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174 games ... as far as remember

Just made a list with all the games I have, or atleast the ones I can remember. 
Pretty scary ... 174 ... although some of them were bought at reduced price and a few were really cheap to start with it is still quite a lot of money spend on games.  
I guess I should stop buying every games steam puts up for sale, but on the other hand what else would I spend the money on ...  
... probably   junk food or booze so I guess cheap games aren't so bad anyway.  



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Edited By Fubar

Just made a list with all the games I have, or atleast the ones I can remember. 
Pretty scary ... 174 ... although some of them were bought at reduced price and a few were really cheap to start with it is still quite a lot of money spend on games.  
I guess I should stop buying every games steam puts up for sale, but on the other hand what else would I spend the money on ...  
... probably   junk food or booze so I guess cheap games aren't so bad anyway.