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Previously On: The Wolf Among Us - "In Sheep's Clothing"

Alex's patience is tested by the weakest episode of The Wolf Among Us yet.

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Editor's Note: Once again, this is a spoiler heavy discussion of the events of the latest Wolf Among Us episode. If you haven't played it yet and intend to, maybe don't read this.

With "In Sheep's Clothing," Telltale is starting to pull The Wolf Among Us' many plot threads together into something resembling an endgame. For three episodes, we've followed Bigby as he's tracked Ichabod Crane, The Woodsman, and the various cohorts of the mysterious Crooked Man, all in service of elusive justice. Innocent women are dead, and for Bigby, that's ample enough reason to hunt their murderer to the ends of the Earth. But to the writers of The Wolf Among Us' first season, it's not enough to just have Bigby hunt a simple killer. As the last three episodes have slowly revealed, there is an even greater evil at work, one that has extended its tendrils into every facet of Fable society. "In Sheep's Clothing" finally pulls back the mask on the Crooked Man's operation, showing just how far into disrepair Fable society has fallen. Death, drugs, vice, and desperation permeate every facet of the culture, and while Bigby has been busy chasing down unglamoured Fables and sending them off to the farm, the Crooked Man has been quietly building a criminal organization that would make most real world mobsters green with envy. Suddenly, it's not just about finding a single murderer, but about destroying an omnipresent corruption, one that threatens to undo what meager amount of good is left in Fabletown.

The last episode, "A Crooked Mile," set this plot in motion with its introduction of The Crooked Man, the fight against his main assassin, Bloody Mary, and the revelation that Crane's misdeeds only extended as far as embezzlement and troubling sexual proclivities. "In Sheep's Clothing" is all about finding The Crooked Man, and discovering just how far his reach extends. Unfortunately, how Telltale chooses to have you go about discovering these things is less than exciting. "In Sheep's Clothing" is another episode in which The Wolf Among Us struggles to justify its own structure, as it stretches clumsily for time, and plugs in new characters that fail to make much of an impact. There are maybe 30 good minutes of storytelling in this hour-long episode, which at once feels all-too-brief and somehow manages to drag through multiple scenes. By the end, I certainly felt like I'd learned all the necessary details to fully grasp the scope of The Crooked Man's grand scheme, but understanding and enjoying are not necessarily related.

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Take "In Sheep's Clothing's" opening scene as a prime example of both the best and worst aspects of this series so far. We find Bigby badly injured from his encounter with Bloody Mary last time out. Snow paces about as the kindly doctor tries to remove all the shards of silver bullet that have lodged themselves in Bigby's torso, and Colin reappears just long enough to remind us he still exists. Here we find Bigby at his most vulnerable, and that vulnerability creeps into his interaction with Snow. The will-they/won't-they quality of their relationship hasn't ever really clicked for me in the series so far, and the time they spent together during this scene was the first where I actually felt anything besides indifference toward their relationship.

Unfortunately, even that bit isn't exactly unspoiled. As soon as the doctor leaves, Snow suddenly turns the conversation toward a debate on Fabletown policies. She decides abruptly that the only way to combat all this corruption in Fabletown is to suddenly start doing everything by the book, that strict adherence to the rule of law is the only way things will change. While I don't think she was necessarily wrong about this, the way the point is presented is jarring and sort of nonsensical. As a result of this bit, she suddenly decides that Colin has to go back to the Farm, where all the non-glamoured, non-human Fables are forced to reside. So, to recap, we've just learned that a murderous crime boss has corrupted these people's entire society, your sheriff just had a bunch of silver shards removed from his body, and the thing you're immediately worried about is sending a pig back to a farm? This is the first major player choice you're presented, and it could not have come off as more arbitrary. I probably wouldn't have chosen to send him back regardless, but I think I ultimately made the choice out of a kind of irritated defiance more than anything else.

This is a problem that pervades in The Wolf Among Us. It's following the design model of Telltale's other big choice-driven series, The Walking Dead, but it's rarely managed to keep up the illusion that the choices you make actually matter. "In Sheep's Clothing" may be the worst offender of the series yet, in this regard. Yet another Farm-related decision comes later on, involving Mr. Toad, and this scene feels even more unnecessary than the first. At another point, you're approached by Narissa, the stripper who keeps popping up to try and point Bigby in the right direction, despite the encumbrance of having her lips sealed via magic spell. The conversation between the two is a pretty good one, but it ends with Bigby deciding whether to try and pull the ribbon around her neck off or not. I chose to try, and she recoiled with terror, so I apologized. Then the story just moved on, with the ribbon never again mentioned during the episode. It's entirely possible that in the next episode, this act could have some kind of unintended consequence, but it's hard to imagine one important enough to justify putting this as one of the Big Five choices of the episode.

