You gonna get heartburn running like that. (spoilers)

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Edited By Jazz

Another week, another look back at what I've been playing, which will probably offend someone. 
This past week, I've mostly been playing: 

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BlazBlue Portable
BlazBlue Portable
BB PS3 first: 
My fightpad gave up on me, so I ordered a hori fightstick 3. By the time it arrived I had already finished the main story arc (which is something this game does FAR better than any other of its type) so I wasn't really running into playing the game at full tilt again on the ps3. What I have played of it with the Hori stick confirms what everyone says about switching over from a pad. It takes a damn long time to get used to it. It's a lot harder to pull off dp and fb moves on a stick if you aren't used to it. Turning on the input display in training helps a lot. I'm not suddenly crap at the game, I can still get through Arcade on hard without too much trouble using my 3 characters (Noel, Taokaka and Arakune) but don't expect to be god like.  
I find the stick itself to be rather small for my hands..or perhaps its the placement of the stick closer to the buttons than i'd like. I didn't have the money to afford one of those ever so desirable TE edition I guess you get what you pay for. 
Probably what i'll mostly be playing till I order Continuum Shift from Canada next month (I can''t wait till October..I'll have to work out a way to get the DLC) 
It's pretty much a perfect port. Only thing scaled back are the graphics, which still look pretty good. I have a psp1003 and have no problem playing fighting games on it without modding the dpad.. I don't quite get while people keep bitching about it, it controls fine. No problems doing fb, dp or distortion moves. I think that may be because the game compensates for the dpad input by reading certain moves despite the dpad not fully doing them. I'm probably going to go through the story mode again on this once I finish....dun dun durrr 

US Box art
US Box art
P3P: I'm not a very patient man when it comes to Atlus not giving a fuck about the EU as per I just imported it, again, from canada. Turned up a week later. 
So's totally Persona 3. I played most of FES so I chose the female protagonist. I wont lie and say I don't miss the animated cutscenes and the in engine hilarity...but I had no illusions that they could have fitted it onto a UMD...and for me it's much easier to play my psp than my ps2 (takes forever to set up my tv and console in my room and then take down room) So...just enjoy what you've got. Anyway I've just got passed first midterms and Akihiko is back on the team. 3 things really stand out: 
Music: I loved the original soundtrack, so I'm not too keen on the new songs tbh. They're not bad..I just prefer the old ones. 
Death: Swear he's much more prevalent than in FES. I've been chased by him twice now. Never saw him in FES. 
Female Route: It's nice to see new interactions with Yukari and the hot new Librarian chick. She's totally hot. Chihiro was cute, but Librarian is hot. 

No Caption Provided
And I'm still plodding along with Dragon Age. After trying out most class/origin combinations I've gone back to my original Warrior Mage Elf..who unfortuantely is on one of my spare I can't use save games or trophies on my main account, which would have been nice if I ever got around to awakening. Anyway I've killed my way through the conscription quests up to Orzimmar...then I went to look for Jania or whatever her name is, spent 45mins in the tunnels and came across a locked door. Well, I don't have any rouges with me and I'm not going to spend hours looking for the key, so wtf am i supposed to do? It got to a point where I just gave up in frustration because I don't have the time to wander around aimlessly. Don't lock bosses away from people because they didn't find some random key or don't have a rouge when you can't just switch party members out on the fly. God that annoyed me. Probably my own ineptitude, but I got that far by myself...gahh. Great game though. 
and lastly (and I never thought i'd say this) 

