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Read, and share your immense love or extreme hatred!

via the comments on my Game of the year feature on my website.
I know this is ridiculously late but who cares, after two weeks of no sleep and constant arguing we have finally whittled down each category to one game. Read, and share your immense love or extreme hatred for our choices via the comments! 2009 was also a very good year for games, 2010 (say it Twenty-Ten) has a lot to live up to.


Most Surprising Game of 2009

No Caption Provided


A game that felt so polished and streamlined, everything worked brilliantly in this game from the combat to the stealth. This game has turned Rocksteady Studios from a unknown developer to a developer which is up there with Infinity Ward and Naughty Dog. I had absolutely no expectations when this game came out, and it blew me away. I mean just think about it ‘A good batman game?


Best PS3 Game of 2009

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


This game improved leaps and bounds over the first Uncharted and is the best looking game on a console to date. Along with its satisfying gun play and traversal, this game has set the benchmark for voice acting in a game. Although the story is nothing special, because it is presented so brilliantly it doesn’t really matter. This is the only game that I have played that has truly captured the epic action movie feel that so many games have tried to capture, it also has decent multiplayer that combines the climbing and jumping with the shooting in a wonderful manner. In our opinion this game dominated the PS3 exclusives, and was well deserved of the best PS3 game of the year award.


Best Xbox 360 Game of 2009

No Caption Provided


Many people were disappointed with Bungie’s latest addition to the Halo Universe, because Halo 3: ODST is unlike the previous Halo games. For starters you are no longer playing as the superhuman known as Master Chief, you are playing as an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) who is not superhuman. This major change morphs the gameplay dramatically as you can no longer aim at an alien, hold down the shoot button, and run towards the alien until you are within melee range and then proceed to kill the alien with one hit. Because you can no longer soak up bullets like a tank, the game forces you to become much more tactical, keeping a distance and using cover, I really enjoyed this change in the gameplay.

Halo 3: ODST also as an over world area in which you traverse between the flashback missions . The overworld area is the city New Mombasa covered in darkness, the red neon glow effect and the jazzy music feels great, and further adds to the overall single player experience. ODST also includes Firefight, which is basically a 4 player horde mode in which you fight against hordes of Alien AI co-operatively with up to 4 friends. Halo 3: ODST also includes another disk titled Halo 3: Mythic which includes all of the maps ever released for the competitive portion of halo 3 and is very good value for someone who has not yet experience the mulitplayer aspect of the halo games.

All in all, Halo 3: ODST is a great package and the change in pace and gameplay was greatly appreciated by the duo here at Digital Gaudium and it was only fair that it received this reward, Bungie may be up for the same award if Halo Reach is as good as it looks.

Best Wii Game of 2009

New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii


When this game was initially shown at E3, I was not really impressed with it but after playing it, it was one of my best video game experiences of 2009. First off, this is basically a sequel to Super Mario Bros. 3, which is awesome to begin with. The single player includes everything that you have come to expect from a Mario game but then they go all the way and and in something that will revolutionize Video games forever…

Ice Flower
Ice Flower

Yes, finally you can now shoot ice out of your hands, and wait that is not all, you can now KILL DRY BONES.

This game also includes 4 player co-op which could be the best thing ever or perhaps the worst thing ever, I don’t know. All I know is that I laughed a lot and I felt awesome when my friend playing co-op with me threw a green shell and a I caught it with Yoshi’s tongue in mid air. Plenty of ‘Did you see THAT!’ moments as well, this game was by far the best Wii game of 2009, according to Digital Gaudium.


Best PC Game of 2009

Dragon Age
Dragon Age


There are a lot of good things to say about this game, I lost over 50 hours of my life to this game because it was that good, and is there a lot to do in that game. This is the game that all of you RPG nuts have been waiting for, drop your shitty pen and paper games and go to a shop ( Online or physical ) and buy this goddam game and have awesome conversations with people, make hilarious decisions and stab some throats and crack some skulls. This is truly the age of dragons.