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The only choice that seems remotely tough comes at the midway point, where you're forced to decide which of the two businesses currently being run by The Crooked Man to visit first. Beauty tells you about a pawn shop owned by The Jersey Devil, while Beast points you toward a butcher shop (of Butcher, Baker, Candlestick maker fame--no idea if the other two are corrupt front businesses too) where he's been forced to pick up and deliver mysterious packages. I chose the butcher shop, for no other reason than because I needed to make a choice. The end result? I met Johann the butcher, arguably the dullest character yet to appear in this series, and found a hidden workshop in the back. Here, The Crooked Man has been using slave labor to make illegal glamours, a fact the butcher very willingly ignored for years, following The Crooked Man taking over his business.

After doing a bit of poking around the back room and talking to Johann for what felt like an eternity, I then made my way to the pawn shop, where I found the Woodsman and the Jersey Devil arguing with one another. The Woodsman is understandably annoyed that The Jersey Devil has his ax and won't return it, which results in a scuffle that Bigby has to try to break up. As much as action isn't this series' strong suit, the fight that ensues between the decidedly horrific-looking Jersey Devil and Bigby/Woodsman is probably the best fight sequence so far this season. It's quick and brutal, lasting just long enough to leave an impression without dragging things out needlessly. The information you end up extracting from the Jersey Devil is arguably less interesting than the fallout with The Woodsman. As you leave the pawn shop, you have the opportunity to show him a little kindness by offering him a smoke, or continuing to be a dick to him. I decided to try being a little bit nice, and the resulting interaction is one of the few moments in this series where I felt like the characters actually showed a bit of growth. The Woodsman has been a real pain in the ass all season long, but with each episode, a bit more of his (admittedly broken) humanity has started to shine through. He's still an abusive piece of shit, no doubt, but he also seems a good bit more aware of what a heel he is, and hey, it's something.

The key takeaway for me from the choice between the butcher shop and the pawn shop was that I really couldn't tell if it actually mattered which one I went to first. It felt like I got all the key information I would have needed to proceed choosing as I did. If there were any consequences for choosing one over another, the game never found a way to make that remotely obvious. Instead, the story simply plods along until the mirror is fixed (after an overlong scene involving Buffkin having to "soothe" the magic mirror back to health, and the aforementioned conversation with Mr. Toad), and Bigby has everything he needs to find The Crooked Man's lair. You learn from the Jersey Devil that the door to the Crooked Man's lair moves from place to place at random intervals, but once the door lands somewhere that Bigby and Snow recognize, all he has to do is go there.

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It does, he does, and finally Bigby arrives inside the Crooked Man's hideout. He is greeted by Tiny Tim, who apparently works as something of an assistant for the Crooked Man. He's meant to take you to his boss, and the conversation you have with him is all about whether or not you want to let him do his job. You can simply leave him behind as he limps after you, or slow down and let him introduce you. Why? I don't know. I chose to be nice and let him do his job, because there didn't seem to be any benefit to being a dick about it. Likewise, when the Crooked Man is finally revealed, I chose to accept his invitation to sit down and speak with him, rather than barge through and demand his surrender. Why? Again, I don't know. It just seemed like the right move to make, given that I've mostly played Bigby with an eye toward consideration, versus enraged action. Considering that upon Bigby's arrival, you find the Crooked Man surrounded by his entire murderous entourage, it didn't seem likely that I'd be able to just arrest him anyway. So I chose to sit down and listen, and the result? I don't know. This is where the episode decides to drop its cliffhanger, leaving the player to wonder what sorts of conversational delights may await in the next episode.

