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RPG inspiration

RPG games that I often reference saying I wish were like this

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  • It plays more like Streets of Rage 2, simple but also incredibly difficult and enough variety.

  • okay, a lot of games still mimicking this game style, and I love it that they are trying it often.

  • yeah developers are still copying this format, but still, it's a addictive design that's worth copying. Especially recently with Torchlight and Deathspanks

  • Not as deep as most RPGs, still it's simple and addictive. I love talking to friends and seeing how different our Alucard ended up at the final battle.

  • Although I enjoy paper Mario, but I feel it has too much dialog, still it's a simple mechanic that actually does feel true to mario themes. Nothing tops hearing Luigi's sound effects.

  • More Action RPG, but I love forging weapons with the fun, playing by the sun builds inside your bank account, there's enough variety in it's mechanic that never feels dull when replaying it.

  • not really an RPG, more an adventure game, but when you look at the stats it's closer to an RPG. Unlike other games where it tries too hard to simulate a living world, those games just fall into that uncanny valley where everything is broken. Here it works because it's a small contained town.

  • THE BEST!!!