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On Games, Reviews, And Criticism -- Part 1

Patrick and BioWare senior designer Manveer Heir begin a three-part conversation about the role of criticism in today's writing about games.

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When Simon Parkin published his review of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception at Eurogamer, a mild firestorm erupted, launching a contentious debate about the role of criticism during the review process.

Parkin’s review took issue with the Uncharted design philosophy as a whole, but still awarded the game an 8/10 at the bottom of the page--a respectable score from an outlet as tough as Eurogamer!

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Fans, developers, and even some writers wondered aloud whether Parkin had picked the appropriate venue for his examination of Naughty Dog’s choices. I wrote my own piece about the ensuing response, which prompted a more intimate conversation about the subject with game developer Manveer Heir, who is currently a senior designer on Mass Effect 3 at BioWare Montreal.

Heir has been kicking around the industry for a while now, having landed at BioWare Montreal and the Mass Effect series after five years with Raven Software in Wisconsin, the home state of my dearest football rivals. Heir is known for his outspoken nature, and isn’t one to walk away from a controversial subject. In fact, it was Heir that proposed we start a back-and-forth letter series about game reviews and publish it.

I suggested we throw it up on Giant Bomb in its entirety, and he agreed.

If you’re not familiar with Heir, you can read his dusty blog Design Rampage (which he promises to update), follow him on Twitter, scope this Kill Screen interview about his early years, or load up a Gamasutra interview about race.

Take it away, Manveer.

Note: This exchange took place over email, and I've done minimal editing to reflect the casual style.



Heir is working on Mass Effect 3, a sequel to one of this generation's most beloved games.
Heir is working on Mass Effect 3, a sequel to one of this generation's most beloved games.

Thanks for agreeing to discuss the role of game criticism and reviews with me. It's something that has been bothering me for some time now, and I wanted to discuss it with someone who works in the field, instead of just talking to other people like myself who often bitch on Twitter. So you know where I'm coming from, I'll give you a brief background about myself before I became a game developer. I used to cover the news, write previews, reviews, and do interviews for the enthusiast press (what is now known as bloggers) for a couple sites when I was in high school and early college (late 90s, early 2000s). It was a means to an end to get connected to the game development community, instead of wanting to be a journalist, but hey, it worked. More specifically, I don't think I was particularly good at my job. I judged games on 100-point scales that broke scores down into component parts like graphics, sound, etc. (something I find abhorrent now in my life). I say this so you understand that I've actually done the job (to a novice extent) for over five years, and so I understand some of the pressures reviewers are under in today's climate, as well as how the job goes.

My issues currently stem from games criticism and games reviewing, and should they even be the same thing. I am of the mind that they should not, and here's why. I should explicitly note that all my opinions are my own and not my employer's. Games criticism is new, it's in its infancy, and it's growing with every day. Game reviews, on the other hand, have been consumed for a very long time. As a developer, I love game criticism. I love reading my issues of Kill Screen, I love reading how someone finds a game sexist or offensive due to certain elements that are engrained in our culture, when we never stop to sit and think WHY they are engrained. I love all of that, I want more criticism. As a developer, I thrive and grow off criticism. I need it from my peers and those outside to better my own sensibilities, lest my colleagues and I rest on our collective laurels in the future.

But when we give those criticisms a score, we do something else. We make the criticism the focus of the entire product. To use specific examples, let's look at Simon Parkin's Eurogamer review of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Parkin is an author I greatly respect and someone whose work as a critic I find to be on point often times, and his review is recent, which is why I cite it. In his review he states "Uncharted 3 is the most exciting game in the world, but only until you deviate from the script." He goes on to expand on how the game makes you feel like nothing more than an "interactive butler" at times.

