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Mandatory E3 2011 "Looking Forward To" List

Yeah yeah yeah, I made the list the wrong way. I don't mind, I got the quest and I got an excuse to go through a few of the trailers and stage demos I'd missed.

I also realized that I really can't remember all that many games from this E3, either because I already knew they were coming out or because they were the umpteenth sequel to a game I barely cared about in the first place so I figured I might as well dig around in my head and try to remember what ended up sticking in my brain...

List items

  • It's the sequel to Mass Effect 2. Enough said.

  • I can't say how delighted I was when Irrational first showed us the world of BioShock Infinite; it was such an unpredictable way to take the series! By all accounts the gaming is shaping up to be one hell of a roller coaster ride in what appears to be a very original world.

  • Surprisingly dynamic movement options and a general unwillingness to replace the good old scale of BF with CoD twitch-kill madness and GI Joe plot lines made this already promising sequel to an old LAN party favorite even more promising.

    Now if only I had something to run the damn thing on!

  • It's been long enough since Fable and Oblivion so I think I could go for another round of epic fantasy worlds. Skyrim looks a bit too much like Oblivion in terms of a huge but static world to make me overly enthusiastic, tho.

  • Ubisoft Montreal really hit their stride with AC2 and Brotherhood was had nice additions to the core game play ideas. I think these guys have really gotten attached to Ezio so I'm looking forward to seeing how they say goodbye to him, now that it seems that story line is back in the driver's seat.

  • I'm willing to admit that I basically know next to nothing about this new addition to the Ninja Gaiden lineup but I think my thumbs (and self esteem) have finally recovered from Ninja Gaiden Black so I can't wait to crush them all over again!

  • I achieved everything there was to achieve in Forza 2 and I think I've now played Forza 3 pretty much as much as I'm going to; I'm just getting too old for those hours-long races. You say I can start all over again with the cars I can handle AND you're bringing a kick ass looking new graphics engine?

    Maybe I should buy a racing wheel...

  • Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened had great atmosphere and the it got past it's clunky game play quite well. Frogwares' Holmes games have been pretty much that ever since, with varying levels of atmosphere.

    Apparently the guys finally got a bigger budget now that one of these games is finally coming out for the consoles so maybe the dream of these games will finally meet in an LA Noire-esque wonderland! Or perhaps not.

    "Let us hear the suspicions. I will look after the proofs."

    [Edit: ...adding this was is so much funnier after watching the E3 Day 2 Bombhouse. Particularly since I'm Finnish and do know all of these games.]

  • I think Jeff called this "like Eartworm Jim HD HD". Sold!

  • Now I'm not that keen on some of the themes and pretty manipulative methods Crustal Dynamics seems to be going for with this Lara Croft re-imagining but I still remember liking the first Tomb Raider and pulling back from the same "bigger and more BAD ASS, yo!" -mentality that CoD seems to be doing lately brings the series closer to that origin.

    Maybe Lara's like Sonic now and we'll never get back those good old days.

  • Strangely I'm not the biggest Uncharted -fan. I suppose it's mostly because I've always played the games at my friend's houses but competent shooting, a well produced story with pleasant characters over a few beers on someone's couch still sounds good!

    Hot damn, that's a good looking game, tho!

  • Far Cry 2 had some interesting ideas in terms of small gameplay elements and in terms of the very wide scale world but I always thought that the lack of an interesting plot brought down the otherwise nice production values. It'd seem that this time round the cast of villains, at least, seems nice and nutty! Expecting a Survivor: Call of Duty -like experience.

  • Whatever Nadeo thinks it's putting out, as long as the track editor is as crazy as it seems, I trust the insane community of this game to make this game in to something completely bananas.

    The original Trackmania remains a nice "wanna try something else?" -distraction at LAN parties so hopefully the gameplay remains sharp.

  • Every time a new Zelda game gets announced I get the same sad feeling from the endless repetition of the same themes both in terms of gameplay, plot and settings. Once I get to playing them, they actually have a tendency to surprise me and at the very least make me smile often enough to warrant another adventure in Hyrule.

    I'm putting this below Trackmania 2, tho, so that's pretty telling.

  • Last year was such a good year for Xbox Live Arcade that I figured the list should have one promisingly fresh XBLA -game as well. While some part of the game play look a bit tedious in the trailers, I trust that an animator at the helm means that the game flows well, which is so important for a game like this.