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Will Mass Effect 2 kill my 360?

I'm not sure what to do here. 
I finally got back my mass effect 2 disc from a friend (he borrowed it for like what, 6 months). After all the starcraft 2 playing that I've done recently, I've totally needed a change. So I decided to play though it again, using the other character I made in ME1. I mainly wanted to see if it held up; I still think it's game of the year, but it's been half a year since I played it last.
So I've played through it for a couple hours now. And it's totally awesome. It's crazy, I'm hooked into playing a game that I've already played and know exactly what's going to happen next. That never happens for me. But that's how awesome it is! 
Unfortunately, I was just about to go meet up with Tali when my game froze mid-combat. Now I'm totally freaked out that mass effect will kill my xbox. It already did last time; I got my first RROD back when I first played the game in January. It started freezing all the time while I was playing. After about 10 freezes it just killed my 360. Microsoft sent me this new one, which has worked very well for a long while...until now.  
I've also noticed that my new xbox is a lot quieter than my first one, though for whatever reason it is a lot louder than usual while playing ME2, even though I installed it to the hard drive.
Anyone else have this same problem with this? Or are my suspicions completely unfounded that a game can cause my xbox to RROD. I really want to play this game...but I don't want to risk killing my xbox a second time. That would suck.