whining because Jeff said some people commenting in this thread suck. He is right and Patrick's article needs no more justification. He expressed an opinion and invited discussion about it.

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I mete and dole out unequal laws unto a savage race.

And this article got 1600 comments too, so what next?

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Edited By Carousel

@BigDaddy81 said:

And Patrick can keep on posting editorials expressing his own opinion and addressing issues that concern the gaming industry. You know, his job?

His job is to be a journalist.

Not spout his opinion.

@Village_Guy said:

I mete and dole out unequal laws unto a savage race.

And this article got 1600 comments too, so what next?

A third follow-up article

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Edited By EnduranceFun


You just keep going on and on about Jeff and his impact on this thread.

I made one post about it and replied to the replies on that post.

That's apparently enough to make you upset. Is Jeff your role model?

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Edited By ohvee

@EnduranceFun said:

@AV_Gamer: ROFL! 100s of people hated my article! That's called winning!

This is what I would call a 'shitstorm.' Not a success.

Well, let's keep things in perspective here. Nothing that has ever upset "100s of people" was ever a SHITSTORM.

An exception would be if Jim Lahey was commenting.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@Ohvee: Maybe you're right. Though I certainly would not call it a success. Ironically, that is only true if you follow the now infamous Kotaku logic that this article is "clickbait," which it is not.

Personally, and no one take this the wrong way, I imagine Patrick will be happy about this not because of hits, but because he always came across to me as someone who likes attention. Emphasis on likes, not craves.

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Edited By LikeaSsur

@NyxFe said:

@CaptStickybeard said:

@NyxFe said:

@LikeaSsur said:

@NyxFe: Thank you for assuming what I am or am not doing with my time. Also, for all your time and energies spent toward convincing everyone that they're feminist, the word egalitarian has slipped your radar completely.

Feminist is a subset of egalitarian, and if you are egalitarian you are feminist by definition.

By that logic, wouldn't you also have to be a masculinist?

Not necessarily, as masculinist only refers to advocating men's rights, not necessarily equal rights like egalitarianism and feminism.

I agree with CaptStickybeard. You're silly, and I mean the literal definition of it.

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Edited By bigdaddy81

@EnduranceFun said:


You just keep going on and on about Jeff and his impact on this thread.

I made one post about it and replied to the replies on that post.

That's apparently enough to make you upset. Is Jeff your role model?

Actually I tend to disagree with him on many issues. But if he makes it a habit of calling out idiots on the forums, I'm not gonna gainsay him.

@CaptStickybeard said:

@BigDaddy81 said:

And Patrick can keep on posting editorials expressing his own opinion and addressing issues that concern the gaming industry. You know, his job?

His job is to be a journalist.

Not spout his opinion.

Definition of EDITORIAL

: a newspaper or magazine article that gives the opinions of the editors or publishers; also: an expression of opinion that resembles such an article

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Edited By Carousel

@BigDaddy81: Right. I don't care about Patrick's opinion. I care about news.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@BigDaddy81: At least you're no longer under the illusion that I'm bullying Jeff.

The problem there is, this is marked as 'news.' I'm fine with Patrick making editorials or blogs, but they need to be properly categorised. Though I get the sense from how he rarely posts on Giant Bomb compared to Twitter, NeoGAF and Reddit, that he would rather avoid the Giant Bomb forums altogether. Say what you will, but that's a shame when people here clearly want to converse.

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Edited By Rasmoss

@EnduranceFun said:

@BigDaddy81 said:

it's hard to be on the side that denies the severity of sexism in the gaming industry or its relevance on Giant Bomb.

Seriously, that is not the case. Nearly everyone complaining has said that they either don't care or want better coverage, not that they 'deny the severeity of sexism in the gaming industry.' I cannot believe someone is pushing this lie after all the previous discussion.

And all I said was that Jeff's post was bad, not that I felt persecuted. You argue that Jeff knew what he was doing on the basis of his professionalism and reading the comments, two aspects I actively questioned.

