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And So It Continues...

Another day, another account banned by TheSoviet. Not that I'm surprised, but bored at this point. This game of cat and mouse has been going on for three days straight, so I guess I'll call it quits for now and play some more when I'm in the mood.
His goal is to get rid of me completely; either by instantly banning every account that he sees me posting with, or by making me so bored that I don't want to go back to GameTrailers. If boring me out of GT is his plan, it's working, because I am losing my insensitive to go to GT. Well, not necessarily because of Soviet, it's because I've been bored with GT for some time now.
I've pretty much done everything on that site; some constructive things like writing blogs, and more annoying things like spamming and trolling. I'd make a more complete list if I felt like rambling, so long story short: There's nothing else for me to do in the site; not even talk to people, because the community has gotten boring over the years.
Most people generally know how people are online: Immature, to say the least. Every thread has someone posting an overused meme, trolls, racism... Not that I'm offended, but a break from the repetition, a group of people who aren't always rude, is always nice. From my point of view, GT was pleasant in 07, fun in 08, but went down hill in 09.
...Which is why I find myself coming here more often, not just for the videos, but for the forums as well. I like the community so far, though I'm still relitivly new here. I can see myself being an active member on this site for as long as I've been active on GT.



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Edited By FacelessVixen

Another day, another account banned by TheSoviet. Not that I'm surprised, but bored at this point. This game of cat and mouse has been going on for three days straight, so I guess I'll call it quits for now and play some more when I'm in the mood.
His goal is to get rid of me completely; either by instantly banning every account that he sees me posting with, or by making me so bored that I don't want to go back to GameTrailers. If boring me out of GT is his plan, it's working, because I am losing my insensitive to go to GT. Well, not necessarily because of Soviet, it's because I've been bored with GT for some time now.
I've pretty much done everything on that site; some constructive things like writing blogs, and more annoying things like spamming and trolling. I'd make a more complete list if I felt like rambling, so long story short: There's nothing else for me to do in the site; not even talk to people, because the community has gotten boring over the years.
Most people generally know how people are online: Immature, to say the least. Every thread has someone posting an overused meme, trolls, racism... Not that I'm offended, but a break from the repetition, a group of people who aren't always rude, is always nice. From my point of view, GT was pleasant in 07, fun in 08, but went down hill in 09.
...Which is why I find myself coming here more often, not just for the videos, but for the forums as well. I like the community so far, though I'm still relitivly new here. I can see myself being an active member on this site for as long as I've been active on GT.