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Best of 2010

DrLariat: Best of 2010

List items

  • I never thought I could be decent at a online RTS game but somehow SC2 clicked, also it's awesome.

  • Getting kicked in the balls over and over has never been so much fun!

  • I finally got to play the DOW 2 games this month, I thought I'd hate the lack of base-building but this game kicks all kinds of ass.

  • I bought this game and a super expensive arcade controller, then like 2 weeks later Starcraft 2 came out, someday I'll get some use outta that 130$ controller.

  • I had this game originally rated much higher out of a love for Rock Band but then bumped it way down because honestly for as many cool things as they did I wish it had a newer, more robust engine.

  • I thought the game was a silly and terrible idea, then I played it, it's actually kinda fun... for awhile.

  • This game is the kind of odd experiment in gaming that is too odd to be true. At 5 dollars it's more than worth the price of entry. Also this is one of the few times I didn't hate poker while playing poker.

  • This game is in my list simply because it is a game from this year that I played.

  • This is also a game from 2010 that I have played, it's okay... but I'd rather be playing Star Trek Online than this, and I found Star trek Online pretty boring after a month.