Now, this is a criticism of how linear the game is. Like Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3 is very linear. In fact, like Modern Warfare 2, it is very linear. Like Gears of War 3, it is very linear. Like countless other 90+ rated titles, it is very linear. Many blockbuster games that are coming out are very linear. This is the choice they have made. All of them have this problem. The issue I have isn't with this criticism, but rather the calling out of this criticism on Uncharted 3 as a reason for a rating. Because, if that's the case, then shouldn't Modern Warfare 2 have similar criticisms embedded in it and review score docked accordingly? Yet a review of that game by Parkin doesn't mention, in-depth, the linearity issues like it does with Uncharted 3.

If a sequel is just following the path established by the other games, is that a knock against it?
If a sequel is just following the path established by the other games, is that a knock against it?

The issue does not lie with the criticism. The issue lies with what the game is. I do not judge a pie poorly because it is not cake. Both are delicious desserts, and there is a time and a place for both (the place, specifically, is in my belly). So when talking about player agency regarding linear vs. open-world games, I find these to be drastically different styles that are like comparing pies to cakes. I have a strong preference to see more player agency, and I, too, get frustrated when it is stripped away from me in games. But how do we reconcile this when all of our games that are linear have the same base problem? Do they all just get judged down a point because they are linear? Do we make sure all reviewers from a publication know that when they have different reviewers judge a game?

It seems difficult to handle things this way. I think making pointed criticisms about Uncharted 3's linearity, and then potentially tying it in into the entire industry's reliance on scripted narrative, Parkin could have made a wonderful piece that wasn't overshadowed by the 8/10 score he gave that sent fans into an uproar. The existence of the score took the piece away from criticism of the work and into a review of the work, and sadly, to me, it took away Parkin's ability to actually make a wonderful point because people got too up in arms about a number. To me, a review serves a different purpose. Criticism exists absolutely. Reviews exist relatively. What I mean is, I don't rate Iron Man the movie the same way I may rate Crash. However, if you asked me what I thought of both pieces I would say, in a word, "must see." But clearly their goals are different; one is a well-done piece of Hollywood blockbuster and the other is a poignant piece about race relations in contemporary society. Sometimes I'm in the mood for Iron Man. Sometimes I'm in the mood for Crash. Sometimes I'm in the mood for pie. Ok, I'm almost always in the mood for pie. But I think you get the point.

Shouldn't we then review our games in the same light? Shouldn't a game that is trying to be a linear piece of Hollywood blockbuster be rated against how those types of games typically play and the expectation of the audience? Shouldn't a review tell me if this piece of work is worth my time or not? Is that not a different question than "does this piece of work have flaws"? Trying to relate Uncharted 2 to something like Dark Souls is very hard to do, and I think we go down a bad path when we try to do it.

Let's keep criticizing games. Let's do it louder than ever. The development community needs it! But let's not mix our critique with our reviews. To me one is about recommendations to an audience, and the other is about the state of the art. The latter is far more useful than the former in my world. I'm all for the abolishment of reviews, but I think sites like yours may take a readership hit if that happens. So, without that happening, I think we should separate the two. Am I crazy? Do I have the wrong expectations for what the function of the two are? Or are my opinions just colored too darkly from my life as a developer who has to live with the score of reviews? Let me know your thoughts.





Skyward Sword is a terrific Zelda game, but it's also a very familiar game for many reasons.
Skyward Sword is a terrific Zelda game, but it's also a very familiar game for many reasons.

One of the things I love about the video games industry is our collective commitment to self-reflection, a willingness to open ourselves up in the pursuit of becoming better players, creators or writers. In my case, I'm a journalist first and a critic second, a path I started walking down in high school, when an English teacher suggested the best way to ensure I could make a buck putting words on a page was journalism. I'd been writing about video games earlier than that, however, having attended my first E3 back in 1998. If memory serves me right, I was 14 back then, and I've been writing about games in some form since then, attending college for print journalism and rotating between news posts at various outlets.

And while reporting is my daily bread and butter, I'm also a reviewer, having recently endured the trial-by-fire that was reviewing a new Zelda game--The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. My experience giving the latest Zelda a less-than-perfect score fits right in to this conversation, as it was the first review I'd written after reading Simon's review of Uncharted 3 and writing a follow-up editorial that criticized the hyperbolic response from fans.

