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Best of 2015

I really didn't play that much this year. I did get married so that's great. LOL. I have a list that doesn't have Street Fighter in it. But that will change next year. The Xbox One my brother bought is pretty much a media hub for my wife and I. I've only bought one game on it and that's Dark souls 2.

My wife and I took a honeymoon to San Francisco. I was lucky to meet 4 people in gaming (randomly) I know and respect

1. Brad Shoemaker of some website about video games. Outside of CBSi. He was late for work. LOL. Sorry Brad thanks for being nice to my wife and I.

Bad Brad hair do and all.
Bad Brad hair do and all.

2. Tim Scahfer of Double Fine. Right down from my hotel. He helped create many lucasart adventure games. Games of his I own and beat psychonauts, brutal legend, broken age (well look at that list)

I scared Tim Schafer.
I scared Tim Schafer.

3. Bruce "Gamerbee" Hsiang of finalist in the Capcom Cup (he lost.) and pro SF player. Down at pier 39 while watching a street performance.

He got 13th place.  Maybe I ruined his chances with my low tier skills.
He got 13th place. Maybe I ruined his chances with my low tier skills.

4. Rich "Flithy Rich" Bantegui of Amazon games but i know him from being a commentator on Tekken with Markman. Met him at Twitchcon which I didn't go to because I found out it was happening the night before the last day. He tried to see if he could get us in but he couldn't. SUPER CHILL guy.

All of them were really nice. I think I scared Tim Scahfer because I'm a random black man on the street who knows his name. LOL.

Now that my wedding is over it's time to play more video games. Street Fighter 5. I'm coming for you.

List items

  • Rico. Giant world. Explosive. Goofy Story. Looks down at 2nd place, oh yeah that's what I wanted. This is a playground and I've enjoyed a lot of it. I don't like how the mods are done but hey I like taking a break from capturing cities, bases or doing story mission. By driving a bomb, flying through hoops and so on. The chute and wingsuit are a blast. The shooting is... look the shooting doesn't matter. Luckily I got it after the patch that fixed loading. Framerate falls little down but I doesn't happen too much. The story is dumb but so is everything else tonally. You got the top this year.

  • Sigh. I loved the gameplay but it's funny because I don't go to MGS for gameplay. I go for the wackadoo story and crazy bullshit. It still makes it on top 3 not because it's Kojima last game but because of the way you can go about doing missions. If reminds me a lot of far cry if far cry wasn't first person. Get to this base, approach from any agile, welp you did it while not kill people congrats, oops forgot a guy, everything is now tits up, GO. It was game more about adaptability than just straight line design. The lack of characters made me sad. List of worst characters in the game, Quiet, Skullface, Ocelot, Liquid and Venomous. Hell Huey is a bag of crap but a least he has an arc. So does Miller, I would hate snake soooo hard too after all this bullshit for what? So he can be a legendary douchebag.

    But I put about 80 hours into playing this game and having fun with the game part, so I'm happy putting this in the top 3 because of that.

  • Played alot of Batman. To be fair it was just more batman. The batmobile stuff was better after I changed the controls (why not default to that scheme?). Story wise, as a comic fan I saw this coming a 100 miles away. The problem is that you never hinted at the joker doing this in any of the other games. Everything else amazing. Hell the Animated series didn't even have him in it. I got 96% in this game but I'll be damned if I collect all those trophies. Watched the knightfall ending and I was like not worth the stress.

  • I guess I got a think for roguelikes now. Spelunky this is all your fault. It reminds me so much of Macross I want to cry. I don't have much to say about it beyond it's fun to pop in for a quick session when I'm not in the mood to play a bigger release.

  • I started this one late thanks to a Black Friday deal. I'm still playing it. It's a easier game than the Dark Souls game. You can call it a gate way drug to Dark Souls, if you think weed leads to doing crack off a mirror while you read the DS wiki which you printed out backwards so you can do both at the same time. I'm enjoying it so far.

  • I'm glad I played this all in one run rather than broken in two bits. I enjoyed the art the most in this game. The old school adventure stuff was fun and the wire puzzle took some drawing in the a note book for myself but it was fun figuring it out.

  • More of hotline is a good thing. Look this game was hard. I wanted you do use weapons in an order to think yourself through the stages. It forced me to use guns more and more enemies had guns which totally sucked. So many kills from off screen. I like it for it's sound track and gameplay but it lost me on it's story. But hey this has been a bad year for story in games.

  • I know it's old. I started around the new year and played it until June then finally beat it. I enjoyed it. I never thought I would go for a game like this but man I feel for it. But then I played Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and was underwhelmed. After Bloodborne i'll be back for another round in Dark Souls 3. Hopefully I can learn from BB and steer it back to what I loved about the first one.

  • And so two brothers battle on who would have the highest score. I was won, thanks to my fightstick on the PS4 version. Them low tier combo skills though. SPD'ing those tricks though.

  • I played this. It wasn't a bad game. I just didn't enjoy it that much. VERY straight forward. I guess I was hoping for wider world. I mean there is a point where they give it to you in the village but you go back to go in this path to continue. Still liked it enough for the top 10 but only because I couldn't think of more games to add that were better.