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Giant Bomb News


Return Of Allard

According to some leaked info, the eyes of J Allard have been laser-focused on a new Microsoft tablet machine.

Hey friends. If you're like me, you've been waking up with night sweats and shooting straight up in bed to scream "WHERE IS J ALLARD!?!!?!?!!?!?" at the top of your lungs on a near-nightly basis for the past few years. My neighbors pretty much hate me at this point, but there's good news on the "keep me quiet at night" front! Gizmodo has some pretty cool-looking shots and details on the project that's supposedly been keeping the Microsoft's "CXO" busy. 

 They should throw on a D-pad and some buttons and make it the world's most expensive DS emulator.
 They should throw on a D-pad and some buttons and make it the world's most expensive DS emulator.
It's the Courier, some kind of top-secret tablet... computer... thing. It seems like it could be kind of awesome, I don't know. Check out the Gizmodo story for more details on the device.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+