Before I launch into my own process, perhaps we should back up and examine the purpose of a review. Until only recently, reviews have had more in common with what you'd read in Consumer Reports than a serious critical analysis, an attempt to explain what a game is, isn't and whether it's worth spending any money on. That alone is useful to a great many people, and part of the reason reviews are so important to video games in particular is because, individually, they cost more money than other mediums. You don't feel as burned about wasting $10 on the latest bucket of CGI from Michael Bay compared to shelling out $60 at GameStop, realizing the marketing mislead you, and having nothing but a set of achievements to show for it. There is a very real, important role for reviews that intends to accomplish no more than answering the question of yes or no.

But is that all we should expect from our reviews? Often times, we already know if we're going to buy a game or not, and a review is just a way to read about the game in some opinionated specificity before the game unlocks on Steam. For that audience, of which I'd argue there's a very large one visiting most enthusiast publications, a typical review doesn't provide any real service. As publications evolve, game companies have only themselves to blame for the predicament we're now in. Metacritic has its own issues, but the importance publishers have placed upon Metacritic is the bigger problem, and it's clear publications are beginning to understand the power of Metacritic to varying degrees. For some, it's a recognition that reviews may not impact video game sales in any meaningful way, but the reviews (and the scores attached) are, in fact, meaningful, as publishers have made them important, and the words that appear in those reviews suddenly take on a different weight.

Few took issue with the script-driven design in Uncharted and Uncharted 2, but Uncharted 3 took heat.
Few took issue with the script-driven design in Uncharted and Uncharted 2, but Uncharted 3 took heat.

I don't want this to become yet another conversation about Metacritic, as it's only part of the issue, and the evolution of the review seems more encouraged by the homogeneous nature of so many of them. Unless I'm seeking out the opinions of a specific author, I'm not interested in reading a dozen glowing reviews of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I want to read the review from the one guy that fucking hated it, the guy who wants to make the argument about why it's actually terrible. Maybe I don't end up agreeing with this hypothetical guy, but I don't need my opinions validated, I need my opinions challenged.

You do point to one real problem with game reviews that publications deal with in different ways. Edge does not specify who actually reviewed a game. Edge is known for being tough, so when Edge proclaims your game is worthy of a 10 (which, for the record, does not mean perfect!), that actually means something. Most publications, however, have a byline in the review, and when it comes to games that don't receive 10/10 or 5/5, the comparative analysis begins. "Well," so the argument goes, "they gave Skyward Sword and Fruit Ninja Kinect a 4/5, so they're both of equal quality." This isn't fair to either game or the reviewer. I'm not of the mind a publication should find itself beholden to making sure its reviews are wholly consistent against everything that has come before it, as games are good, bad and weird for entirely individual reasons that aren't comparable.

What a 4/5 means for Fruit Ninja is a bit different than what 4/5 means for Skyward Sword.
What a 4/5 means for Fruit Ninja is a bit different than what 4/5 means for Skyward Sword.

And here's how I'll circle back to my Skyward Sword review. The Zelda series has existed for more than 20 years, essentially becoming a genre unto itself. This happens to many longtime franchises, and it's happening before our eyes with Call of Duty. The reviews for Modern Warfare 3 almost universally ding the game for being more of the game, but the game's sales suggest that doesn't mean very much to the fans--they want more of the same. The struggle for the reviewer, then, is the audience he's writing to. Haven't most Call of Duty fans made up their mind about whether they are buying the new Call of Duty? Is there anyone who is really "on the fence" about buying Modern Warfare 3? Knowing that, a review that's targeted directly at Call of Duty fans isn't much use to anybody at all, and launching into a larger criticism of this subgenre could be useful to someone like myself, who isn't really interested in yet another on-rails shooter. Parkin didn't review Modern Warfare 3, so we can't predict what he would have said about that one, but the Uncharted series falls into the same boat, and writing 1,000 words about how "Did you like Uncharted 2? Let me tell you why you would like Uncharted 3!" isn't much use, and a grand critique of the foundational philosophy of the series' game design is only possible with the perspective of three games.

