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Most Influential Games in My LIfe

A list of my favourite games.  Some games are stupid fun and I make a point to go back and play again every so often, others are more of a matter of being an important game for me, career wise (I'm a 3D artist, and games are pretty much to thank for me finding a job that I love).  Without further ado:

List items

  • Although this game hasn't aged super well, it is literally the most important one on the list for me. During the opening scenes (before shit gets REALZ), I just sat there in awe of how awesome everything was. It was pretty much at that point that I went from game lover, to aspiring game maker. Pretty cool that I'm able to pinpoint it so accurately. Anyways, if this game hadn't come out, I don't know that I'd be doing what I love for a living.

  • THE survival horror game. This game is simply amazing. The genius thing about it was that there weren't even all that many enemies in the game, but the ambiance and setting were so unsettling that you were always on guard. The game descends literally into insanity towards the end. Pyramid Head, rapist doors, a mirror image of your deceased wife that dies several times throughout the game, and if you play the game enough, you can even get a hidden ending that has you performing a ritual to some 'old gods' to resurrect your wife. So seriously messed up you guys, for cereals.

  • I preloaded this game off Steam the day before it was released. I skipped school the next day to play it. I bought a new machine to play it again, but prettier. Unlike it's predecessor, I still enjoy going back and playing this game. It is pretty much the pinnacle of FPS gaming in my eyes.

  • LOVE this game. I'd always play it as a kid, but was never able to beat it. Never stopped me from picking it up and playing again though. Not too long ago, I bought this on WiiWare, invited some friends from work over as a "Show me how to beat Super Metroid disguised as a game night" and FINALLY got to see the end of this game. It's weird that it's so high up on my list, despite only just recently being able to beat it, but I'll tell you why: shut up, that's why.

  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZIIIIIINNNNNGGGG. As close to art as any mainstream game has ever come in my opinion. Everything about it is just done so perfectly and deliberately. I'm going to stop now, before I get into some kind of 5 paragraph "games as art" diatribe. You have probably played this game. If you haven't, GO PLAY THIS GAME.

  • Honestly, this is pretty much the only first generation 3D game that I can go back to and not only tolerate, but enjoy. The world they made was so effing awesome, and so packed full of cool little things to do. I make a yearly thing of popping this game back in, whereupon I play up to the water temple and then usually say "man, eff this water temple", and then put it down till next year.

  • I literally lost 3 weeks of my life to this game. I'd wake up, go to work, daydream about being home playing fallout, go home and play fallout, realize it was 2 in the morning, say to myself "self, I should sleep soon", play for another hour and a half, and finally go to bed, ready to start the whole process over again the next day. I just loved all the little things that were going on in that game; so many little things to do. I am currently 3 trophies away from getting my platinum on this one.

  • I honestly wasn't a fan of Metal Gear at all before this one. I never played the first, and a friend of mine came to my place once to play the third; I was bored to tears. I wasn't expecting much, but I got the MGS bundled PS3, so I felt that it was financially irresponsible for me to NOT play it. By the end I was literally on the edge of my seat. The crawl down that hallway - sweet jesus. I even loved the hour long cutscenes, which goes strictly against my "cutscenes are the worst thing ever and I hate them so much" mantra. Don't let this game pass you by; fan of the series or no, this game is worth your time.

  • Characters were awesome, story was super awesome, social commentary was smartly done, and the gameplay itself was just super fun. I loved just wandering around trying to find new species to take pictures of for cash.

  • The first game I ever bought with my own cash-money. I had saved up from delivering catalogs around my block, and was about the happiest kid on the planet the day we finally went to get it. My wife's cousin recently gifted this to us over the Wii; I love my wife's cousin.

  • So this game came out while I was in college, and me and my friends got together one day to play a bunch of weird foreign games. This one was in the pile. We played it, not having any idea what we were in for, or what the game was all about, and honestly, it blew our goddamned minds. Every time we got bigger we were like "No way we'll be able to pick up humans though... wait... wait, oh! OHHH! OHH SHIIIII..." (you can imagine the joyslplosion that occurred when we were picking up continents). This is one of the few games I've been able to get my wife into, which is a good thing, cause that might have been a total deal breaker, relationship wise.

  • I love this game. I got one of those cheapy 10-in-1 arcade-games-in-a-joystick deals a couple years ago at work as my secret santa, and this was on it. I don't know what it is, I could just play this game for hours. The 8-bit voice work was fantastic.

  • I am at a loss with this one. I have no excuse, other then I loved it as a kid. Oddly enough, I played it a few months back and I'm still able to enjoy it for some reason. I don't know. Sorry, ok? SORRY.