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Giant Bomb's 2012 Game of the Year Awards: Day Two

Today's Game of the Year 2012 is UNSTOPPABLE as it drops awards like Best Surprise, Miiverse Community of the Year, and Walking Dead Episode of the Year.

The awards continue today with another batch of categories. Be sure to check out the podcast to figure out how we came to these conclusions and check out the videos for a more meanderingly endearing way to consume the awards. See ya tomorrow!

Walking Dead Episode of the Year

Episode 3

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The Walking Dead's first season didn't have a single bad episode. Not a one. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Considering most episodic games can barely muster a single stand-out episode, let alone multiple ones, there was no choice but to call out this year's best Walking Dead episodes in their own category. Well, okay, there was a choice, but we chose to do it, dammit.

It's safe to say that The Walking Dead's best parts came during its utterly brutal middle sections. Episode 1 set the stage nicely, and Episode 5 tied the story together in a genuinely heart-wrenching way, but episodes 2, 3, and 4 were so chock full of action/sadness/action sadness, that they proved to be the clear standouts. And of those standout episodes, Episode 3 proved to be the most memorable of them all.

It's not hard to explain why, though it is somewhat challenging to do so without spoiling the whole damn thing for you. If you want that, our video coverage will more than suffice. If you don't want to be spoiled, all we'll say here is that Episode 3 is full of tremendously well-written shocks, twists, and emotional wallops, the likes of which were most certainly the highlights of the series. It's an emotionally draining episode, the kind of thing that will either break you entirely, or strengthen your resolve to power through the last two episodes. Most series probably aren't best served peaking in the middle, but in the case of Walking Dead's immaculately paced campaign, it worked out shockingly well.

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Runners-up: Episode 2, Episode 4

Best Debut

The Walking Dead

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By the end of The Walking Dead's season finale, once you're finished washing away the tears you swear you don't tell anyone about, there is one question on your mind: how the hell is Telltale Games going to top this? We're happy to see them try, but the creative turnaround of Telltale Games is a truly remarkable one. Many of us started to wonder whether Telltale Games still had it after the supremely lackluster Jurassic Park. There was a general sense that Telltale Games had accomplished its mission of bringing back the adventure game, but hadn't yet figured out where the genre had to go next. Bringing back old franchises wasn't enough.

The Walking Dead will likely have a profound influence on games both in and outside the adventure genre, but for fans of the point-and-click, it's a resounding shot of relevance. Through meaningful player-driven storytelling and a morbid tale about humanity in the most extreme of circumstances, The Walking Dead had players anxiously staying up late for each episode to go live. Telltale Games found a way to keep players interested in its episodic format in a way none of its previous games have, and created true watercooler moments once only the realm of TV and film.

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Runners-up: Mark of the Ninja, Fez

Best Surprise

Asura's Wrath

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If you wanted to get all mathematical about it, you could basically look at the Best Surprise as resulting from the difference between our initial expectations for a game and our final impressions of it. That game you thought was gonna be awful and then was kind of great? Yeah, that's this. In that sense, it would be hard to find a game that sounds less promising on its face than one made about 90 percent out of cutscenes driven by Quick Time events. None of us really wanted to give Asura's Wrath the time of day, and only dug into it grudgingly out of a responsibility to cover video games and generate site coverage.

Then a funny thing happened: Asura's Wrath grabbed hold of us with its six fiery, rage-fueled fists and refused to let go. It's hard to get more than a couple of episodes into the game's grandiose tale of scheming deities and Asura's burning need for revenge without just feeling aghast at the ridiculous enormity of the events taking place in front of you. Running the entire Earth through with your sword? Jump-kicking a planet-sized, Buddha-like starship in the face? All business as usual within the anime series-like episodic structure. What's even more astounding than the visuals, which consistently find ways to top themselves, is that CyberConnect 2 was able to come up with engaging and occasionally subversive uses of Quick Time events and simple button prompts that become way, way more satisfying than a game like this ought to be. If you can play all the way through this game without involuntarily yelling out "BURST!!!" at least once, there's probably something wrong with you.

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Runners-up: Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3

Miiverse Community of the Year

Funky Barn

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I think it's safe to say that we took issue with a lot of the ways the Wii U and its initial batch of games are built. But it's not all frowny faces and expired milk. The Miiverse, Nintendo's attempt at creating message boards and a bit of a social network to go along with them, is a fun take on some basic website concepts. The best part is that Nintendo creates a Miiverse section for every game and application on the Wii U, from New Super Mario Bros. U to Netflix. Considering there are plenty of Wii U executables that don't necessarily need a community of their own, you might think that the sections for smaller games and apps would be barren wastelands. But no. This is where the true magic of Miiverse lies.