With Skyward Sword, I found myself as someone who was no longer satisfied with many of the tropes that had come to define the Zelda series, even if Skyward Sword is a game that works within them very well. The review I wrote, if successful, will read like a five to someone who doesn't have the same hangups, but I'm not that person and I can't write a review for that person. I can only hope to string together a series of words and sentences that allow them to see why I came to my conclusion, and how they might draw another one. But writing a review of Skyward Sword that ignored everything around it would be purposeful ignorance, and a disservice to the same amount of lavish, immaculate detail Nintendo spent crafting the game.

The easy way out would be to drop scores, but let's not kid ourselves, as that won't happen. What's the middle ground?

Good luck finishing Mass Effect,


Look for the next installment of our three-part conversation on Monday. Want more pieces like this? Let me know.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By hugh_jazz

@Beb said:

@Hugh_Jazz said:

I haven't played Uncharted 3 or any other Uncharted game for that matter, but I was of the opinion that the criticisms levelled against it by Simon Parkin had to do with the linearity directly affecting gameplay in a way that hadn't happened as much in the earlier games. Namely, if you didn't make a jump exactly how and when you were supposed to you wouldn't make it, kind of like a QTE. In Modern Warfare, for example, the linearity of the game doesn't force you to edit your actions in the same way. If you stand still, dudes will keep running at you, and you will keep shooting them. The game doesn't further penalize you.

It seems to me like there's a pretty big difference between these two series that Manveer Heir kinda failed to touch upon, or recognise. Or am I all wrong?

Exactly this.

After beating Uncharted 3 myself, the problem isn't that the game is linear, in the sense that you don't have branching paths.

The problem is that the game is SO linear that you are almost like an actor in a movie, and if you don't hit your queues, they call cut and start the scene over. In a game like Modern Warfare, you have a relative kind of freedom between one script trigger and the next, but in Uncharted, you are barely even making decisions anymore, you simply have to jump now, run, kill that rocket launcher guy, etc.

Like, imagine a new Pac man game where you automatically lose at every intersection if you do not take the 1 winning critical path.

Glad to see I wasn't completely off-base, misremembering the situation. Also, the actor analogy puts it much better than I felt like I could express myself. Uncharted 3 is, from what I've heard, an awesome game but one could argue that it suffers more than it gains from being an interactive experience. It's all smoke and mirrors when you're traversing, only the combat(I suppose?) lends itself to player agency.

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Edited By Bolt3

Excellent Patrick, I would love to see more of these articles!

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@Icon said:

@Deff_Janiels said:

Yeah like someone from Bioware gets to talk about good writing. Dragon Age has some of the worst writing this generation.

But... Manveer is a designer working on Mass Effect 3.

And this is why we hold our heads in our hands and sigh deeply.

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Edited By rawrnosaurous

These are the kind of articles I like to read, It's why Gamasutra is my most read gaming site with the Escapist coming at second. It's unfortunate that Gamasutra is a one of a kind site but I'm glad that there is a site like it nonetheless.

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Edited By Bourbon_Warrior

I guess it just comes down to the bar gets raised each year, a 10 one year would be a 9 the next.

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Edited By Andheez

I literally just finished Uncharted 3 yesterday, and I have to say that I agree with the critic. I kept realizing while I was playing that I was not really enjoying myself. Still I thought there were highlights, drugged Drake sections were some of the most inventive things Ive seen in a game in a while. The game was just too tedious though, the climbing is very one path and un-challenging, also how many times can things break under Drake and have him hang on by a hand, 15 an hour or so? The fist fighting was very mashy and unsatisfying. I had multiple instances of one AI enemy in an odd spot that I couldn't find who I needed to clear in order to advance. The 'Puzzles' in the game are pretty much just a waste of time. Overall I just did not enjoy Uncharted 3 as much as I hoped I would.

