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Giant Bomb News


It's October, Clear Your Schedule

Do you realize how many high-profile games are coming out this month? A metric tonne. How much is that? I don't know, but it sure sounds like a lot.

Time has a way of flying by, doesn't it? I woke up this morning and all of a sudden, it got all October on us! Man, where did that come from? It's my solemn duty to inform you that in the month of October there are some video games coming out. Not like this is anything new; if you've been keeping up with this industry for any number of years, you know October is the first full month when all those games you've been fawning over in the Sears catalog will finally be out there and available to play. (Did anyone else look at games in the big thick newsprint Sears holiday catalog as a kid? Was that just a regional thing? One screenshot and a short, misinformed blurb was all it took to sell me on the latest pile of NES garbage, let me tell you. That was pre-Nintendo Power, I think.)

Anyway, I'm getting a little worried about this month. Here are just the games I have any degree of personal interest in, to say nothing of all the other releases coming down the pipeline.

Oct. 7

Fracture (maybe)

Oct. 14

Dead Space
SOCOM: Confrontation
Saints Row 2

Oct. 21

Fable II
Far Cry 2
LittleBigPlanet (!!!)

C'mon, can't pass this one up either.
C'mon, can't pass this one up either.
BioShock PS3 (yeah, again)
Midnight Club: Los Angeles
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Oct. 26 - 28

Guitar Hero World Tour
C&C: Red Alert 3
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Fallout 3

It's sort of nuts when you see 'em all laid out like that. Who has time for all this? That triple whammy of Far Cry, Fable, and LittleBigPlanet all on the 21st seems especially cruel. And Fallout 3 seems like a game I could be happy playing in exclusivity for the whole month. I guess at some point, if you choose to carry your gaming hobby into your adult life, you have to abandon any completionist tendencies you may have been harboring, get choosy, and accept that you'll never get to play every game you're interested in, unless you never do anything else but play games, ever. Hell, we barely ever do anything else but play games around here, and even we don't get our hands on every game that we think matters (to us or you). I guess we should all be thankful there are this many potentially excellent games coming out. They could all be crappy ones.

You know, I don't even want to see what November looks like.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+