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    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Nov 13, 2007

    A squad-based shooter centering around the uneasy alliance between ex-military mercenary Adam 'Kane' Marcus and the psychopathic James Lynch.

    preachason's Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox 360) review

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    krap & lurch

    Copying the game mechanics from Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter seems like a no-brainer – until Rainbow 6: Vegas, nobody had done the cover mechanic better. Even the simple squad controls – cover, move, attack – are borrowed from GRAW.

    And then, the ambition was to craft an elegant story. That's what we heard all through the run-up to this game's release – two men thrown together... the struggles, the choices.

    I knew that they wouldn't pull it off completely – I mean, how often do you hear about "groundbreaking gameplay" and "innovative storytelling" and "freedom of choice" when game companies talk about their games? Fact is, these things are what they WANT to do, not what they CAN accomplish. Krap & Lurch: Damn Mess would be a better title. (Sorry, that was the best I could come up with this morning.)

    Graphics: Everything is either too light or too dark – there's not "shading" per se. You will think you are going blind.

    Controls: The best part is rubbing up against a flat surface and HOPING, PRAYING, WISHING that you would "stick" to it to take cover. This works as well as you think.

    Gameplay: Hold the left trigger to "precision" aim. Only do this if you want to miss a lot. Fire from the hip, not even really in the direction of the bad guy, and you can Rambo your way through the level.

    Story: Write a compelling "buddy" movie, say 20 scenes. Roll a 20-sided dice 10 times. Remove the scenes that correspond with the rolled numbers. Add the F-Bomb in every 3rd to 5th word. Hire terrible voice actors and let a drunken monkey direct them. Perfect.

    It's worth playing, just for the "wow, this DOES suck as much as everyone says" factor, but only on rental.


    Other reviews for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox 360)

      Kane and Lynch, good or complete crap? 0

      Kane and Lynch isn't an ugly, ugly game, in fact it’s incredibly under-rated. The hate surrounding this game has shunned it when it has done nothing wrong, that would be EDIOS and C|NET that have caused issues, not Kane and Lynch. When you play this game you have to keep a straight face and an open mind, and you will find a burred gem with a lot of problems. Kane and Lynch starts off with you breaking out of jail. Kane is on death row for killing twenty-five people in , and Lynch is on death ro...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

      Mixed opinions 0

      Ive read most of peoples reviews on this game and the 'video' review and agree and disagree at the same time! I think the overall concept of Kane and Lynch is very good however when it gets down to it its so hard to 'like' the main characters in this story. I mean they really are I mean really are bad guys! So when I was playing I couldnt help thinking that I deserve to just die! I have to say that the graphics on this game arent appauling however considering Assassin's Creed came out around the...

      1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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