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Giant Bomb News

X-Ray Vision Mode To Be Toned Down In Batman Sequel

More like augmented reality next time, says art director David Hego.

You did it. I did it. We played Batman: Arkham Asylum with detective mode on for the vast majority of the experience. It was handy. It allowed us to see through walls and scope out enemy positions. It let us track DNA and even highlighted ventilation ducts to play wolf inside. But our heavy use--which I suppose could be dubbed as "abuse"--of the device made one man feel a little sad on the inside, and it's even spurring a needed change in the game's follow-up.

At the Develop conference, Batman: Arkham Asylum's art director David Hego spoke about the usage of detective mode in the game (via GameSpot), jokingly saying that hearing about a person playing through the entire game with it on made him "want to cry a little bit."   

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If you've ever turned it on (or gandered above), you'll see why. It drapes everything in the game in hues of red and blue, diminishing the hard work artists like Hego put into the textures and details of objects, people, and even environments.

Chances are that these faux-heartbreaking stories won't come out of personal narratives for the game's sequel, though. Hego said that the team is going "to try to not do that mistake again" by making detective mode "more like augmented reality" in the game's follow-up, which may or may not be called Batman: Arkham Asylum 2.