I wish I could say I was super excited to find out The Crooked Man's motives next episode, but I feel like I already know them. "In Sheep's Clothing" is all about establishing this big bad as the kind of charming, but deadly mob boss that's been portrayed in just about every piece of mob fiction ever made. I expect he'll tell Bigby just how deep this rabbit hole goes, explain why Fabletown needs him more than they need the obviously inept home office, and so on and so forth. There will probably be fights. Maybe Bigby will get his man, or maybe he'll discover that there are forces out there too strong even for him--which will only be acceptable if the finale closes with Colin turning to a beaten down Bigby and saying, "Forget it Bigby, it's Fabletown." Probably not, though. Probably Bigby will take down at least some of the Crooked Man's organization. I suppose on some level I am looking forward to the prospect of Bigby exacting some justice on these killers, but even that feels tempered by what a drag so much of "In Sheep's Clothing" turned out to be. There's still reason to hope Telltale can stick the landing, but at this point I'm tempering that hope considerably.

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Random Notes:

  • If you're curious about what the Crooked Man looks like, just hover over this text here to get a look at him.

  • I couldn't find a good way to insert this into the main text, but man, Beauty and Beast could not have taken a lousier turn than they did in this episode. Those two characters haven't gotten a lot of development, but it always felt like there was maybe something more interesting about them bubbling beneath the surface. Turns out, not so much. All along, they've just been a naive, upper-class couple desperately trying to hang onto the lifestyle they're "accustomed to" by doing odd jobs for the Crooked Man. If there was an option to punch Beast built into that conversation, I'd have probably used it sometime after the second or third time they threw out that lifestyle excuse.

  • Props to whoever on the Telltale art team drew up the Jersey Devil's true form. Easily the creepiest character design in the series yet. I very much enjoyed ramming one of his own horns through his midsection during that fight.

  • Regarding the ribbon around all the girls' necks, I think I know where that's all headed, so to speak. From the first episode, I recognized the ribbon as something associated with an old story, but couldn't remember what it was. Then this week I suddenly remembered: "The Green Ribbon" from the old children's horror collection In a Dark, Dark Room, which was one of my favorite books as a kid. I'll leave it to you to investigate further, if you're interested, but I think it all ties together (*cough*) with what's going on here.

  • I'm glad Colin came back. I wish Colin had more to do in this story.
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Edited By MrGtD

Wow, was not expecting that tepid reaction. The consensus I've seen is that it's easily the best episode of the season so far.

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I enjoyed it a lot. Such a bad cliffhanger though, which I guess makes it a good one.
Also, the only right choice at the end is to light a cigarette.

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This started out so promising, but my enthusiasm has fizzled out almost completely, especially after this last episode. Hopefully they can pull off something cool for the finale, but I have no hope of that happening.

Also, it's crazy how inconsequential choice is in this game. It's a real bummer that all you're really doing is, sometimes, deciding what you say and then it not changing anything.

Honestly, I think this is the current front-runner for biggest disappointment of the year.

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Edited By koolaid

I feel like Alex's reviews have been opposite the mainstream for these Telltale games. I've heard that this episode was the best. And I heard a lot of people say the last episode of the walking dead was the worst. Interesting how subjective this stuff is.

Personally, I think it's all great! I just wish it was a little longer...

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Should have lit the cigarette at the end! He pulls the pack out, puts one in his mouth, opens his lighter, and the game cuts to black when he sparks the flint. Badass.

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Edited By MormonWarrior

My take is I still enjoy the characters and art design enough that I got a lot out if the episode. The core story isn't as interesting as the world around it, and the choices seem pretty arbitrary and meaningless compared to Walking Dead. But I'm still enjoying my time as Bigby and the atmosphere and all that.

But yeah, Beauty and the Beast really suck. Not much depth to them. And Snow's insistence on jumping to random executive actions doesn't make sense.

EDIT: I can't believe only 20% of players lit the cigarette at the end. That was such a stylistic way to end the episode.

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@mrgtd: What? Where? Really? lol I found the episode too short and more of a filler one between the last one and the finale. I was personally disappointed. I think I completed it in just about an hour.

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@alex I actually felt like this was one of the best of season. It wasn't a lot of big choices, but a lot of smaller character ones. Whether you side with Snow or Colin, whether or not to send Fables to the farm, and how you treat Johann, all progress the type of Bigby you choose to play. It felt more personal, especially when it came to Colin, knowing his role in the comics made sure I chose not to send him to the farm.

