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Giant Bomb News


Killzone 2 Storms Television, Interactive Ad On The Way

See tomorrow's commercials today as Sony unveils the first Killzone 2 TV ad for North America.

Do you ever get the impression that everyone involved with Killzone 2 has a bit of a chip on their shoulder about the initial not-in-engine video that was shown of the game back in 2005?

Sony and Guerrilla appear to be taking things to extremes with their first ad for Killzone 2, which--as if to prove a point--is done entirely in-engine.


While that fact will probably be lost on the mainstream audience that will see this ad on multiple networks as of tomorrow, it's a great-looking ad that seems like it gets its point across quite well. There are guns here. Things are war-torn. And the people behind the game don't need to get all faux-extreme with the metal guitars and the in-your-faceness to get that across. Looks great.

The ad was unveiled in a post on Sony's official PlayStation blog, in which Scott Steinberg also said that this ad would be coming as a video download today on the PlayStation Network... and will be coming as an interactive download that lets you control the camera and listen to commentary about its creation sometime in March.

That's pretty cool.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+