Best DS Game of 2009

No Caption Provided


China Town Wars brought me what I missed from Rockstar’s latest entry in the Grand Theft Auto series (GTA IV). This game has plenty to do, and the stuff that there is to do is quality. The writing is quirky and funny at times, the gameplay is great, the DS’s touch screens are intergrated brilliantly through the appropriate use of the contextual mini games, and the controls work well for the most part of the game until things get hectic. You can also trade drugs in this game dude and make some phat profit, and they use the real names like ECSTASY and ICE, this shit is tight, but not really.

Best PSP Game of 2009

Half-Minute Hero
Half-Minute Hero


Looking at screen shots of this game, this game does not look like something that you would give as the best game for the PSP for the year 2009 maybe, best Super Nintendo game but, PSP? This game uses retro sprites and has some awesome time traveling although it does not play to the PSP’s strengths it is still a fantastic game which has a premise of playing through a Zelda like RPG in 30 seconds or less, everything is running at breakneck speed in this game from the combat to the traversal of the world as you race against the clock to save the world from a badass evil dude. 
This game also includes a Princess mode which is basically a shoot-em-up and the Dark Lord mode which is a simplified RTS game. The best thing about this game is that you can pick up and play this game for a couple of minutes and put it down and make some progress, this game does not have the problem that many PSP games have, this game is much more portable than many of the PSP’s offerings to date.

I enjoyed this game from start to finish and I hope to see more games like this on the PSP in the future.

Best New IP of 2009 and Best Cooperative game of 2009

Borderlands is a great game, I could even say that this game feels like it was custom made for my tastes in games, I enjoyed this game so much that I spent more time on this game than Dragon Age, that is saying something. The skill tree, leveling, loot all of the great gameplay mechanics from games like Diablo and the good first person action that the majority of gamers can get into is a winning combo but then there is 4 player co-op, this game sounds like the best game ever made. And that is the sad thing, this game could have been the best thing ever made but, unfortunately the execution was not on the same level as the ideas presented. Due to the lack of a trading system, /dance emotes and polish, this game wasn’t the best game ever made but still a fantastic effort by Gearbox, we are excited to see what they do with DLC and the sequel.

Game of the Year and Best Multiplatform Game of 2009

This game could also have another title, “Most Hyped game ever” , this game had so much to live up to, Call of Duty: 4 revolutionized first person shooters forever combining a great single player campaign with an excellent multiplayer aspect, with great controls and great graphics. So how did they do it?

Infinity Ward took the ‘Holy Shit’ moments from Call of Duty 4 and created a whole single player that was filled with excitement and heart beating gameplay. This game had so many ‘Holy Shit’ moments that it should have been titled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Holy shit.
Apart from the brilliant campaign that had everything from Ice Climbing and Snow Mobile’s  to Russians and Airport shootings, this game also provided one of the best multiplayer experiences on the console and a great spec ops mode. Enough can’t be said about this game, this game lived up to the hype and then provided more. I cannot wait to see what Infinity Ward does next.

Oh and I forgot, THROWING KNIVES. This game is just awesome, and so is the trailer that uses the Eminem song “Till I Collapse”. 
Commenting makes me feel like the time writing the article was worthwhile, so do it, even tell me how shit it is.


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Edited By EnchantedEcho

via the comments on my Game of the year feature on my website.
I know this is ridiculously late but who cares, after two weeks of no sleep and constant arguing we have finally whittled down each category to one game. Read, and share your immense love or extreme hatred for our choices via the comments! 2009 was also a very good year for games, 2010 (say it Twenty-Ten) has a lot to live up to.


Most Surprising Game of 2009

No Caption Provided


A game that felt so polished and streamlined, everything worked brilliantly in this game from the combat to the stealth. This game has turned Rocksteady Studios from a unknown developer to a developer which is up there with Infinity Ward and Naughty Dog. I had absolutely no expectations when this game came out, and it blew me away. I mean just think about it ‘A good batman game?