As for whether things play out differently depending on your choice, you do find out about the moving door and receive the last mirror piece no matter what, but Bigby comes to two different conclusions as to the Crooked Man's motives depending on where you go first. If you arrive at the butcher shop first then he will assume its about money. If you arrive there second, not only does he mention the ribbons of the working girls, but he also believes the Crooked Man's motive to be control over others. It seems like a deliberate difference, especially since Snow directly asks you his motive later at the business office.

Side note on the Ribbons I could have sworn in the episode that they confirmed your "Green Ribbon" theory. Maybe that only happens if you try to remove Nerissa's ribbon.

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@ltkettch237: I agree on the notion that this episode is much more about Bigby's interactions with other characters. I just didn't find the majority of those interactions to be interesting or worthwhile. The bit at the very beginning and the conversation with The Woodsman were the only two that really did anything for me.

When I tried to remove the ribbon from Narissa's neck she just recoiled and told me I could NEVER EVER do that again. I don't think there's a more explicit reveal, unless that comes from a different choice,

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Edited By Matoyak

@ltkettch237 said:

As for whether things play out differently depending on your choice, you do find out about the moving door and receive the last mirror piece no matter what, but Bigby comes to two different conclusions as to the Crooked Man's motives depending on where you go first. If you arrive at the butcher shop first then he will assume its about money. If you arrive there second, not only does he mention the ribbons of the working girls, but he also believes the Crooked Man's motive to be control over others. It seems like a deliberate difference, especially since Snow directly asks you his motive later at the business office.

I went to the butcher shop first, and still got the option to claim it is about control. And I did, because it is. Doesn't seem to matter which direction you go first as far as that goes, though.

EDIT: Also, I rather liked this episode. I'm kinda the opposite of Alex and Patrick I think...I've not been impressed at all with Season 2 of Walking Dead*, but I'm really enjoying Wolf Among Us.

*Though I'm not fully caught up on it just yet. Haven't really felt like playing the latest episode. Nothing really drawing me back to it.

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Edited By Lt_Kettch237

@alex If I remember correctly, if you go to the Lucky Pawn first, Jersey Devil has a lot more dialogue and makes a throat cutting gesture to taunt you.

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@mormonwarrior said:

EDIT: I can't believe only 20% of players lit the cigarette at the end. That was such a stylistic way to end the episode.

You still light a cigarette if you pick the "Alright, let's talk." option. I think TellTale agreed with you to the extent that they were gunna have you light one up regardless :p

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@alex@ltkettch237 During the conversation with Snow after Narissa leaves there's an option to talk about the ribbon. Snow asks why they can't just take it off and Bigby makes a throat slashing gesture. After which Snow puts it all together.

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Don't usually disagree so vehemently with a GB review but I really liked this episode. The only thing I'm with you on is the weird turn in the first conversation with Snow. Ruined an otherwise great scene.

And this can't possibly be the worst episode because episode 2 still exists.

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@manhattan_project: Episode 2 was way better. It was longer, you had more freedom to move around, bar thrashing, torture and boobs. I don't know what you are smoking.

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Edited By emfromthesea

I didn't really think Snow's desire and timing for a more "by the books" approach to Fabletown was inappropriate for the opening. Given all that's went wrong (including my Bigby refusing to burn the witch's tree) and how close Bigby came to death, I think she just wanted some order amongst the chaos. Colin was already upsetting her as soon as he entered, and she just snapped. Even one of the dialogue options suggested that she's simply ticked off with everything that's happened.

I quite liked this episode. I think the quality of this series has been pretty great through and through, but perhaps reading a good portion of the comics between episode 1 and 2 has skewed my perspective.

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@alex@ltkettch237 During the conversation with Snow after Narissa leaves there's an option to talk about the ribbon. Snow asks why they can't just take it off and Bigby makes a throat slashing gesture. After which Snow puts it all together.

Yeah. The ribbon was mentioned a few times for me after I tried removing it. They just straight up talked about the ribbons being the thing that makes them unable to speak and that removing it will kill them.

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I loved In A Dark, Dark Room (though The Boo Book was better in my opinion) and I definitely think that's what they're going for with the ribbons.

I'm not all the way through this episode, but I feel like the stakes have gotten bigger rather than higher. I liked the tone more when it was cut-and-dry noir: you're looking for a murderer, no real romance, no judgments on the ethics of your conduct, just a job that needs to get done.