You know, your post backs up exactly what I said. Jeff vaguely identifies trolls, users then interpret this as a call to attack the people having an intelligent debate, based purely on their stance against the article, which they hold for perfectly justifiable reasons.

To get back to your original position then: In your first post on this subject, you called Patrick's first article "insulting to males", because it used twitter quotes as sources. Your wording would also suggest that all males were under attack by the article and the twitter movement. Now this is either being over-sensitive or deliberately misreading the original article's stated intention. The only males under attack were people being sexist in the games industry. But not only this, you, from your very first post, took an aggressive, strongly worded stance against Patrick and the article.

So it seems you're as much to blame as anyone in this debate escalating. Feel free to correct me, if I'm off base here.

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@Rasmoss: What post are you even talking about? My first one on this article, says nothing like that.

So yes, until you explain yourself, you are completely off-base.

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I feel like there are four simultaneous arguments going on and they have exacerbated this thread to epic proportions.

1. Women in games, their struggles and the best and most fair solutions to give equality to all.
2. The legitimacy of this argument to appear on Giant Bomb.
3. The quality, tenor and overall professionalism of the staff in addressing the first two issues.
4. The struggles on the forums and in argument in general to be fair and equal to all parties.

I'm all for number 1. I'd like that to be the crux of the discussion, although in truth, the 'solution' has to be on a person-by-person, company-by-company basis. And we also have to understand that fair criticism of solutions (or struggles) exists to create fair solutions; to create an unequal solution to a problem of inequality only fosters more inequality, not less. We can't build an equitable society with social stigmas and restrictions ingrained for specific groups. Because of course not.

2 is easy. Of course it's a legitimate topic of discussion. This is a personality driven website, not a topic driven website. I'm sure people who aren't interested in an in-depth investigation of beds and furniture was disappointed by this week's bombcast.

3 I think is valid, the ways we discuss problems defines how we resolve them. I have specific problems in how Patrick framed his argument, and I voiced them. I'm sure others have their own issues.

4 follows the same path and is connected to what I said in 1; it's important that we appeal to the highest levels of fairness when we discuss inequality, otherwise you wind up in an awful maelstrom of ad hominem attacks of "whining women" and "privileged men".

Maybe it would be more useful to create some additional threads for the specific topics and arguments, but it ultimately swirls together anyway. It's absolutely a messy problem but I'm actually glad it's happening here, as emotionally drained as it leaves me to participate.

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Edited By Rasmoss

@EnduranceFun: This was your post on the first article:

"EnduranceFunon Nov. 27, 2012 at 10:45 a.m.

@ripelivejam said:

@McGhee said:

I imagine mods going into disaster emergency mode when an article like this gets posted. lol

they don't moderate these comments though, they never do. wouldn't be amiss if they started. (cue cries of CENSORSHIP! :D )

All Patrick did was copy and paste tweets. The subject here is insulting to males. Edgy non-journalism.

Now, how would you 'moderate' these comments?"

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Edited By illmatic19

Haven't we had this discussion enough? You have to be living under a rock if you didn't already know that there are equality issues when it comes to women in the workplace and life in general. There is no need to be making articles like this, let alone two of them. How about instead of constantly beating 'awareness' into our heads we just take some damn action? Just speak up when you come across harassment in the workplace, if you stay quiet you are hurting your own cause. Don't keep it to yourself and wait for some dumb #hashtag six months later. I love you Pat but this just seems like lazy journalism.

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Edited By NyxFe
@EnduranceFun: Possibly "Masculanism" but that is rarely used. There isn't really an equivalent since men have always held the dominant position in modern society. Feminism technically applies to both and not just women's rights though, as per "Equal rights for men and women" cf. any definition of the word. 
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Edited By NyxFe
@LikeaSsur: You two would get along - neither of you are able to read definitions of a word and separate that from some sort of imagined social implication and/or imaginary personal definitions. If he started linking articles he didn't read (and which were directly counter to his argument) you two would be twins. Although you do seem to be a far more reasonable person in general than he is, as per some of his previous posts. 
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Edited By EnduranceFun

@NyxFe said:

@EnduranceFun: Possibly "Masculanism" but that is rarely used. There isn't really an equivalent since men have always held the dominant position in modern society. Feminism technically applies to both and not just women's rights though, as per "Equal rights for men and women" cf. any definition of the word.