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Edited By RabidMango

I started on giantbomb because of the bombcast. I listen to a lot of gaming podcasts during my two-hour commute and sometimes feel guilty for never really perusing their home sites which I'm sure are their livelihoods. Articles like this keep me coming back to giantbomb, however. Great up Patrick.

(Just for the heck of it I decided to look around to compare front page headlines and read enough of IGN's "Bioboobs" front page story to realize that GiantBomb is still the varsity team.)

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Edited By ptc

Thanks Patrick.  More please!
" Until only recently, reviews have had more in common with what you'd read in Consumer Reports than a serious critical analysis, an attempt to explain what a game is, isn't and whether it's worth spending any money on."
It would be helpful to identify upfront, to the reader, what type of review a reviewer is writing.  My pet peeve with the Consumer Reports approach is the price of games fluctuates wildly over time.  Also, what if I borrow the game from a friend, and it essentially costs me nothing to play.  I want to know the reviewers thoughts on gameplay and overall package, not if it's worth the money.  I'm concerned if it's worth my time, regardless of cost.
So, does Giantbomb have a policy about what their reviews are trying to accomplish?  It would be nice to have a vision statement somewhere that outlines the goals of a review.  I've seem games on this site  (and elsewhere) dinged for being "too short" for the asking price.  That seems so temporary.  When I pick up the popular game of today in a year, I want to be able to go back to the review and not worry that it was influenced by the introductory retail price.

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I bought Skyrim, played 25hrs of it, then sold it without finishing it. I realize it's a great game, but it's not for me. I share a lot of the same critics Jeff/Vinny shared when debating the GOTY. It's an experience that is just boring to me.

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Edited By bassman2112

This article is absolutely stellar. This is a perfect example of why I'm so glad that Giant Bomb brought you on staff =)

Thank you for the piece, it is really intriguing to see a touchy subject from two completely different perspectives. I think both of you guys are exceptionally good at communicating what you're thinking, and a lot of the time you're talking about things I hadn't even really thought about.

I look forward to reading the next parts of this interview, and I very much look forward to similar articles moving forward.

Thanks alotfor this, again.

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Edited By Humanity

@Gaspar said:

@Icon said:

@Deff_Janiels said:

Yeah like someone from Bioware gets to talk about good writing. Dragon Age has some of the worst writing this generation.

But... Manveer is a designer working on Mass Effect 3.

And this is why we hold our heads in our hands and sigh deeply.

Not to mention that if anything, Bioware has on a whole has been known for it's good writing in games.

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Edited By Qwinn

These are the kind of articles that get me to subscribe yearly. Thank you to Patrick and GiantBomb for providing interesting and thought provoking reading.

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Edited By marcusofadown

Yes please, Patrick. More of these!

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Edited By marcusofadown

Wait, what? There are giantbombers who doesnt like Patrick? What the dang are ya thinking?! Patrick completes GB, in a non-Tom Cruise kind of way.

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Edited By amlabella

That was a fantastic read Patrick, I'm really looking forward to part 2.

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Edited By sammo21

oh I was hoping this would be audio or video so I could listen to it while I work. OH well, I'll read it when I get home. This has always been a topic I've liked to discuss and some other podcasts over the years have had excellent discussions about it, like the Games for Windows podcast and 1Up Yours...back in the day of course.

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Edited By VisariLoyalist

game criticism just got critiqued! Clack Clack Clack, Blach Blach Blach Blach

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Edited By Dunchad

Very interesting. One of the things I love about Giantbomb is how it gives insight about the industry and the people that work in it -- this article is a great example of that. Can't wait to read the rest of the discussion.

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Edited By apoloimagod

Nice piece. Keep it coming!

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Edited By l3reak

I always try to at least take a look at your newsie pieces, but this one was a particularly good read. I think the dialogue format adds a lot to the readability, as opposed to just listening to a long speech from one person. Nothing against you, of course; it's a pretty well-established concept (just look at the Socratic dialogues, millennia old!). It adds more insight and helps keep the topic flowing, instead of running the risk of stagnating.

If you could do more dialogues like this, that would be great! Hell, you could even do this in an audio form, kinda like... turn-based podcasting, I guess?

