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Former Air Force Vet plays Air Combat with AAA Game Developer!

Hi everyone! Very excited to share this series that myself and OldeBlueEyes have started, where we play through the Ace Combat series!

Blue was kind enough to join me on this journey and use his years of experience as a pilot to answer all my question on military aviation! In turn, I got to introduce him to the genesis of the console version of this legendary series, and we dug into the various unique design elements that laid the foundation for the series.

If you like this type of series, please be sure to subscribe to the channel for new episodes every Sunday at 12pm PST,!

If you have questions for Blue or myself, please let us know here in the replies, or on the video itself, and we would love to answer them!

Much love, see you all in the digital skies~<3

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404: Not Found

This page doesn’t exist. We’re willing to bet that it’s because you pasted in some dodgy URL that a “friend” of yours sent you. We think that means you should really take stock of your life and the people in it. After all, friends don’t send friends broken links.

Either that or something really weird and/or bad happened on our end. I mean, I guess that’s possible.