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Giant Bomb News


A Big Live Live Reminder For Premium Members

The anniversary of our premium membership launch has already past, and here's a billing reminder for those of you that joined up!

Hey guys, the Big Live Live Show is nearly upon us. It'll be starting on Friday morning at 10AM Pacific Daylight Time, and we've got a full day of stuff lined up for you, including the exclusive premium second stream, which, if I'm reading this show rundown correctly, will feature a whole lot of Dave bein' Dave.

But let's get a little housekeeping out of the way here, before the show begins. For those of you who joined us on the original launch date of September 9, your re-billing date is coming up tomorrow. Why September 12? Well, remember when Amazon exploded and you were without a website for that chunk of time? We credited everyone with a few extra days.

So in light of that, it's a good time to remind you of how to make changes to your account. This is handy if you've got an expired credit card that you need to update before the re-billing occurs, among other things. If you need to know your expiration date, you can find it right here on your history page. Keep in mind that, if you are an annual subscriber, this renewal will also generate you a new $15 store code, good for goods and services that include our brand-new 2013 membership shirt, shown here:

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Find that shirt and the rest of our current designs over on the Store page.

If you're worried about your favorite design selling out before you get a code, don't be! We've made some changes to our merchandise process that make these designs slightly less limited than they've been in the past, so there should be more than enough for everybody.

Also, if you have any other questions about the membership process, how to access the premium RSS feeds, and the changes you can make to your account status, the Premium Member Hub is where you want to go. That FAQ should have what you're looking for.

OK, we have about a billion things to do between now and the Friday morning show kickoff, so I'm going to get back to that. We'll see ya Friday!

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+