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isles: Favorites

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  • My favourite game of all time. I have some deep personal reasons as to why that is and regardless of whether I could go back to that game today and enjoy it as much, it still holds a place in my childhood as the adventure and escapism I never truly had.

  • There's just something about this game, it appeals to my tastes like no other game I've ever played. The art-deco architecture, failed political regimes and the best 'rug-pulled-from-under-your-feet' twist ever seen in games.

  • This was the game that got me into RPGs, I loved the practical abilities of the puzzles in the real world and the traversal puzzles not unlike those in Pokémon.

  • This was one of the first games I ever played and point & clicks were the only ones I ever played for about 3 years until we got an N64. There were some really finicky timing issues in some of the puzzles but I really loved the art and there were some pretty odd/risqué things thrown in there.