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Giant Bomb News


Rock Band 3's Stringed Fender Guitar Costs $280, Releases In March

This is the equivalent of the pay you'd get from a gig at a garbage bar, right?

The Mad Catz Rock Band 3 Pro Guitar is great because it has a quadrillion buttons, but real men who want the "Pro" experience will opt for the stringed, Rock Band 3 Fender guitar, which was revealed earlier during this E3 and not really talked about again… until yesterday afternoon, that is. Fender has announced that the guitar will be available on March 1, 2011, and according to the guitar's custom page, it will hit retail at an astounding $279.99 bones. What's the Pro experience worth to you again?

According to the website, the Squier by Fender Stratocaster Guitar and Controller has been "created for musicians and gamers alike" and will "rock" both worlds respectively, whether you decide to plug it into an amp or, say, your Xbox 360. So, in other words, it's authentic--minus that whole position-sensing fingerboard on the neck and the buttons on the body that makes the videogame play possible. 

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If for whatever reason this $280 videogame guitar is still something you're interested in, know that you can begin pre-ordering the pretend-ish shredder starting January 1, 2011. It's not stated, but I presume this pre-ordering will be done through the aforementioned Fender website.