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Giant Bomb News


New LittleBigPlanet Contest Wants to See Your Home Town

Sony UK has a new contest up where you can win around-the-world tickets for recreating your home.

Sony UK launched a new contest in co-operation with YouTube today where you can have a chance to win two around-the-world tickets for recreating your home town in the game LittleBigPlanet. The prize also comes with £1,000 worth of prize money and 14 nights of accommodation.  I'd recreate Sausalito for you guys but the amount of drunk cougars and houseboat residents might not go over well in a family-friendly video. Then again, it looks like Sony UK is already on top of it with their recreation of... um... "Fart Planet"? Apparently this ad, included on the afore-mentioned YouTube page was a commercial in the UK? If so, you Brits have much more interesting television commercials then I currently do. All I get is Sham-WoW!

Dave Snider on Google+