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An honest attempt at cataloguing Myst-likes (work in progress)

First-person adventure games with the emphasis on puzzle-solving and exploring mysterious, desolate environments. Minimal dialogue or inventory interactions.

To potentially add to GiantBomb:

  1. Lunar Deep: The Adventure Below
  2. Amarhys: The Lost Civilization
  3. Silicon Scream (?)
  4. Scavenger Hunter
  5. Pink Gear 2
  6. Games from here and here.

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

Great list! This is a subgenre of adventure games I have an odd relationship with. I think they're unrivaled when it comes to atmosphere and mood, but I've never managed to finish a single one of them. Looking through your list I've already found a number of them I was unaware of and would love to try out though, including Lighthouse which was apparently released on GOG 6 months ago without me noticing it.

I'd suggest The Labyrinth of Time and Safecracker (the latter by Daydream Software, the developers of Traitor's Gate which you already have on the list. I'm fairly certain they were also involved with a bunch of similar games for the Swedish market, but can't really find out much about their stuff beyond Traitor's Gate and Safecracker now).

Cryo published a bunch of games like this too, Faust: Seven Games of the Soul is the only one I can think of right now though.

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@fisk0: Thanks, I've added The Labyrinth of Time and Safecracker to the list. As for Cryo (and Arxel Tribe), I find that, while a lot of their games have that otherworldly atmosphere, they're also a much more straightforward adventure games with character-driven plots and inventory-based puzzles.