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TF2: After listening to the guys talk about TF2 on the bombcast (pretty much after I had told them to STFU about Mortal Kombat for half an hour..god I hate that series. I loved 2 on the megadrive but ffs we've moved beyond that now haven't we? Next it'll be the wonders of Super Smash Bros..gahh) I thought I'd have a look at TF2 again. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when i got the Orange Box on the ps3 (yeah yeah I know) I had a go on it and it was about as much fun as watching paint dry (for those that like watching paint dry, in my book that means it's not much fun). So I was rather sceptical as to whether i would enjoy it. It's not secret that i dislike COD type games that purely focus on seriously killing each other. So I went on to steam on my mac and decided to by TF2. 
3 days later, after downloading 8gbs (wtf..seriously? thats the size of the orange box ALONE) I booted it up. Valve being completely unable to optimise anything for mac it took a while to get going, but once it did..I saw that this ain't the same game anymore. 
First off, the art style is great. Every character has it's own personality and place in the team. From burning maniacs to stealthy spies...every play style is catered for. 
It took me a while to find my spot, but I lean towards Pyro so...thats what I do. I set people on fire and hope that the rest of my time can kill them after I'm dead...because I die. A lot. Last game I played I had the highest kill rate (178 or was a very long game of zone capturing) but my k/d ratio was probably 1/5. Anyway you die, you learn and people were dead jealous of my earbuds.  Oh and engineers are cheap as hell. Am I the only one who thinks turrets are totally broken?
I'm probably going to sound like an achievement whore, but in these types of games (and fighting games too) I think achievements are a pretty fundamental part of the experience. It gives you something to aim for or try. Without them, while fun...TF2 would lose a large part of it's appeal for me. Everyone likes being told that they managed to do something kill 5 people when dead. 
Anyway I will continue to play and learn how to kill engineers before their cheap ass turrets kill me.
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#1  Edited By Jazz

Another week, another look back at what I've been playing, which will probably offend someone. 
This past week, I've mostly been playing: 

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BlazBlue Portable
BlazBlue Portable
BB PS3 first: 
My fightpad gave up on me, so I ordered a hori fightstick 3. By the time it arrived I had already finished the main story arc (which is something this game does FAR better than any other of its type) so I wasn't really running into playing the game at full tilt again on the ps3. What I have played of it with the Hori stick confirms what everyone says about switching over from a pad. It takes a damn long time to get used to it. It's a lot harder to pull off dp and fb moves on a stick if you aren't used to it. Turning on the input display in training helps a lot. I'm not suddenly crap at the game, I can still get through Arcade on hard without too much trouble using my 3 characters (Noel, Taokaka and Arakune) but don't expect to be god like.  
I find the stick itself to be rather small for my hands..or perhaps its the placement of the stick closer to the buttons than i'd like. I didn't have the money to afford one of those ever so desirable TE edition I guess you get what you pay for. 
Probably what i'll mostly be playing till I order Continuum Shift from Canada next month (I can''t wait till October..I'll have to work out a way to get the DLC) 
It's pretty much a perfect port. Only thing scaled back are the graphics, which still look pretty good. I have a psp1003 and have no problem playing fighting games on it without modding the dpad.. I don't quite get while people keep bitching about it, it controls fine. No problems doing fb, dp or distortion moves. I think that may be because the game compensates for the dpad input by reading certain moves despite the dpad not fully doing them. I'm probably going to go through the story mode again on this once I finish....dun dun durrr 

US Box art
US Box art
P3P: I'm not a very patient man when it comes to Atlus not giving a fuck about the EU as per I just imported it, again, from canada. Turned up a week later. 
So's totally Persona 3. I played most of FES so I chose the female protagonist. I wont lie and say I don't miss the animated cutscenes and the in engine hilarity...but I had no illusions that they could have fitted it onto a UMD...and for me it's much easier to play my psp than my ps2 (takes forever to set up my tv and console in my room and then take down room) So...just enjoy what you've got. Anyway I've just got passed first midterms and Akihiko is back on the team. 3 things really stand out: 
Music: I loved the original soundtrack, so I'm not too keen on the new songs tbh. They're not bad..I just prefer the old ones. 
Death: Swear he's much more prevalent than in FES. I've been chased by him twice now. Never saw him in FES. 
Female Route: It's nice to see new interactions with Yukari and the hot new Librarian chick. She's totally hot. Chihiro was cute, but Librarian is hot. 