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Edited By Sferics

I'm looking forward to the next parts. It's nice to see a good back-and-forth between people who are passionate about games, have knowledge of the trade.

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Edited By yoshimitz707

Interesting read. I'm looking forward to part 2 on Monday.

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Edited By TentPole

Too much navel gazing going on at the Giant Bomb.

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Edited By dragonzord
No Caption Provided

@Humanity said:

@Gaspar said:

@Icon said:

@Deff_Janiels said:

Yeah like someone from Bioware gets to talk about good writing. Dragon Age has some of the worst writing this generation.

But... Manveer is a designer working on Mass Effect 3.

And this is why we hold our heads in our hands and sigh deeply.

Not to mention that if anything, Bioware has on a whole has been known for it's good writing in games.

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Edited By ProfessorEss

Very cool piece. A lot of what Manveer says resonates with my own views of the reviewing process and how it, in it's current state, really doesn't provide much for anyone, consumer, developer or the reviewer.

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The 'pie and cake' thing is something I've touched on a lot recently. People have this habit of imagining what they want a game to be, and then judging it based on how it matches up to an imaginary game that does not actually exist. Judging games on what they aren't is way too common here.

I just want a site that reviews every game based on how similar it is to NHL '94. Gears of War has pads, but the one-timers are not very good. 2/10. Heavy Rain has water in liquid form instead of ice. 1/10. Starcraft doesn't have goalies, but it does happen from a top-down perspective. 4/10.

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Edited By blurienh

Great article.

I find review scores less and less influential on my purchases these day, and I think alot of that is because of Giantbomb, with the differing opionions of games from the whole crew and community response I get a good idea of what I'll enjoy or what will be worth trying from them. Case in point is Zelda:SS, I've subscribed to Edge since the dreamcast days and a ten from them would mean a purchase regardless of genre or obstacles (I bought an xbox for their ten scoring Halo) but I just got a sense from here that I wouldn't get into it so haven't bothered with it.

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Edited By JuanPollo

Hey Patrick, what's a "mild firestorm"? Can you downgrade a firestorm with a qualifier? And would a "mild firestorm" actually "erupt"? Wouldn't it kind of tentatively ensue or something? I know, I'm a dick.

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Edited By Dberg

People who take review scores as absolutes deserve to be upset when the scores don't meet their personal expectations.

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Edited By Fruitcocoa

More, more, more! Really enjoyed reading this.

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Edited By spookygiant

Reviews should be a buyers' guide that's what they're there for, criticism does have a place in reviews however and is great for people looking for more than the simple "Is it good?". That being said a critique of a game is not the same as a review and posting one with a score attached to it does no good for anyone. Critiquing the game itself, explaining things that it does well and things that are done poorly within it, makes sense in a review and is really what the review is about beyond yes or no. Using a review of a single game for a soapbox against a trend in games as a whole or even a specific genre however is a disservice to the pieces writer and those who go to it looking for a review.

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Edited By buzz_killington

I'm with Heir and what Jaffe said a while ago on a Bonus Round: there is a time and a place for linear games. And linearity is not inherently a negative, the point is that does the game make up for the sacrifice of player choice by other means? And from my experience with the game, Uncharted 3 truly does.

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Edited By TheRyanx2

Good read, keep it up!

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Edited By HaVoK308

If only Gamers could understand what's being said here. It would all appear to be common sense. Unfortunately fanboys do not think that way and most gamers (so-called gamers) on the Internet are not seeking to have their opinions challenged. They need their opinions validated and their purchases, likes or dislikes, justified. Then you have so many game reviews and publications who just stoke the flames in pursuit of traffic. And you have publications who accept advertising money from publishers, and back door relationships that should not exist. Reviews are tainted by review parties and exclusive promises. Several times this years public relation companies were caught trying to influence reviews. Those are the ones that got caught and one would be a fool not to believe there are plenty that go unnoticed. Very interesting article. I'm looking forward to reading the rest.