Best PS3 Game of 2009

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


This game improved leaps and bounds over the first Uncharted and is the best looking game on a console to date. Along with its satisfying gun play and traversal, this game has set the benchmark for voice acting in a game. Although the story is nothing special, because it is presented so brilliantly it doesn’t really matter. This is the only game that I have played that has truly captured the epic action movie feel that so many games have tried to capture, it also has decent multiplayer that combines the climbing and jumping with the shooting in a wonderful manner. In our opinion this game dominated the PS3 exclusives, and was well deserved of the best PS3 game of the year award.


Best Xbox 360 Game of 2009

No Caption Provided


Many people were disappointed with Bungie’s latest addition to the Halo Universe, because Halo 3: ODST is unlike the previous Halo games. For starters you are no longer playing as the superhuman known as Master Chief, you are playing as an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) who is not superhuman. This major change morphs the gameplay dramatically as you can no longer aim at an alien, hold down the shoot button, and run towards the alien until you are within melee range and then proceed to kill the alien with one hit. Because you can no longer soak up bullets like a tank, the game forces you to become much more tactical, keeping a distance and using cover, I really enjoyed this change in the gameplay.

Halo 3: ODST also as an over world area in which you traverse between the flashback missions . The overworld area is the city New Mombasa covered in darkness, the red neon glow effect and the jazzy music feels great, and further adds to the overall single player experience. ODST also includes Firefight, which is basically a 4 player horde mode in which you fight against hordes of Alien AI co-operatively with up to 4 friends. Halo 3: ODST also includes another disk titled Halo 3: Mythic which includes all of the maps ever released for the competitive portion of halo 3 and is very good value for someone who has not yet experience the mulitplayer aspect of the halo games.

All in all, Halo 3: ODST is a great package and the change in pace and gameplay was greatly appreciated by the duo here at Digital Gaudium and it was only fair that it received this reward, Bungie may be up for the same award if Halo Reach is as good as it looks.

Best Wii Game of 2009

New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii


When this game was initially shown at E3, I was not really impressed with it but after playing it, it was one of my best video game experiences of 2009. First off, this is basically a sequel to Super Mario Bros. 3, which is awesome to begin with. The single player includes everything that you have come to expect from a Mario game but then they go all the way and and in something that will revolutionize Video games forever…

Ice Flower
Ice Flower

Yes, finally you can now shoot ice out of your hands, and wait that is not all, you can now KILL DRY BONES.

This game also includes 4 player co-op which could be the best thing ever or perhaps the worst thing ever, I don’t know. All I know is that I laughed a lot and I felt awesome when my friend playing co-op with me threw a green shell and a I caught it with Yoshi’s tongue in mid air. Plenty of ‘Did you see THAT!’ moments as well, this game was by far the best Wii game of 2009, according to Digital Gaudium.


Best PC Game of 2009

Dragon Age
Dragon Age


There are a lot of good things to say about this game, I lost over 50 hours of my life to this game because it was that good, and is there a lot to do in that game. This is the game that all of you RPG nuts have been waiting for, drop your shitty pen and paper games and go to a shop ( Online or physical ) and buy this goddam game and have awesome conversations with people, make hilarious decisions and stab some throats and crack some skulls. This is truly the age of dragons.


Best DS Game of 2009

No Caption Provided


China Town Wars brought me what I missed from Rockstar’s latest entry in the Grand Theft Auto series (GTA IV). This game has plenty to do, and the stuff that there is to do is quality. The writing is quirky and funny at times, the gameplay is great, the DS’s touch screens are intergrated brilliantly through the appropriate use of the contextual mini games, and the controls work well for the most part of the game until things get hectic. You can also trade drugs in this game dude and make some phat profit, and they use the real names like ECSTASY and ICE, this shit is tight, but not really.