What people tend to disagree on is that 'men hold the dominant position.' Not everyone has it easy and others would say their success is not because of their gender.

I hope you understand this.

@Rasmoss said:

@EnduranceFun: This was your post on the first article:

"EnduranceFunon Nov. 27, 2012 at 10:45 a.m.

@ripelivejam said:

@McGhee said:

I imagine mods going into disaster emergency mode when an article like this gets posted. lol

they don't moderate these comments though, they never do. wouldn't be amiss if they started. (cue cries of CENSORSHIP! :D )

All Patrick did was copy and paste tweets. The subject here is insulting to males. Edgy non-journalism.

Now, how would you 'moderate' these comments?"

Just seems silly to go find a comment I made three days ago and pretend it's relevant. I've mellowed out considerably since then and taken an active part in what's transpired, finding a middle-ground with others who have done the same. I also never asked for any moderation...? All I want is for fair and equal treatment, not to be looked upon with scorn because of an idiotic few.

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Edited By Rasmoss

@EnduranceFun: It just seems like you're reading all this through the eyes of someone being persecuted, first by the original article, then by the second article, and then by Jeff's post. When in fact, you haven't been the target of any of these items.

@NyxFe said:

@EnduranceFun: Possibly "Masculanism" but that is rarely used. There isn't really an equivalent since men have always held the dominant position in modern society. Feminism technically applies to both and not just women's rights though, as per "Equal rights for men and women" cf. any definition of the word.

What people tend to disagree on is that 'men hold the dominant position.' Not everyone has it easy and others would say their success is not because of their gender.

The above is another example of it. You're reading someone saying "men hold the dominant position" as meaning "men have never done anything to deserve success ever", or "all men have it easy". That's not what's being said.

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Edited By cexantus

@illmatic19: Just read the comment section and it's kinda obvious why more people don't speak up. You're more likely to encounter apathy than empathy or sympathy. "Grow a set of balls and stop whining" has become the philosophy of the day. Is it any wonder why women don't often speak up, particularly when rape is involved. And it's not just women either. To avoid turning this to simply a "problem of the week," this conversation really needs to open the doors to whole variety of social issues such as race, gender, sexuality, etc, etc...

Yet what's the attitude whenever this gets posted on a video game forum? "Oh, not this again." "Oh,this is totally a non-issue." "Oh, feminism is trying to overthrow teh males." The reason why awareness should be continually made is to combat apathy; there's still far too many people who think that "this is normal." That we shouldn't change things because "that's how its always been," and if you argue against it "you're crazy for bringing it up." So yeah, I'm totally find with awareness being constant; It should be.

Again: If we want gaming to be better, we have to expect it to be better.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@Rasmoss said:

@EnduranceFun: It just seems like you're reading all this through the eyes of someone being persecuted, first by the original article, then by the second article, and then by Jeff's post. When in fact, you haven't been the target of any of these items.

@NyxFe said:

@EnduranceFun: Possibly "Masculanism" but that is rarely used. There isn't really an equivalent since men have always held the dominant position in modern society. Feminism technically applies to both and not just women's rights though, as per "Equal rights for men and women" cf. any definition of the word.

What people tend to disagree on is that 'men hold the dominant position.' Not everyone has it easy and others would say their success is not because of their gender.

The above is another example of it. You're reading someone saying "men hold the dominant position" as meaning "men have never done anything to deserve success ever", or "all men have it easy". That's not what's being said.

Laughably facetious. All I have asked for, is the staff to take seriously the legitimate queries in the comments.

It's bizarre that you are psycho-analysing my posts. Read and consider what they say instead of trying to dismiss them as my having some kind of pre-conceived problem, that would be a respectful approach.