The Crooked Man and the fate of Fabletown etc. are too "big" and conspiratorial. I feel like the game's lost sight of good-old-fashioned murder and I have no investment in the whole "we need to fix Fabletown" angle. Still enjoying it, but less and less interested in the direction it's going in.

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Edited By xpgamer7

They actually explain the ribbon if you choose to ask her about if you can remove it. And yes it's what you're expecting Alex. Otherwise I rather enjoyed the episode. I think the third is by far the best in the season, but I've never found the choices as interesting as the play by play action, either in fights or dialogue. And while this episode got disjointed at points, they felt no more disjointed than the rest of the season. Especially since everyone seems to be falling apart at the seams as issues come to a head. The only character who isn't is the woodsman, mostly because he's been so beaten down by now that there's nowhere for him to fall. Usually the middle act is the investigative one, with a twist right after. Here it's been shifted so the investigation is all set at the end which made it somewhat cut and dry. But I still felt like it kept it's cool and went to interesting places. If they make more seasons in this style(not necessarily this universe) then I'd like them to take a deeper crack at the writing room to make sure that all this gels better. After all, with three seasons the pitfalls and successes of this style of storytelling are becoming more clear and less experimental.

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Edited By TadThuggish

This series is really good. It's also not an incredible innovation like The Walking Dead Season 1. Sounds like there's less a problem with the game and its story and more of a problem of player expectations.

Edit: Also, reviewing, or at least recapping, episode-by-episode seems like a really ineffective way to judge a story. Kind of like IGN TV giving single episodes of Family Guy 7.8s and whatever.

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I really am glad I'm not you, Alex. You seem like you can't enjoy much, and that must suck. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, and can't really find a reason not to.

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Edited By PXAbstraction

I played this episode this morning and felt satisfied when I finished it. But the more I've thought on it, the more I've taken issue with it and that was before reading this. It's odd because I don't normally like games that are just a series of linear narrative events that all ultimately coincide and where choice ultimately has little impact (I really don't care for Gone Home for example), yet I really enjoy Telltale's games. I like The Walking Dead's storytelling and writing more but I much prefer the world in The Wolf Among Us.

It's clearly a noire story and a lot of what happened in this episode is that. Tough choices, moral ambiguity, largely unlike-able characters (intentionally so), that's all par for the course and that's cool. But I agree that some of the shifts, such as the one at the beginning are just very jarring and feel like a part of the scene was cut out to save time or something. And yeah, Colin seemed like such a great character but we haven't seen him since the first episode and he's just here to provoke a fight, then that's it. Why?

I also really don't care for the way they're writing Snow as a bureaucrat. She likes rules and order, that makes sense with her character and she feels an obligation to try to right a broken system as best she can now that Crane's gone. But she isn't at all interested in dealing with the fact that clearly Glamours are too expensive for most people to afford, she just goes "If they can't use Glamours, off to The Farm with them!" And every time someone has to be shipped off, she dumps the responsibility of breaking it to them to Bigby. Why? She's the one in charge, why is it my job to have the awkward conversations for her and become hated by everyone who I tried to get to like me up to now? I get that it was written that way to create dramatic tension but it's not a good way to do it and I wish I could just go "No, you want to be in charge, you have the tough chats."

As for Beauty and the Beast, I once again get that they're incredibly vain people who have warped priorities and that's their character but again, I wanted an option to just go "You know what? Fuck you guys. You got yourselves into this mess, you get yourselves out." You can chide them for their dumb choices but it ultimately doesn't matter and it feels like in the end, I'm going to be forced into doing them a favour they really don't deserve. This is a fairly common trope of noire narrative though so maybe this is how it was supposed to make me feel.

I thought the Johann bit was just boring and it felt like filler. There was no real tension, just some build-up that ultimately went nowhere. You walk through a crowded meat freezer, just to go into a room, look around a bunch and leave while Johann snivels and makes excuses, even going so far as to blame you for not being there for him when he was willingly handing over his store to criminals and not telling you about it. Didn't see the point of it.

I actually quite liked the cliffhanger and thought it was a perfect lead-in to episode 5. A think a lot is going to get crammed into that episode and I'm very anxious to see how it all ends. I hope they can tie all these threads together in a way that's satisfying. This was probably my least favourite episode so far but I still liked it and the entire season so far. I definitely don't think the Wolf Among Us writers are as strong though and they really need to do something with Snow to developer her into a stronger, all round character, rather than one who ultimately just gives Bigby orders. They really aren't doing enough with her.

