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Introducing myself

Hello my name is Freddie (as you might have work out by looking at my username for long enough) I've been a fan of the site for a while and thought I should make an account so I can maybe contribute something to this community. I enjoy most types of games apart from sports focused one and don't really have a particular leaning towards any company, though since i've been playing a lot more online multiplayer focused games in the past years most of my purchases have been for the 360 due to my friends only having that console. My favourite game is probably Shadow of the colossus or Yoshi's Island (wasn't fond of Yoshi's Island 2 though)
Other than gaming stuff I like to draw and am currently doing a course in digital animation so that's nice. I have a cat called cat, here is a pictureof him. 


Well that's about it. Going to the doctor tomorrow because my tongue is growing weird things on it, maybe because of video games (?!)


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Edited By Eidderf

Hello my name is Freddie (as you might have work out by looking at my username for long enough) I've been a fan of the site for a while and thought I should make an account so I can maybe contribute something to this community. I enjoy most types of games apart from sports focused one and don't really have a particular leaning towards any company, though since i've been playing a lot more online multiplayer focused games in the past years most of my purchases have been for the 360 due to my friends only having that console. My favourite game is probably Shadow of the colossus or Yoshi's Island (wasn't fond of Yoshi's Island 2 though)
Other than gaming stuff I like to draw and am currently doing a course in digital animation so that's nice. I have a cat called cat, here is a pictureof him. 


Well that's about it. Going to the doctor tomorrow because my tongue is growing weird things on it, maybe because of video games (?!)