The Funky Barn community is the best example of this because the game carries an extremely evocative name, leading to a lot of fan art (well, "fan" art) of sheep with gigantic afros positioned next to disco balls. And since you can easily see at a glance if a poster has played the game in question or not, it's easy to see that no one on this board is actually playing Funky Barn. Not to brag, but we may have been the first "played it!" checkmark on that board when Jeff cracked his copy open for a quick and dirty live stream.

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Runners-Up: YouTube, Netflix

Best Use of a Licensed Song

Far Cry 3 - MIA "Paper Planes"

Most games might try to make the player identify, or at least empathize with their protagonist, but Far Cry 3 does exactly the opposite in its opening moments, and deliberately so. While the handheld vacation footage of Jason Brody and his idle-rich posse of entitled Abercrombie & Fitch bros and bras flashing their Black Cards, doing shots of sambuca, riding jet-skis, and basically fulfilling the Ugly American stereotype with aplomb would've been enough to have you rooting for for the charasmatically psychotic Vaas, pairing it with MIA's druggy summer club hit "Paper Planes" really brings it all together. Never have I wanted to see harm befall my own player character as deeply or as instantaneously as I did at the start of Far Cry 3. Luckily, the game wastes no time delivering on that desire...

Runners-Up: Spec Ops: The Line - Deep Purple "Hush", Alan Wake's American Nightmare - Kasabian "Club Foot"


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Edited By colourful_hippie

@PerfidiousSinn said:

@Colourful_Hippie said:

@Artso said:

@PerfidiousSinn said:

I never understood why Giant Bomb hated the main characters of Far Cry 3 so much. Because they're privileged rich kids? What's so terrible about that?

This is a joke right?

Yeah I think it's safe to say that anyone who doesn't understand (you don't have to share) their hate for that group after reading the last paragraph are either idiots or trolls.

It's really easy to "pull the troll card" because someone doesn't agree with you. Unfortunately it never adds anything meaningful to an actual discussion =/

I think a lot of people have a rather irrational hatred of characters on the basis of "they're rich, privileged white kids".

Yeah you definitely didn't read (or comprehend) that paragraph if you're still clinging to that weak argument.

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Edited By Andy_117

The Willem Dafoe Miiverse community was snubbed, I tells ya. Snubbed!

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Edited By coruptai125

I really wish someone would have brought up the Rabbids Land Miiverse. It is by far the greatest Miiverse.

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Edited By clumsyninja1

I waiting for the Best Nolan North of the year...

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Edited By defaultprophet

The Skrillex and Marley Dubstep song from FC3 was waaaaaaaaaay better used than Paper Planes. Sad it didn't even get mentioned

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Edited By kdr_11k

I can't remember, was Saints Row 3 this year? Because its use of the song Hero was easily more memorable than any of those listed.

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Edited By Little_Socrates

Gonna side with winners on Best Walking Dead, Miiverse Community of the Year, and Best Use of Licensed Song, but here's my other thoughts.

Best Walking Dead: As it stands.

Best Debut: Fez, runner-ups in The Walking Dead and Hotline Miami. (Sorry, Tokyo Jungle!)

Best Surprise: The Walking Dead, followed by The Darkness II and Fez.

Best Miiverse Community: Replace the YouTube community with the NSMBU community. They're adorable, and when they appear in-game, it's pretty funny!

Best Use of a Licensed Song: Toss out Alan Wake if you can't remember it, but toss in Lollipop Chainsaw's use of Mickey 'cause it's one of three good things in that whole game.

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Edited By chilibean_3

@Razputin: No, I'm saying it's a crummy song. Much like the characters.

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Edited By dropabombonit

Great day of awards, agree with all of them expect for best walking dead episode. I seemed to be the only person who thought episode 4 was the best

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@KDR_11k said:

I can't remember, was Saints Row 3 this year? Because its use of the song Hero was easily more memorable than any of those listed.

That was last year, and it actually won for its use of Power instead. A little insane, if you ask me.

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Edited By artofwar420

@clumsyninja1: Was he in any games this year?

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Edited By thebrainninja

@wjb: Yeah, I was bummed that they didn't mention it at all on the podcast; in a category that seemed to lack for examples, it would've been cool to at least see it discussed. But whatever, the winner and runners up were still deserving of it, so it's all good.

I would say, though, the moment where that track (Tears, I think it is?) starts playing is awesome - until I died 20 times in a row from dudes I couldn't see. I think the impact of that audio queue is somewhat lessened by the overall design issues that afflict that game.

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Edited By Slow_pC

Just grabbed walking dead on the steam store the other day... now to sit and play it!