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Edited By LackingSaint

@internetpizza said:

Should have lit the cigarette at the end! He pulls the pack out, puts one in his mouth, opens his lighter, and the game cuts to black when he sparks the flint. Badass.

Also a great callback to the exact transition they used to start Episode 1's opening credits.

I'll echo the statements of a lot of commenters and say i'm surprised to see Alex so harsh on the episode, which I (and it seems most people) thought was one of the strongest of the season. I feel like it did a much better job of allowing me to put together the pieces of the Crooked Man's scheme than previous episodes did. I thought the Jersey Devil/Woodsman interaction was awesome, though i'll admit that might just be down to how happy I am to see them actually reveal the former un-glamoured. I don't know about Johann being "the most boring character in the series to date"; he actually seemed like a good representation of the Fables clearly being exploited by Crooky's plot, Fables who feel betrayed by the system and allow themselves to be manipulated as a result. Certainly comes off as less forgettable than characters like Tweedle Dum and that one buff blonde dude sweeping up at the Puddin N Pie. The choices this time around were definitely weaker than usual, but I thought the quality of the storytelling made up for it.

Sad to hear that the episode didn't hit the spot for you Alex, but it definitely did for me. Still scratching my head why they'd give Tiny Tim (an explicitly English character) an American accent, though.

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Didn't think much of this episode, the short length and lack of meaningful choices were disappointing. Still, Telltale series of late seem to be like pizza, even when it's bad, it's good.

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@kindgineer: Uh, I enjoy lots of things, actually. What a weird thing to say to someone.

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Should have lit the cigarette at the end! He pulls the pack out, puts one in his mouth, opens his lighter, and the game cuts to black when he sparks the flint. Badass.

He does that too if you pick the option to talk. Bigby says something like, "OK. Let's talk." Then does the whole cigarette lighting bit.

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I enjoyed it a lot. Such a bad cliffhanger though, which I guess makes it a good one.

Also, the only right choice at the end is to light a cigarette.

If you choose to sit he lights the cigarette and says "Let's Talk."

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when games suck you dont keep playing them

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Edited By RonGalaxy

@kindgineer said:

I really am glad I'm not you, Alex. You seem like you can't enjoy much, and that must suck. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, and can't really find a reason not to.

Twitter brought me here. I had a good laugh. Thanks!


when games suck you dont keep playing them

You do when you're... A FUCKING GAME CRITIC

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Can't look at this yet, I've played probably a forth or fifth of it so far. Finishing it up in one play sucks for me, and it is what I literally did last time.

I'm thinking the pacing of this is not action, more action, then tons of action after that. This is an adventure, and I kind of enjoy that. After seeing the card for I believe the last episode, I think that will be action heavy, which is both traditional and sort of made me sad. End game around the corner.

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I feel like I am loosing interest in The Wolf Among Us which is a shame because the setting and the atmosphere are put together so well, the rest not so much. The way Telltale handles the Episodes is just disappointing to me.

As I said I like the setting an it translates well from the comics but I feel like Telltale doesn't really know what story they want to tell. That might be a problem stemming from it being a prequelishy adaptationy thing. The story so far is pretty cliche and I imagine hard to follow for people that don't know the comics. Like Alex the The Crooked Man's motive at this point is pretty unexciting to me.

Whenever the game decides to be a game it comes to a grinding halt because the engine and gameplay sections feel so clunky and uninspired. I like it when the game lets you walk around the environment and look at things because it gives you some agency and the feeling that you explore something. But in TWAU best case scenario you stumble between two NPCs to initiate more dialog, I would prefer if I could just skip those parts. Even worse are the "action" QTEs. I miss half of them because it feels like the game is not reacting to them.

My biggest complaint though are with the episodic format. The episodes are just too far apart. While I might remember some of my decisions thanks to the 'last time on ...' but that only helps for the last episode. I have a hard time to remember any choices before that. For some reason they also feel less important and impact full than in TWD (though not by much since I am having the same problem with season 2 of TWD). I think for next season I will wait till all episodes are out so I can play them closer to each other. In fact I would prefer if Telltale would do just that. I wouldn't mind if they spend more time between seasons and then release the episodes week after week.

