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  • PS4: Loved this game. The story was very well done and really came together at the end with all of the sidequest characters making return appearances. That was kind of neat. I hated the combat at first but it really opened up towards the middle and end of the game as your power started to grow. Some of the abilities people are overlooking are extremely powerful like Triple Shot. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. It's a great start to what looks to be one fantastic year of video games.

  • Switch: I really loved 90% of this game, but boy did it have some major issues. Weapons degrade a bit too quickly, horses might as well not exist since they can't hear you from more than 20ft away (and even if they did, geez it's the worst controlling horse in video game horse history), and boy, the rain, it's just the worst negative effect any game has ever had since it ruins open world exploration. Why they made you unable to climb in the rain is beyond me, and it honestly rains way too much. Is Hyrule a Rain Forrest? One might think so based on the mechanic. It feels like something stupid to complain about, but it's seriously debilitating to not be able to explore at all in an exploration game 40% of the time. The story was mostly the right amount of silly camp, but I do want to knock almost all Switch games I've played so far for still not really doing much in the cutscene department. It's starting to just feel lazy. They did however make some brilliant developments in how you interact with the world itself from paragliding, combat interactions, and just how much it encourages you to explore it's world. Silly sidequest stuff like buying a house leading to building a whole town from scratch was really cool. NOTE: I retroactively played this in 2019, not 2017, so while I think this is where it would have ended up, it makes it hard to compare to two games I really enjoyed in Origin's and Horizon Zero Dawn.

  • PS4: Finished this game after about 60 hours and doing all of the End Game Bosses including the Gods and Elephants. Part of me both loves and hates the RPG aspects of it now though. I hope they keep this format going forward, but dial down how much of a hard capped RPG it is. Having literally unkillable enemies isn't much fun as an Assassin. Though the Story and all of the Sidequests were extremely engaging. I don't think Byek is in my top favorite Assassins, but he isn't near the bottom either. And it's nice to finally have a real "real world" protagonist again. I hope they do more with her in the future, she could develop into a better Desmond character to tie all of the games back together, something the last few have been sorely missing IMO. Speaking of female protagonists, it really felt like this game might have been better had Aya been the playable character rather than Bayek. She means a lot more to AC lore and her small part in Origins felt weak, and honestly I don't think switching the two characters would have changed much at all story wise.

  • PS4: Lost Legacy is a lot like Uncharted 4 with a different angle, and one I like. The views are spectacular, and while Chloe taking photo's would normally bug me a bunch, the spectacle Naughty Dog puts on here is worth showing off. Towards the end there was a Last of Us type moment that just kind of blew me away, there really is nobody else like Naughty Dog in video games. My only minor complaint is that the Open World section can feel a bit much and disorienting. It's fantastic, don't get me wrong, but the map is kind of terrible and it makes it hard to find your primary objectives when you go back to that after awhile of side questing. This game was fantastic though.

  • PS4: Campaign was better but still disappointing. Public Events are vastly improved as well as all of the overworld activities. Too bad those were never the draw of Destiny. Leviathan was extremely frustrating at first playthrough, and extremely rewarding to master. Trials and PvP in general feel the worst they've ever been. The End Game was fun the first couple weeks in the hunt for Max Level and the Nightfall is finally shining again a bit, though I wish we had more and better modifiers. End Game turns out is very shallow compared to D1, and after just under 150 hours, the game feels barren. Which is extremely sad, because even after 2,400 hours, Destiny never felt that way, there was always something to do. D2 is a much better, but more shallow game overall, which is a severe disappointment to me. Update: Having replayed the game on PC, I love the PC version since they've now fixed a lot of the issues with it like Frame Studdering and Degredation. It just feels faster, like D1 did, I'm told this is likely due to the FOV being higher than 73 (PS4) and I play on 90. I really hope the QoL changes coming in Season 2 make it a better game, because Curse of Osiris looks really good. Update 2: Wow, Bungie isn't doing so hot a few weeks after Curse. Curse was extremely light on content, and while the Raid Lair is fantastic, it is rather short. Crucible is awful, and only Mayhem from The Dawning has been able to bring fun back to the Crucible. Eververse has turned into a Nightmare due to Bungie putting the entire Dawning Event tied directly to it and it's shined a bright light on how awful it is that the Eververse items are not items that drop from Activities like D1 did, which is really bad. Bungie needs to do some serious work to turn this ship around. Update 3: Just prior to Warmind things are looking a bit brighter, though Destiny 2's participation numbers are in shambles currently. Hopefully Warmind brings people back, because the feature set looks rather good. PvP is in a better, but still not D1 good shape. It appears the PvE stuff will be much better for Warmind though. Looking forward to how it shapes up. It looks like September is when Destiny 2 will finally come into it's own though, sadly.

  • PS4: Played this entire game. I loved it at first. The story is kind of meh, but the gameplay changes are fun. After finishing up the main campaign though, the End Game before seeing the final scene gets really boring really fast. I hit Level Cap of 60 but really don't feel like going to get all the collectibles or Gear Sets. I enjoyed my time, but don't plan on ever playing it again.

  • PS4: Finished the game and basically all of the sidequests. Extremely fun combat, maybe the best Gameplay of the year. Story is ok, but I think that might be the most disappointing thing. Mass Effect games are such good story driven games, and having a meh story would be like Last of Us 2 having a Meh story, that's a very bad thing. Extremely glitchy and terrible facial animations. Sounds drops out often and enemies float around for no reason at all. Multiple save errors and stuck in environment glitches as well. Another major notation is the horrific auto save points and checkpointing. It is often far behind where you are at, and deaths can make you backtrack up to 30 minutes sometimes, which is infuriating when it happens. Especially when manual save was disabled in those locations. It also doesn't help that health/shields are extremely low in this game compared to other entries in the series, making all character builds feel very much like Glass Cannons. Well below expectations of a Mass Effect game, but still far better than the vast majority of RPGs.

  • PS4: I haven't hated a First Person Shooter this much ever I don't think. This game was pure garbage. Maybe I'm just over COD, but the quick TTK combined with the slow movement speed just made this game infuriating to play. Maybe I just too much Destiny now.

  • Will play at a later date.

  • Will play.