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Giant Bomb News


The Dueling Ferraris Of Forza 3 And Gran Turismo 5

Two Ferraris enter, one Ferrari leaves! Wait, that isn't right. Just watch these videos.

The creators of both Forza Motorsport 3 and Gran Turismo 5 both announced on the same day that their respective games will include Ferrari's latest luscious road beast, the 458 Italia. I have to imagine Ferrari was calling most all of the shots on this one, since the company had Turn 10 and Polyphony Digital release competing videos of the same car on the same day. Here are both of those. 



The Forza video certainly looks nice, but man, that GT5 footage is on some kind of other level of visual quality. Then again, I've seen no indication anywhere that the footage is running in the game engine in real time, whereas Forza 3 is definitely an actual game, and moreover one that you will be playing a month from now. In any event, this is a pretty neat cross-promotional idea.

Which side of the automotive arms race do you fall on? Commence arguing! 
Brad Shoemaker on Google+