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Giant Bomb News


Take A Tour Of Brink's Container City

A gameplay demo in three acts.

I think it's fair to say that Brink was quietly one of the most surprising games we saw back at E3. Splash Damage's next shooter looks like it will blend a flexible style of class-based action with a unique online-or-off multiplayer framework that... hey, you know what? E3 was like six months ago. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning. So maybe you shouldn't take it from me.

Maybe you should take it from Splash Damage head honcho Paul Wedgwood, who's (finally) here with a whole bunch of video showing off what Brink is about. This is pretty much the same demo we saw at E3, and considering how promising it looks, I'm surprised they've just now released the footage to the public. But here it is, and you should watch it. 

Hang on, wait a minute! There are two more parts, and here is the second
OK, done? Now watch the third. I'd show them all to you here, but embedding three Flash modules in a single page isn't something I'd do to my worst enemy.
What do you think of the game, as a shooter and as a new IP for Splash Damage and its publisher, Fallout house Bethesda?
Brad Shoemaker on Google+