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Edited By Carousel

@NyxFe said:

@EnduranceFun: Possibly "Masculanism" but that is rarely used. There isn't really an equivalent since men have always held the dominant position in modern society. Feminism technically applies to both and not just women's rights though, as per "Equal rights for men and women" cf. any definition of the word.

You're just a silly goose.

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Edited By Supah_Ted

@patrickklepek great article man. Love your work. Keep on bringing to light things that need to be discussed and exposed. I don't understand why giantbomb has so many self entitled jerks. If you don't like the article, stop reading, if you don't like all the articles, stop visiting at all. Pretty simple stuff.

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Edited By Aegon
@LikeaSsur said:

@NyxFe said:

@CaptStickybeard said:

@NyxFe said:

@LikeaSsur said:

@NyxFe: Thank you for assuming what I am or am not doing with my time. Also, for all your time and energies spent toward convincing everyone that they're feminist, the word egalitarian has slipped your radar completely.

Feminist is a subset of egalitarian, and if you are egalitarian you are feminist by definition.

By that logic, wouldn't you also have to be a masculinist?

Not necessarily, as masculinist only refers to advocating men's rights, not necessarily equal rights like egalitarianism and feminism.

I agree with CaptStickybeard. You're silly, and I mean the literal definition of it.

Nyx has got some real bad logic going on in that post. 
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Edited By kinapuff

@CaptStickybeard: Do you care enough not to click a headline that doesn't strike you as news by your definition though?

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Edited By GaspoweR

Well, we broke 1600 again.


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Edited By Dberg

@GaspoweR said:

Well, we broke 1600 again.


And to everyone's surprise, the Internet can not come to an agreement in this comments field.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@Dberg: Nah, we pretty much came to the conclusion that Patrick can do better.

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Edited By biosfear

@FierceDeity: must be nice to be so privileged that you can pick and choose what you feel like caring about.

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Edited By roboculus92

@EnduranceFun: Speak for yourself holmes. You don't get to lump everybody's opinion together like that (nor could you considering the clusterfuck that this comments section has become). And yes I understand that some people (emphasis on some) agree on certain things but you still don't get to act like you are speaking on everybody's behalf.

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Filed under "human".

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Edited By AthleticShark

@EnduranceFun said:

@Dberg: Nah, we pretty much came to the conclusion that Patrick can do better.

Your 1,000 posts repeating the same things does not count as "we".

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Edited By AthleticShark

@Roboculus92 said:

@EnduranceFun: Speak for yourself holmes. You don't get to lump everybody's opinion together like that (nor could you considering the clusterfuck that this comments section has become). And yes I understand that some people (emphasis on some) agree on certain things but you still don't get to act like you are speaking on everybody's behalf.

Don't bother. He has come to the conclusion that "we" think his opinion is the firstall and endall of everything and that his words are the only thing that matters.

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Edited By jasondesante

honestly this is more important than double fine's amnesia fortnight because?.........there isn't an article about amnesia fortnight because?...........

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Edited By JasonR86

@Godlyawesomeguy said:

Filed under "human".

I like how this...

Vitruvian Man
Vitruvian Man the first image and the primary icon for 'human' on the site.

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Edited By AthleticShark

@jasondesante: Yea because social reform totally doesn't matter and won't have an impact on the future world.

I guess ignorance is still bliss.

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Edited By EnduranceFun

@Roboculus92 said:

@EnduranceFun: Speak for yourself holmes. You don't get to lump everybody's opinion together like that (nor could you considering the clusterfuck that this comments section has become). And yes I understand that some people (emphasis on some) agree on certain things but you still don't get to act like you are speaking on everybody's behalf.

The people having an actual discussion and posting meaningful shit came to this conclusion.

Those saying 'gb2 Kotaku lolz' and 'yay Patrick upvote,' I do not figure as part of the discussion.

But yeah, keep imagining that 'Patrick can do better' is somehow not a perfectly adjusted and reasonable consensus. Clearly even mild criticism is just trolling. Not even going to bother replying to that jerk Hellbound.