Best PSP Game of 2009

Half-Minute Hero
Half-Minute Hero


Looking at screen shots of this game, this game does not look like something that you would give as the best game for the PSP for the year 2009 maybe, best Super Nintendo game but, PSP? This game uses retro sprites and has some awesome time traveling although it does not play to the PSP’s strengths it is still a fantastic game which has a premise of playing through a Zelda like RPG in 30 seconds or less, everything is running at breakneck speed in this game from the combat to the traversal of the world as you race against the clock to save the world from a badass evil dude. 
This game also includes a Princess mode which is basically a shoot-em-up and the Dark Lord mode which is a simplified RTS game. The best thing about this game is that you can pick up and play this game for a couple of minutes and put it down and make some progress, this game does not have the problem that many PSP games have, this game is much more portable than many of the PSP’s offerings to date.

I enjoyed this game from start to finish and I hope to see more games like this on the PSP in the future.

Best New IP of 2009 and Best Cooperative game of 2009

Borderlands is a great game, I could even say that this game feels like it was custom made for my tastes in games, I enjoyed this game so much that I spent more time on this game than Dragon Age, that is saying something. The skill tree, leveling, loot all of the great gameplay mechanics from games like Diablo and the good first person action that the majority of gamers can get into is a winning combo but then there is 4 player co-op, this game sounds like the best game ever made. And that is the sad thing, this game could have been the best thing ever made but, unfortunately the execution was not on the same level as the ideas presented. Due to the lack of a trading system, /dance emotes and polish, this game wasn’t the best game ever made but still a fantastic effort by Gearbox, we are excited to see what they do with DLC and the sequel.

Game of the Year and Best Multiplatform Game of 2009

This game could also have another title, “Most Hyped game ever” , this game had so much to live up to, Call of Duty: 4 revolutionized first person shooters forever combining a great single player campaign with an excellent multiplayer aspect, with great controls and great graphics. So how did they do it?

Infinity Ward took the ‘Holy Shit’ moments from Call of Duty 4 and created a whole single player that was filled with excitement and heart beating gameplay. This game had so many ‘Holy Shit’ moments that it should have been titled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Holy shit.
Apart from the brilliant campaign that had everything from Ice Climbing and Snow Mobile’s  to Russians and Airport shootings, this game also provided one of the best multiplayer experiences on the console and a great spec ops mode. Enough can’t be said about this game, this game lived up to the hype and then provided more. I cannot wait to see what Infinity Ward does next.

Oh and I forgot, THROWING KNIVES. This game is just awesome, and so is the trailer that uses the Eminem song “Till I Collapse”. 
Commenting makes me feel like the time writing the article was worthwhile, so do it, even tell me how shit it is.
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Edited By sweep  Moderator

I sympathise that you want to plug your blog and get it seen by as many people as possible, but simply posting a link to another site (which, lets face it, nobody on giantbomb is likely to care about) isn't likely to get you many fans. It just makes me think "This guy couldn't even be fucked to copy his blog over here for me to read". That's not how the internet works. If you want people to follow you then you have to immerse yourself in the community - Make an effort to comment on other peoples blogs and generally be an active member of the site. Or.... you  know... publicly humiliate yourself. The rewards will become apparent almost immediately.

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didn't read it but..never use yellow on a white background you cant see it without highlighting. 

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Edited By napalm
@Sweep said:
" I sympathize that you want to plug your blog and get it seen by as many people as possible, but simply posting a link to another site (which, lets face it, nobody on giantbomb is likely to care about) isn't likely to get you many fans. It just makes me think "This guy couldn't even be fucked to copy his blog over here for me to read". That's not how the internet works. If you want people to follow you then you have to immerse yourself in the community - Make an effort to comment on other peoples blogs and generally be an active member of the site. Or.... you  know... publicly humiliate yourself. The rewards will become apparent almost immediately. "
Avatar image for enchantedecho


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Edited By EnchantedEcho
 I feel really bad for doing that, so I cleaned it up and re-posted. Hopefully I will be able to get some feedback, even after my stupid actions.