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Best of 2009

SeeRed27: Best of 2009

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  • Most anticipated game of all time in my book. I have never been so excited for a game since Halo 2. Halo 3 also had me extremely excited but Modern Warfare 2 was the apex of anticipation for me. I even called off of work for 3 days after the midnight launch. My only dissapointment with this game was the amount of lag that i experienced for the first 3 weeks after launch. SInce then it has gotten much much better. The killstreak and customization changes made in this game make this game feel totally different than COD 4. I will be playing MW2 for years!!! :D

  • I was obsessed with this game for months :p

  • Epic title, excellent graphics, great action

  • Amazing racing action!

  • Best Racer of 2009 and current best racer on the Xbox 360 for sure!

  • The Beatles are my favorite band. My 2 favorite songs are in the game!!!!!! I Me Mine and She's So Heavy.

  • Good game eventhough i am not a huge Halo fan anymore. The campaign was epic.

  • Butcher Bay was the best game for the original xbox and playing it over again in 1080i glory is really awesome! Dark Athena is not nearly as good as Butcher Bay but still is a great title.

  • I had never been so excited for a game as I was after seeing the E3 2005 trailer for this game. This game along with Formula 1 were the reasons that i purchased a PS3. I was so excited and anxious to see if the final version could live up to that high quality trailer. I was pleased to see that it looked just as good but i found the gameplay to be sub-par when compared to Call of Duty 4. By the end of 2009 i barely even remember this title coming out earlier in the year. Since i haven't played Uncharted 2 yet this is my favorite PS3 game of 2009.