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Giant Bomb News


Left 4 Dead 2: Now (Hopefully) With Less Rage Quit

At least, that's the idea of an ongoing project.

Valve's work on the PC version of Left 4 Dead 2 continues. On the heels of a recent "rage quit" poll, the studio has decided to take a look at the game's basics to see how it can prevent the desire to drop out of a game in a storm of fury. And wouldn't you know it? Valve has found some stuff to tweak, mainly within the realm of proper player rewards for "doing it right"--e.g., you'll now get better points totals for versus actions, won't get bogus friendly firing warnings, and should no longer switch into a raging tank.

The Left 4 Dead 2 blog post best explains the reasons behind the adjustments.  
"We checked some stats, did some testing, checked more stats, and did more testing," the post reads. "We have many more changes we are working on, some ideas failed, some were exploitable, and some were just bad ideas." This update, the post asserts, is just the start of Valve's "answer[s] to the problem." 

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== TEASER ==Delving into the specifics of what has been adjusted: 

The Charger
The Charger will now receive 300 points for any Survivor it kills instantly. In addition to this, the player-Charger will also nab 100 points for dropping a Survivor.  
Ledges and You
All Infected will now get 50 points for making a Survivor fall off a ledge.
Friendly Fire

A user's bullets that rip through Infected flesh and bounce into a Survivor's will no longer be accused of friendly fire.

The Tank
When a Tank spawns, it'll enter stasis until a human takes over. It's invisible in this in-between state and won't be able to attack or be lit on fire.
In case you're wondering, no mention of the 360 version of Left 4 Dead 2 was made in the post. I wouldn't hold my breath on this guy getting released. If one is released at all, I'm guessing it will have all the fixes Valve plants to release to curb rage-quitting.