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GameStop must be getting antsy

The face of a pioneer?
The face of a pioneer?
News of Burnout Paradise being available for download on the PSN store might signal the end of retailers. I've had some experience downloading some full games off of the Xbox Live Originals so I know that downloading gigs and gigs of data is not that big of a hurdle. So that means that the only obstacle in the way of digitally distributing full titles are old school retail stores.

I think that all publishers/developers are worried that without the marketing and shelf space provided by big box retailers their games will have no chance of succeeding. Burnout will be the pioneer for digitally distributing full games. If enough people buy this then perhaps others will be encouraged to follow. While I have a feeling that this will not put an end to GameStop I do hope that it begins that process. From my experience of buying video games, I can easily say that I will not miss having to go through all of the hurdles to get a game.

The other hurdle that I see is the love for having a box in hand. I too like the feeling of bringing home the box and popping it into the 360 and lining up my shelves. For most people the idea of having a digital copy of something is still a foreign thought. I have made this type of jump of music where I no longer want a CD and prefer downloading all of my music.

I hope that this begins a trend, even if this does not lead to all new games being released digitally at least they can put greatest hit titles on. It gives older games the opportunity to generate more sales instead of just dying in a bargain bin. What do you think will happen after Paradise is released? The fall of retailers? Absolutely nothing? Or perhaps something in between.


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Edited By dj
The face of a pioneer?
The face of a pioneer?
News of Burnout Paradise being available for download on the PSN store might signal the end of retailers. I've had some experience downloading some full games off of the Xbox Live Originals so I know that downloading gigs and gigs of data is not that big of a hurdle. So that means that the only obstacle in the way of digitally distributing full titles are old school retail stores.

I think that all publishers/developers are worried that without the marketing and shelf space provided by big box retailers their games will have no chance of succeeding. Burnout will be the pioneer for digitally distributing full games. If enough people buy this then perhaps others will be encouraged to follow. While I have a feeling that this will not put an end to GameStop I do hope that it begins that process. From my experience of buying video games, I can easily say that I will not miss having to go through all of the hurdles to get a game.

The other hurdle that I see is the love for having a box in hand. I too like the feeling of bringing home the box and popping it into the 360 and lining up my shelves. For most people the idea of having a digital copy of something is still a foreign thought. I have made this type of jump of music where I no longer want a CD and prefer downloading all of my music.

I hope that this begins a trend, even if this does not lead to all new games being released digitally at least they can put greatest hit titles on. It gives older games the opportunity to generate more sales instead of just dying in a bargain bin. What do you think will happen after Paradise is released? The fall of retailers? Absolutely nothing? Or perhaps something in between.
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I think digital distribution should be done for all titles. Sure, we need bigger hard drives (these are cheap nowadays - the non-proprietary ones), more bandwidth but things are evolving. ISPs are going to have to improve their infrastructures for the increasing bandwidth uses.

No more scratched discs, shorter load times, no hunting around for rare titles - it's all good, although I would like a box, just for old time's sake. ;)

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Edited By DBoy

I agree with L.  Digital downloads are very profitable (look at Steam), so it would be a win-win for publishers.

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Edited By Player1

Maybe Gamestop will sell a code of some sort, so you can buy the game digitally. So people won't have to worry about microsoft points? I mean what else could they really do. Your right their probably shitting their pants at the moment. 

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Edited By JamesF

bit too big of downloads that will take too long and take up too much space.

I don't really agree with L. There's something about having a lot of game boxes that feels good. If I could have Warhawk in disc or digital form, I'll easily take disc.

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Edited By EleFlameMax

I don't want games to be only accessible virtually. I'd like it if, in the future, you could buy a game digitally, but then buy the disc back-up, box-art and all, for five dollars.

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Edited By EpicSteve

I work at Gamestop, and spoke with the district manager here in Ohio and asked him about digital distribution. He said that Gamestop will most likely just sell bokes with redemption codes inside them. While he obviously has no say-so in the future epidimec retail will face in about a decade, it speaks true to what the future holds. Some would argue that many people (collecters) still want physical copys of games, and retailers will end up giving bonuses with the box version of games. People also need to keep in mind physical CD's are still produced, and music stores are all around us. The "digital age" wont truly affect Gamestop for many years, so for now, this is in infancy.

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Edited By kenzo287

I want to comment on EpicSteve's post: I think that when this happens you guys should become a retro game store in addition to those codes. But I just wanna say I can't wait for a dd only future

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Edited By AndrewJD

I don't think anything will happen quite yet as far digital downloading is concerned, but I reckon it's pretty much inevitable..... just not yet.