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Dragon Quest Slime Controller and How I Scan Instuction Booklets

Dragon Quest Slime Controller
Dragon Quest Slime Controller
Dragon Quest Slime Controller

Dragon Quest Slime Controller (PlayStation 2)

Just got an email tonight about this PS2 controller.  You can buy one at for around $40.  It looks neat, but would be hard to hold and is not the best layout.  This is not the controller I see people using much, but it would be a nice peace to put on a shelf. 

Instruction Booklets I Uploaded

  • Mario Paint (SNES)
  • Joe&Mac (SNES)
  • SimCity (SNES)
  • Super Mario Kart (SNES)
  • Super Mario World (SNES)
  • WildSnake (SNES)
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
You can see all of the instuction booklets that I have uploaded at

What I am Up To

I just finished Summer School today.  I was taking digital photography and bowling.  I still have yet to pick a major.  The junior college that I go to (Johnson County Community College) has a game design certificate program.  I was working on the certificate.  Got 12 hours of credit.  Then, I got to the programming and did not like it.  I would like to do something with technology and the internet.  I have three weeks off till I go back to school.

Plans on adding to GiantBomb

I will continue to add instruction booklets.  I have been using the booklets to obtain game credits.  This is a slow process as I am also going and adding many people that are not in the database yet.  I have been collection game memorabilia all but three years of my life and have obtained over 300 games and stacks of gaming mags.  I plan on using the mags to get print adds of games.  I would like to have at least one blog post a week.   I do not want to go to ten sites to get all information on a game.  You have sites for game adds, one particulate game, game franchise, systems, cheats, news, and reviews.  I like GiantBomb because, they put all game information in one place.  On my old computer I have a bunch of video game picks that I will upload in time.  A lot of them are rear items that I have found on eBay.

How I Scan Instruction Booklets

After scanning a few booklets, I have found the best way of adding an instruction booklet to GiantBomb.
  1. I am using a Cannon MP600 for scanning.  The MP600 is a three-in-one scanner, copier, and printer.  I start with the back cover of the instruction booklet.  This allows the pages to be in order when I add them to GiantBomb. 
  2. After all pages in the instruction booklet are scanned; I use Windows to change the orientation of the scans.   Make a folder for each instruction booklet.
  3. Log onto GiantBomb and go upload the images.  Upload all the images in an instruction booklet at one time.  This will put the images in order.  Then make a gallery for the booklet.  For the caption I just add the page number (example: page 1-2).  Hit submit and you have uploaded an instruction booklet to your image gallery.
P.S.  If there is a game you want an instruction booklet added for just leave the name and if I have it I will upload it.  If I do not have that one, I will look for a smiler game.  I have a lot more gaming knowledge to share, but I will same that for a latter post.