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Giant Bomb News


Gonna dress You Up In My Love (All Over, All Over)

If my love wont work, how about using Sony's upcoming dressing... uh... simulator or something to dress up some virtual avatar dudes and make them dance?

This guy obviously needs help getting dressed.
This guy obviously needs help getting dressed.
From the "your guess is as good as mine" category comes dress, a lower-cased PlayStation Network release from Sony's Japan Studio. There's a trailer for the game being shown on the floor at the Tokyo Game Show and... yeah, I don't know. Here's what I saw.

Dress appears to be a downloadable PlayStation 3 game from Sony Computer Entertainment. It's focused on dressing up virtual avatars in a variety of clothes, both licensed from companies like Puma, specifically the sub-lines designed by Mihara Yasuhiro, and stuff that you can design or modify yourself. Shirts, for example, have customizable text that let you personalize your gear.

Once they're dressed, you can make your virtual fashion dudes dance around. The game also seems to keep score, though it's not immediately obvious what it's scoring you on. In fact, thinking about dress at all sort of makes my head hurt.

Check out the trailer here on Sony's site.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+