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Games I Never Got Into

Despite having a pretty hefty history in games, there are certain titles and franchises I just couldn't find the time or energy to dabble in.  These are their stories.

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  • It's a time thing now, what with the free bits of the day coming few and far between. Back then though, it was a simple decision: I liked Dragon Warrior/Quest better. When FF7 came out, I was working at Funcoland and the folks who came in, slathering for the game on release day, made me feel my decision was justified. You didn't see anyone squealing when they got a new DQ game (outside Japan, that is).

  • Literally, I picked up the controller to play this and was so distracted by my girlfriend, I never even got past the title screen. I ended up marrying that girl, so it wasn't a total wash. Here's hoping for a re-release when The Last Guardian appears.

  • A pal of mine talks about this game like it changed the course of interactive entertainment. For fun, I say that PSO sucked and WoW was the true trendsetter. He's small, so it doesn't end in violence or anything. Even better? He doesn't know that I've never played this.

  • I get why this series is fun, with its anthropomorphic wrasslers, alien swordsmen, and blonde Kid N' Play tributes. I really do. I just don't know where to get started. Hell, I even have Tekken 6, with fightstick, in shrinkwrap on my shelf. I use the stick to play Street Fighter, though. Kind of shocked it hasn't gone up in flames or something (which sounds so Tekken).