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TVTropes... why?!

 ... And TVTropes now. Note the difference.
 ... And TVTropes now. Note the difference.

 TVTropes then...
 TVTropes then...
What happened to TVTropes? This "fanfiction is a legitimate form of media/This troper... blahblahblah here's me attempting to justify my terrifying incest fetish" bullshit has gone way out of hand. We don't want to know about you or your fucked-up self-insert anime  fantasies, pal. For god's sake, this one user wrote an entire "Fetish fuel" page (which really are the worst pages on there) specifically about Robin Williams. Yes, THAT Robin Williams.  
(Do not click unless you possess a fairly high pain tolerance threshold)
 I wish the TVTropes staff would really crack down on these bitches. They tried every now and again, but they got so tired of deleted fanfiction-related articles that DOING SO IS NOW AGAINST SITE POLICY:   
It's like GameFAQS- the core purpose of the site is still useful and valid, but so much of the community is horrible. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. 
I guess the fastest solution would be to delete anything starting with "This troper", really. 


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Edited By LumpyTheCook

 ... And TVTropes now. Note the difference.
 ... And TVTropes now. Note the difference.

 TVTropes then...
 TVTropes then...
What happened to TVTropes? This "fanfiction is a legitimate form of media/This troper... blahblahblah here's me attempting to justify my terrifying incest fetish" bullshit has gone way out of hand. We don't want to know about you or your fucked-up self-insert anime  fantasies, pal. For god's sake, this one user wrote an entire "Fetish fuel" page (which really are the worst pages on there) specifically about Robin Williams. Yes, THAT Robin Williams.  
(Do not click unless you possess a fairly high pain tolerance threshold)
 I wish the TVTropes staff would really crack down on these bitches. They tried every now and again, but they got so tired of deleted fanfiction-related articles that DOING SO IS NOW AGAINST SITE POLICY:   
It's like GameFAQS- the core purpose of the site is still useful and valid, but so much of the community is horrible. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. 
I guess the fastest solution would be to delete anything starting with "This troper", really.