No Caption Provided
And I'm still plodding along with Dragon Age. After trying out most class/origin combinations I've gone back to my original Warrior Mage Elf..who unfortuantely is on one of my spare I can't use save games or trophies on my main account, which would have been nice if I ever got around to awakening. Anyway I've killed my way through the conscription quests up to Orzimmar...then I went to look for Jania or whatever her name is, spent 45mins in the tunnels and came across a locked door. Well, I don't have any rouges with me and I'm not going to spend hours looking for the key, so wtf am i supposed to do? It got to a point where I just gave up in frustration because I don't have the time to wander around aimlessly. Don't lock bosses away from people because they didn't find some random key or don't have a rouge when you can't just switch party members out on the fly. God that annoyed me. Probably my own ineptitude, but I got that far by myself...gahh. Great game though. 
and lastly (and I never thought i'd say this) 

No Caption Provided
TF2: After listening to the guys talk about TF2 on the bombcast (pretty much after I had told them to STFU about Mortal Kombat for half an hour..god I hate that series. I loved 2 on the megadrive but ffs we've moved beyond that now haven't we? Next it'll be the wonders of Super Smash Bros..gahh) I thought I'd have a look at TF2 again. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when i got the Orange Box on the ps3 (yeah yeah I know) I had a go on it and it was about as much fun as watching paint dry (for those that like watching paint dry, in my book that means it's not much fun). So I was rather sceptical as to whether i would enjoy it. It's not secret that i dislike COD type games that purely focus on seriously killing each other. So I went on to steam on my mac and decided to by TF2. 
3 days later, after downloading 8gbs (wtf..seriously? thats the size of the orange box ALONE) I booted it up. Valve being completely unable to optimise anything for mac it took a while to get going, but once it did..I saw that this ain't the same game anymore. 
First off, the art style is great. Every character has it's own personality and place in the team. From burning maniacs to stealthy spies...every play style is catered for. 
It took me a while to find my spot, but I lean towards Pyro so...thats what I do. I set people on fire and hope that the rest of my time can kill them after I'm dead...because I die. A lot. Last game I played I had the highest kill rate (178 or was a very long game of zone capturing) but my k/d ratio was probably 1/5. Anyway you die, you learn and people were dead jealous of my earbuds.  Oh and engineers are cheap as hell. Am I the only one who thinks turrets are totally broken?
I'm probably going to sound like an achievement whore, but in these types of games (and fighting games too) I think achievements are a pretty fundamental part of the experience. It gives you something to aim for or try. Without them, while fun...TF2 would lose a large part of it's appeal for me. Everyone likes being told that they managed to do something kill 5 people when dead. 
Anyway I will continue to play and learn how to kill engineers before their cheap ass turrets kill me.
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#2  Edited By ThePhantomnaut

She looks like Bridget.

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#3  Edited By Jazz
Yeah...but she's actually a girl. Not some weird transexual yo yo tossing kid.
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#4  Edited By ThePhantomnaut
@Jazz said:
" @ThePhantomnaut:  Yeah...but she's actually a girl. Not some weird transexual yo yo tossing kid. "
Good thing or else I would have shouted TRAP earlier. :P
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#5  Edited By Jazz
Well technically she's the clone of the main character's sister who is supposed to merge with his arm to become the 'Black Beast'... all the while talking in a girlie girl voice and coming on to him.
but that's still safer than Bridget. 
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#6  Edited By Jaz

TF2 is perhaps the best mulitplayer game out there. Well balance,  fun,  funny,  free updates. 
Great game.

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#7  Edited By Jazz
@Jaz said:
" TF2 is perhaps the best mulitplayer game out there. Well balance,  fun,  funny,  free updates.   Great game. "
If by well balanced you mean 3 engineers to every other class, the yeah..sure. 
It's a fun game though...
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#8  Edited By MarkWahlberg

Dragon Age is fucking addicting, and I don't get addicted to games. Just beat it two days ago, and all I want to do now is get my hands on the sequel. I think I have a problem...