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Pokemon X/Y

I have always been a fan of the Pokémon series from when I was a kid (cards, tv show, games, etc.). I hadn't played one of the games in a while so I decided to pick up one of the new ones. I started the game back when it came out and got sidetracked after a while and just recently got sucked back in. It is still very much a Pokemon game with the same type of combat and skill system. The graphics look great and battles have a lot of cool animations. My favorite part of Pokemon has always been trying to collect as many as I could. This generation brings the total count up to 718 and with the release of the Pokebank provides a nice way to store them that can be accessed in current and future games. The story line lasts a good amount of time although it gets a little weird towards the end. Overall the game was a ton of fun and I am going to keep trying to collect as many pokemon as possible.

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