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Giant Bomb News


Turns Out Some People Bought Saints Row: The Third

There are now 3.8 million copies of Volition's latest floating around.

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By now, you already know you should play Saints Row: The Third, so I won't say it again, even though I just did.

Saints Row: The Third was one of Giant Bomb’s most beloved games from 2011, and a press release from THQ today discussing the company’s movement away from games aimed at kids also notes that Volition’s totally nuts sequel has shipped 3.8 million copies worldwide. The company expects to ship between five and six million copies.

That’s shipped, not sold, which means retailers have purchased 3.8 million copies of the game, not consumers.

Now, if only Volition would roll out some new story-based downloadable content. Jeff’s response to Genkibowl VII was...not so good.

Patrick Klepek on Google+