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Edited By MeatSim

I keep forgetting about Asura's Wrath, I really need to play it. Also the Funky Barn developer should display that Miiverse award proudly since it's probably the only award they will get from anyone.

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Edited By mrfluke
@MeatSim: Make sure when you get around to it, you grab the nirvana dlc for it. and you research how to get the true ending.
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Edited By mrfluke
@ConnorHallTheMighty: make sure you grab the nirvana dlc, and you research the true ending for it
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Edited By bkbroiler

I cannot remember Hush in Spec Ops at all. Seems like a cool moment.

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Edited By wjb

@TheBrainninja said:

@wjb: Yeah, I was bummed that they didn't mention it at all on the podcast; in a category that seemed to lack for examples, it would've been cool to at least see it discussed. But whatever, the winner and runners up were still deserving of it, so it's all good.

I would say, though, the moment where that track (Tears, I think it is?) starts playing is awesome - until I died 20 times in a row from dudes I couldn't see. I think the impact of that audio queue is somewhat lessened by the overall design issues that afflict that game.

Someone brought up the good point since that song is part of the game's soundtrack, it technically doesn't count. Oh well.

It was in that shitty middle ground, though. It wasn't licensed music, but the Max Payne 3 soundtrack wasn't your traditional video game soundtrack either since it was composed by an actual band that is known outside that realm -- they just happened to make a soundtrack for a video game instead of the typical LP. It wasn't chiptunes or orchestrated music.

I think it deserved a nomination above the other two, but you can't beat the perfect shittiness of "Paper Planes" in Far Cry 3.

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Edited By ToastMan

Why wasn't Spec Ops even mentioned for best surprise? I thought that it was always written off as a mediocre third person shooter and the crazy story came out of nowhere.

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Edited By FierceDeity

@Colourful_Hippie said:

@PerfidiousSinn said:

@Colourful_Hippie said:

@Artso said:

@PerfidiousSinn said:

I never understood why Giant Bomb hated the main characters of Far Cry 3 so much. Because they're privileged rich kids? What's so terrible about that?

This is a joke right?

Yeah I think it's safe to say that anyone who doesn't understand (you don't have to share) their hate for that group after reading the last paragraph are either idiots or trolls.

It's really easy to "pull the troll card" because someone doesn't agree with you. Unfortunately it never adds anything meaningful to an actual discussion =/

I think a lot of people have a rather irrational hatred of characters on the basis of "they're rich, privileged white kids".

Yeah you definitely didn't read (or comprehend) that paragraph if you're still clinging to that weak argument.

You're right. It basically boils down to it being okay to want people to die, so long as they're rich and white. Have they actually done anything wrong? Harmed anyone? No? Well screw it - they're rich and white. That's reason enough.

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Edited By colourful_hippie

@FierceDeity said:

@Colourful_Hippie said:

@PerfidiousSinn said:

@Colourful_Hippie said:

@Artso said:

@PerfidiousSinn said:

I never understood why Giant Bomb hated the main characters of Far Cry 3 so much. Because they're privileged rich kids? What's so terrible about that?

This is a joke right?

Yeah I think it's safe to say that anyone who doesn't understand (you don't have to share) their hate for that group after reading the last paragraph are either idiots or trolls.

It's really easy to "pull the troll card" because someone doesn't agree with you. Unfortunately it never adds anything meaningful to an actual discussion =/

I think a lot of people have a rather irrational hatred of characters on the basis of "they're rich, privileged white kids".

Yeah you definitely didn't read (or comprehend) that paragraph if you're still clinging to that weak argument.

You're right. It basically boils down to it being okay to want people to die, so long as they're rich and white. Have they actually done anything wrong? Harmed anyone? No? Well screw it - they're rich and white. That's reason enough.

Looks like you didn't read that last paragraph in the recap either. You over simplifying the hated traits down to rich and white proves that.

I'm beginning to question the reading level of the GB community.

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Edited By BisonHero

@bkbroiler said:

I cannot remember Hush in Spec Ops at all. Seems like a cool moment.

In the second or third chapter, it's when you first hear the radioman saying a bunch of stuff over the speakers. I think it's when the game gives you grenades. You shoot your way into what used to be a nightclub or bar or something, and Hush is being blasted out of the makeshift speakers. It was cool that it wasn't part of the game's score, so much as it was in context because the radioman was this DJ playing Vietnam War-era music whenever he wasn't giving a news update.

Anyway, having Hush blasting while being partially drowned out by gunfire and yelling was cool, but sadly aside from the song nothing about that gunfight was particularly different or memorable (and the same could be said for the gameplay in basically the entire game).