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Best of 2011

Top Ten of 2011

This has been a very odd time in the world of gaming for me this year. Compared to last year I have played relevantly few new games, employment will do that it seems, with what little time I did have being diverted to some of the best from 2010. Also there have just been so many games to come out that I couldn't hope to seem even a quarter of them. Is The Witcher Two any good? I can't say honestly, it's still in my "to be played" queue along with The Witcher.

So don't look at this as the be all end all list of what to play, but as the limited incites of an aging gamer, and someone who still desperately loves the industry. Also, consider the top three positions as being fluidic. They're all great, and all deserve to number one.

List items

  • Until the last few weeks this was a shoe-in for GOTY. From the puzzle design, pacing, music, and voice acting, really everything about this game is stellar. It was also something I came back too, repeatedly replaying the whole game from start to finish. It is the greatest game Valve has yet to produce, and leaves me longing for the return of Half-life and whatever the Portal series becomes next.

  • I'll be honest, I've never played the other games in this series and was all set to ignore this one two. It was only when Jeff and Ryan pushing the need to see what this games was doing that I reluctantly purchased it on Steam. It turns out, this is everything I didn't know I wanted the GTA franchise to be. In fact, I am struggling to explain just how much I love this games. So perhaps I will take a page from Jeff's book, and leave it as this;

    You should play Saint's Row

  • Skyrim feels like the culmination of everything Bethesda has learned in the fifteen years since making Daggerfall. The depth and breadth of the world they have developed is staggering, and even thirty-five hours in I have yet to scratch the surface.

    But what really makes this game is the mod community. They too have yet to scratch the surface of what can be added to this amazing world.


  • Deus Ex feels like a game, like a fictional world, lost in time. Something that isn't made anymore. It's cyberpunk aesthetics are memorable, fresh, and nostalgic all at once. The confidence presented in it's design, allowing for the player to approach a given scenario in multiple ways, reminds you that sort of openness is sorely lacking in modern gaming.

  • This point and click adventure game is something special. Its gameplay conceit, simpile in nature, but built upon and used in fascinating ways. The story, quintessentially Japanese, kept me enthralled from beginning to end. The twist, because of course there is one, is nothing less than masterful. It is the sort of game perfect for mobile gaming.

  • Lantern run is the greatest multiplayer experience anyone can have. I mean that whole heartedly.

  • There isn't really much to say about this game, what makes it great is the banter between Johnson and Garcia 'Fucking' Hotspur.

  • Yeah yeah this was on my list last year, but since it was officially "released" in November it still counts, and it is still one of the greatest experiences in gaming.

  • Frankly, I am shocked this is on my list at all. I don't play MMO's usually, and really this is not the sequal I would have wanted for KOTOR. But that being what it is, Bioware has still managed to craft an engaging story and a system that encourages group play without locking you out of content if you choose other wise. I don't know how long I will keep up with it, but for now, it's a pretty damn good MMO.