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I really enjoyed this episode because it felt like the most focused the story has been since it started. Even when you figured out Crane's sick fetish, the reaction to him being the killer was more that you finally had a strong lead to figure out what is going on, but it was merely a bump in the road compared to the reveal of the Crooked Man at the end of episode three. Bigby got his ass kicked, but now he could stop farting around with the minor things and go after the big prize.

The episode sort of reminded me of the last half of The Rock's Walking Tall (I know it was a remake) where he nearly got killed by the big bad mob that actually runs the town, which gave him the motivation and clarity to know who to go after and where to hit to get all of the info he needed to be able to finally restore proper order to the town with this final confrontation.

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I absolutely disagree with your opinion Alex, I thought this episode was EXACTLY like the other episodes. That is to say - I enjoyed every minute of it for its story and was sad to see it come to an end when the chapter wrapped up.

I feel exactly the same with The Walking Dead (more so), but yeah, loved the episode, love the world of TWAU and just hope Telltale keep popping out this, Game of Thrones and Walking Dead for a few more years cause I will certainly support them for it!!!

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I really want to like TWAU but it feels like it's being held back by the gameplay from TWD and I'm not really into this "twist". It just feels as bad as the twist in L.A Noire where you start out trying to solve murder cases then suddenly it's all so much bigger. I just feel like this should've been more in the vain of traditional point-and-click adventure titles as you try to solve this mystery but here you just click everything on screen until there's no more options and move on to the next scene. I don't have to think about anything as the game just spells everything out for you and the choices are so poor they may as well be removed. So what if I chose to send Colin to the farm? He appeared in the first episode for a brief period of time and only shows up again (briefly) in this episode and it's unlikely I'll see the consequence of that action regardless of what I picked.

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Should have lit the cigarette at the end! He pulls the pack out, puts one in his mouth, opens his lighter, and the game cuts to black when he sparks the flint. Badass.

He does the same if you offer to hear the Crooked Man out, he just says (paraphrasing) "All right then, let's talk" right before the cut.

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I thought this was the worst episode of the season so far. Not really a lot going on if you ask me. It was mostly build up to the big finale, which I'm still looking forward to, but not a particularly interesting build up. It just felt like a very lackluster episode to me.

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Edited By bybeach

I did not like the sound of Alex saying this was the weakest episode yet. But after just finishing it a few minutes ago and then reading his words, I agree on the sentiment.

Now I still like The Wolf Among Us immensely. I've had fun playing it, and the plot was furthered. We've got the Crooked Man now. But well, it does kind of leave you weakly, after making what I considered a definitive choice. My last was as same as Alex's, for the same practical reasons. I wonder if that will matter?

My other choices, did they matter, especially up against Snow Whites rigid frame of thinking? Now is the time to gain allies and help those who been hurt, oppressed, felt left out. But she (S.W.) is nowhere near that kind of thinking, despite the abuse she herself got from Crane. It seems a little unnatural.

I was thinking Alex was being negative, but now I see. To make it clear just the same, I am enjoying this series. It is not the Walking Dead, and that is fine, wasn't supposed to be. But I hope they put energy and cohesiveness in the ending of this. It is a story about human-feeling like creatures, after all, going through the wringer. Make it fly!

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Here's "The Green Ribbon":

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Edited By Mr_A_

@tothenines: How did you complete this in 60 mins and take longer for episode 2? This one took me 90 minutes and I completed 2 in about 60 to 70.

Episode 2 is by far the biggest let down IMO. This episode was good by many people's standards, while on the other hand episode 2 was almost universally considered a massive let down (just read the steam page for the game).

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@mr_a_: I almost want to play through episode 2 again just to spite you and figure out how long it is. lol because I sure as hell unlike you can't remember how long episode 2 took me, I do however remember enjoying it a lot more than this one, which Alex also said took him an hour. Episode 2 felt more stand alone, at least to me. This one felt like filler, the only cool part about it was the ending to it. However it still left me feeling, "that's it for episode 4?" and it's baffling to me that I'm in the minority about that.

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Edited By Mr_A_
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@tothenines: Hey, I mean we all have different tastes, that's just the nature of gaming.

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Here's "The Green Ribbon":

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Well thank you for the nightmares i'll be having to night.

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@mr_a_: You got a point there sir!

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maybe alex will lighten up once Vinny gets out there.