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Giant Bomb News


Photoshop Fun: Create A New MK Character

WIn a free Jeff T-Shirt by showing off your Photoshop skills.

No, that's not Raiden.
No, that's not Raiden.
After our Assassin's Creed caption contest went so well I figured we'd challenge you to more feats of skill this morning on Giant Bomb. This one is simple. Create a new Mortal Kombat character and fit it into some existing game shots. You can merge existing characters from other games or celebrities or whatever you think works. Just make sure you name your character. We don't really care which edition of the game you use, but if you're not as skilled with art programs I'd shoot for the simplistic look from the original 3 games.

The winner gets a free Jeff T-Shirt shipped to their home. You've got till 6 PM PST to submit your entries. To be clear this time we're only allowing one submission per user. Just attach them as a comment to this post. I'll announce the winner soon after and contact the lucky user through a private message to grab your shipping info. Let's keep the entries clean, so no nudity please. We'll be judging entries both on humor and how believable your work fits with the franchise's original tone and style. To keep the entries readable please refrain from quoting images in your comments and just show your appreciation to the submitting artists by using an @ symbol.

Wonder why we're doing this? It's a simple ploy to distract you from continuing the epic GIANTBOMB STAFF - official photo edit thread. Seriously, that thread gets pretty weird.

Hat tip to user Coltonio7 for the idea. Good luck everyone.

Update: And the winner is... Mattalorian with his awesome Wizards vs. Cyborgs characters. There were a lot of great entries (including Papa_b3ar's Lizard Man who unfortunately wasn't technically within the rules) but Mattalorian's masterpiece was not only extremely humorous, but captured the art style of the original games very well.  No worries for everyone else, we'll have a new contest up sometime next week.

No Caption Provided

No Caption Provided

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