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Giant Bomb News


Glitched-Up Mario Videos For Weirdos

Put down your soldering iron! Drop that Speak 'n' Spell! We've got broken Mario videos for you to watch!

Offworld put me onto this Youtube playlist full of glitched-up Super Mario Bros. videos. Some are the standard, boring ROM hacks that you see all over the place. But the others, they're actually pretty rad. They appear to have been created by someone who is pumping an emulator full of nefarious Game Genie codes, and the results are awesome... if you like the way broken old technology looks and sounds.

Ryan and I spent a significant chunk of time staring at circuit bent instruments on eBay earlier this week, and this sort of falls in the same vein of saying "HEY LOOK, WE BROKE THIS THING IN A WAY THAT YOU MIGHT FIND COOL IF YOU'RE MESSED UP IN THE HEAD."

So... I find these to be pretty cool. Here's my favorite, and while we're at it, here's a video of a circuit bent Speak and Spell to go with it.




Jeff Gerstmann on Google+