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Best of 2012

Hestilllives19: Best of 2012

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  • PC: This game was this years saving grace. It is sad that it fell so late in the year that it might be skipped by some awards shows because it deserves them all. On a PC this game looks as good as Battlefield, handles like Call of Duty, and gives you the feeling of accomplishment of Skyrim. It is everything great thing a video game can be.

  • PS3: It's The Walking Dead, need I say more...

  • XBOX 360: After Extended Cut DLC, because before the plot hole filled ending near ruined the experience for me. It was incoherent and directly defied everything the series stood for. In a game that did so many things flawlessly, a shoehorned in ending to a series most of us spent literally hundreds of hours is hard to forgive. Now it's fixed and one of the best games I've played in the last several years. Especially the awesome moments dealing with the established characters from previous games and the book series. It definitely caused a major and most would say unnecessary uproar but I believe that is a strong testament to how exceptional story was handled in this franchise from start to 10 minutes before the original ending to the trilogy. It's sad to see a game that does so many things fantastically do so many things so horribly wrong. The DLC for ME3 was fantastic, especially Citadel, and I feel the game as in now stands is superb. All in all I think Mass Effect 3 was a beautiful frustration.

  • PC: Similar to Saints Row The Third this game was unexpectedly great. It knew exactly who it was and played heavily to its strengths. Also both DLC packs were pretty great.

  • PC: Absolutely cannot put this game down and I have no explanation for it.

  • XBOX 360: Being incredibly skeptical about this game it really surprised me how much I liked it. The pawn system is brilliant and its gets easier and easier to be drawn into the game the longer you play it.

  • PC: Level 50 Zero, also finished Scarlet DLC.

  • VITA: Played first level.

  • VITA: Few levels in.

  • PC