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Best Games Played 2022

Here we are again at the only games of the year awards list that really matters. You may have read others, but this is the one true list to rule them all...

Well, I'll be honest, looking back at the list of games I beat this year, I have a faint sense of disappointment. I came so close to beating some games that would have definitely had made it onto the list but I goofed off. I'm sorry. I

It really has been a year where I didn't get many games beat, a measly 31 of them and the ones I beat were mostly for the youtube channel. Sigh.

But, regardless of that, there's a list to make and none other than me to make it. Let's get to it.

List items

  • Now I think that Elden Ring is going to be number one on most lists by the people that played it, but I don't think most of those people also played Metal Gear Rising this year. How to top the feeling of beating Malenia? I dunno, beating arguably the best boss in any of the games I've played this year: Senator Armstrong.

    Hah, nanomachines son.

    Metal Gear Rising had the best music, the best bosses, the most over the top action and a learning curve that took me hours to master that paid off so I could beat this 5 hour game multiple times and to this day, if someone asks me to play Metal Gear Rising, then I'll already be there putting the disc in. It's incredible, from the cheesy dialog to watching Raiden slicing a plane in half whilst riding another plane is so damn crazy that I couldn't take my eyes off of it incase I missed something, it's a giant boiling pot of insanity, and it can only work in Metal Gear Rising.

    That's why this years illustrious Golden Doof Award goes to none other than Metal Gear Rising, the best damn 5 hours of my life.

  • Ah, Elden Ringu. To me, the first time playing this game was like booting up Dark Souls 2 for the first time, I just did not enjoy it. It didn't feel janky, it just felt sort of artificially difficult in a way that the other souls likes didn't. I played it through to the end but felt unrewarding and shelved it for another few months.

    BUT, a friend wanted to play through it again and it dragged me back to the game where I discovered the real joy of this game for me is tweaking my characters, experimenting with builds and helping other people. Yup, I made multiple characters to do summoning. I went back and beat even the hardest boss in souls history; Malenia, stole her clothes, sword and fancy poison magic move and went on to help others beat her, it felt GOOD to stunlock her with frost magic.

    This is the game I've easily spent the most amount of time playing this year, there's no competition. It's a very good game that I misunderstood. I'm sorry Elden Ringu. Ur not trash, but most invaders are >.<

  • Well, it's yet another one of the games I wasn't sure I'd like because of the top-down perspective, but this is one haunting masterpiece of horror gaming executed expertly. It's got survival, it's got atmosphere in buckets, it's got a dude who turns up to your house when you ring a bicycle bell.

    It's easily the game that made me the most afraid this year, but unlike a lot of other horror games, it did it without making me jump or chasing me down a dark corridor. If you like spoops, this is beyond spoopy, this transcends that into being genuinely frightening.

  • I'll always fondly remember the time Majory Baxter saved the planet by taking a random pot shot against the alien leader. I feel as though allowing me to name my squad was a mistake, my elite team of brightly coloured clowns sported names like "John Boom", "David Death" and "Bobo Bobobobo" because I am an adult.

    I always figured the game was too stuffy and boring to enjoy, my previous opinion was that strategy games are kinda "ehhh" unless it's real time startegy like Age Of Empires, but I kept on going back to it to have another go at missions, and whilst it felt incredibly long winded, it was only because I put off the final story upgrade for about 5 hours. Whoops. Ultimately the game was incredibly fun, even intense in parts! Most Good.

  • I was going to comment on the story but I don't remember it, I remember blasting Iron Maiden and playing this, for some reason they go together. Like so many of the games on the list, I didn't think I'd enjoy it but I ended up loving it. Vampire Survivors isn't exactly mindless fun, but it is very fun.

    You walk around in circles as hordes upon hordes of monsters try to murder you by sheer numbers, you have to choose the right upgrades and steer your character in the direction of not death. It goes straight to my "must optimise" thing where I keep tweaking something until it deals maximum damage. Very, very enjoyable game.

  • It's a renaissance painting that you play, it's also goofy as all hell and there's options to just murder everyone with your sword which is both entertaining but also realistic and I appreciate that.

    I love that in every scene with music playing there's someone literally in the background playing the instrument, I love that logic goes out the window and you enter hell and see The Devil, who has a second face on his butt. It's just silly, and I like silly things <3