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Cinema Sunday

Today I went to my friends house and watched a whole lot of movies. Here is the list:

Hot and Saucy
Hot and Saucy
Step Up 2: The Streets

My friends girlfriend recommended this film saying, "Even a dude can like this movie." When you say that to me to begin with I already start out way skeptical. While the story line was fairly predictable the quality of the hip hop dancing was really cool. Also, they put in a whole lot of dancing so it kind of covers up the really mediocre story line. It also does not hurt that the girl on the character is extremly hot. That also helped out my overall impression of this. If you like hip-hop of any kind I would say go rent it; its not necessarily worth the 20$ asking price.

I give it a 3/5.

Karate Kid 2.0
Karate Kid 2.0
Never Back Down

I brought Never Back Down to the party because I heard it was good. Boy, that does not even cover it. I can equate it to a mix between Tokyo Drift and Karate Kid. Basically its the most by the book fight film. You know, the typical revenge tale, sensei, evil kid, musical montages; all the good stuff. The thing I can't figure out is whether it's trying to be ironic or if it takes itself way seriously; either way there is alot of unintentional humor. Like Step Up, I would recemend a rent.

My score 6/5. For any other normal human being its a 3/5.

Fight Club

Mind Shattering!
Mind Shattering!
When I left my friend let me borrow his copy of Fight Club. After seeing it, I'm not sure if I'm ever going to give it back. I finally understand all the praise. It's a classic that any one should own. An intriguing and mind shattering narrative that blew my mind. Go out and buy it now.




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Edited By dj

Today I went to my friends house and watched a whole lot of movies. Here is the list:

Hot and Saucy
Hot and Saucy
Step Up 2: The Streets

My friends girlfriend recommended this film saying, "Even a dude can like this movie." When you say that to me to begin with I already start out way skeptical. While the story line was fairly predictable the quality of the hip hop dancing was really cool. Also, they put in a whole lot of dancing so it kind of covers up the really mediocre story line. It also does not hurt that the girl on the character is extremly hot. That also helped out my overall impression of this. If you like hip-hop of any kind I would say go rent it; its not necessarily worth the 20$ asking price.

I give it a 3/5.

Karate Kid 2.0
Karate Kid 2.0
Never Back Down

I brought Never Back Down to the party because I heard it was good. Boy, that does not even cover it. I can equate it to a mix between Tokyo Drift and Karate Kid. Basically its the most by the book fight film. You know, the typical revenge tale, sensei, evil kid, musical montages; all the good stuff. The thing I can't figure out is whether it's trying to be ironic or if it takes itself way seriously; either way there is alot of unintentional humor. Like Step Up, I would recemend a rent.

My score 6/5. For any other normal human being its a 3/5.

Fight Club

Mind Shattering!
Mind Shattering!
When I left my friend let me borrow his copy of Fight Club. After seeing it, I'm not sure if I'm ever going to give it back. I finally understand all the praise. It's a classic that any one should own. An intriguing and mind shattering narrative that blew my mind. Go out and buy it now.


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Edited By Player1

Fight club gives me a nerdgasim every time I watch it....omg that movie is amazing. If you watch it twice, it will make alot more sence, and you will notice alot of little things, that make it alot better. 

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Edited By OGCartman

Yay for Fight Club!