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Giant Bomb News


Wii Shortage? What Wii Shortage?

How's your neck of the woods doing these days on Wii supply? We just keep finding stacks of them out here...

Is the whole "OH MAN IF YOU SEE A WII OUT THERE YOU'D BETTER BUY IT IMMEDIATELY" thing that Nintendo keeps pulling becoming a smokescreen? Is it little more than a devious trick to make the Wii seem that much more exclusive and hard to find?

I can't really speak to that because I haven't been around the country to check on supplies. But the Best Buy near our office has had a stack like this for the past couple of weeks now:

Look out, Reggie's hiding in the center with a switchblade!
Look out, Reggie's hiding in the center with a switchblade!

On top of that, they had a few Wii Fits in stock, too. How are things in your area? Is the Wii finally everywhere? Can we please finally stop talking about the Wii like it's some velvet rope "exclusive" that only "lucky" people have? Can we please start talking about it as "the device Jeff will use to obsessively play Animal Crossing: City Folk for a month or two before letting it return to its natural, dormant state?"
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+