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Giant Bomb News


Tamoor Hussain's Top Games of 2022

These are Tamoor Hussain's Top Games of 2022!

It's the time of the year when everyone reveals the games they love the most from the past 12 months. Naturally, this comes in the form of articles where they eloquently write about what each game stirred in them and why they believe it will be remembered for years to come.

I will not be doing that.

I have written extensively about each of the games in my list on the internet, so if you want to read what I have to say about them, you're just a Google search away. This is Giant Bomb and, somehow, I’m now a member of the team. Before we carry on I just want to highlight how unbelievable that statement is—it would give young me an actual breakdown. I always dreamed of working at GameSpot, but Giant Bomb felt so out of reach that I didn’t even let myself fantasize about it. I can’t express how wild it is that I’m now here, doing a list as a member of the Giant Bomb team. And that means I can express how I feel about the games on this list how I want, because this is Giant Bomb, baby! AND I AM ON THE TEAM.

Anyways, I have chosen to do my list through the beloved medium of gifs (not pronounced jiff, eat my ass gif maker person that keeps saying otherwise, you’ll never convince us). Not just any gifs, though: anime GIFs.

Anime is a wonderful medium that has made me feel all kinds of things. For every game, there is an emotion; for every emotion, there is an anime; and for every anime, there is a gif. Enjoy.

Vampire Survivors / Hokuto no Ken

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Survive and become Kenshiro. Let the screen fill with enemies, smile and whisper, “omae wa mou shindeiru”

Elden Ring / Berserk

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I'm a big man with a big sword and will cut you to pieces, but also sometimes things are hard and I really care about people and also get sad.

God of War Ragnarok / Dragon Ball Z

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To become a good dad, sometimes you must walk the path of a bad dad.

Pentiment / Fullmetal Alchemist

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I'll enjoy learning about history but only if it's through a mystery. I love it when two things are unexpected combined to form something new—peanut butter and jam, history and video games, dog and girl.

TinyKin / Attack on Titan

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It's fun to be small and move fast around stuff.