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Edited By FuzzyLogic

While I tend to agree with Manveer that criticism and reviews should probably be separate and have very different purposes, this is an incredible piece of gaming journalism and I can't wait to read the rest. Keep them coming, Patrick!

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Edited By Korne

Thourouly enjoyed the back and forth. To me, reviews are like quicklooks put in print. They tell you the facts, and afterward, they try to give a number (something that I never liked about most reviews, since the numbers seem arbitrary, especially when comparing different sites). A critique on the other hand, holds more weight. This is where the personality of the writer can show through, and based on the writers history, can really recommend or deter someone from checking out a game. And just because a game is thrashed, does not mean it didnt do things right. Catherine is a good example of an interesting 'Failure' that many people enjoyed. Shadows of the Damned, and to a lesser extent, LA Noire also sorta fall into this category. But you know what, I loved these games to death... but at the same time, I know not everyone will. So I listen to podcast and read critiques of like and opposite minded reviewers to see if the game is worth my diminishing time. These critiques are worth so much more than a non-standardized score. PS: Sorry for wall-o-text

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Edited By Sohkrates

Patrick, this was an enthralling read. I eagerly look forward to the next installments and would love to see more content like this on GB.

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Edited By Milkman

@Catlicker said:

So Patrick is 32?



I thought he was a very (very!) mature and smart 24 year old. Maybe he made a deal with the devil, or something.

By the way, I give this article a 9.6/10.

Where do you get 32 from? If he was 14 in 1998, that means he is now 27.

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Edited By darkfury

More like this, Pat.

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Edited By DT9k

Great read!

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Edited By freedo

Great read, Patrick, keep 'em coming!

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Edited By tim_the_corsair

Great article.

You both made your points quite eloquently. Look forward to reading more.

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Edited By DeF

Nice coincidence that Heir is going for the same point I've been thinking about a lot recently: separating purchasing advice from criticism!

Remember that whole Abbie Heppe/Metroid: Other M debacle from 2010? She made the review into a piece about Other M basically being sexist because there seemed to be only one chance to talk about the game and thus we got the criticism part mixed into the "purchasing advice" a.k.a. review which, I believe, resulted in a 2/5 score (as comparison, GB's own Brad Shoemaker gave the game a 4/5, leaving out any criticism of character portrayal beyond "did like/did not like"). If I didn't know better (or only looked at the score), this would imply to my eyes as a consumer that the game itself is poorly made. Had there been two separate articles, one detailing the game as a game and how the play experience feels and the other examining and analyzing it similar to literary criticism, then that would probably have gone down much smoother - and also without much "drama" and page views because controversial reviews of traditionally beloved franchises get much attention while merely controversial articles hardly ever do.

This inconsistency is what fuels the "firestorms" in part, I think. While you cannot and should not separate how a game's narrative or design makes you "feel" (as in the example above, when you perceive the character portrayal as sexist which affects your enjoyment of the game), it should not necessarily make up the core argument of a traditional review. Cases like this, witch strong emotional responses going either way attached to a game would present a wonderful opportunity for a writer to pen a straight up product review, which mentions said emotional responses but leaves it to the reader to determine whether or not that affects them or not, followed by an additional going up at the same time or later that fully explores critical reflection on the game in question. Narrative themes, design philosophy - proper time could be devoted to these issues while also allowing to extensively reference other games that would otherwise have no place in a typical review.

I'm very much looking forward to how this eMail exchange develops! I hope further installments resemble more like a discussion and less like two people talking about the same thing but not with each other.

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Edited By bombedyermom

I want MORE!

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A+, another fantastic read. Thanks Patrick.

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Edited By Twinzero

Thank you, Patrick, for another fascinating piece of content. I look forward to the rest of this discussion.

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Edited By TheStimpinator

I would definitely love more articles like this. Reviews and game critique are both extremely important to me and for the different reasons outlined in this article. Also, good critiques and discussion play a large role in how I spend my gaming dollar... I would have never even considered buying Saints Row the Third without Giant Bomb going fucking crazy over it.