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Shadow Complexed out!


Man.... give me a sec... breathe.. Ok I’m good. I just powered my way through shadow complex and man it’s a good game, like really good! I have personally never played Super Metroid or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night so this really was a new game experience for me and I really enjoyed it. In a way shadow complex played a lot like Diablo and Sacred 2. Constantly looking for that next upgrade to make your character that little bit stronger. At the start of shadow complex I was getting slightly frustrated. I kept seeing these areas I couldn’t get into because I didn’t have the right guns and every time I saw something I couldn’t blow open yet I kept thinking to myself  “oh great another thing I’m going to have to come all the way back for”. In the end you just have to let the game take you and trust it’s going to bring you back around in a smooth way and fair play to shadow complex it always did. I guess this shows my ignorance to the genre, I didn’t expect there to be so much backtracking as there was and I think it would have really started to grind on me but the combat was surprisingly solid. Firing into the 3 dimension can be a little tricky but I found myself using the melee attack most of the time mainly because it was effective and looked bad ass! It took me around 7 hours to finish (I know I’m slow!) and for 1200 MSP that’s not bad. I really can’t recommend this game enough so go download the trial see if you like it and then buy it because I really want to see a sequel!



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Edited By matt


Man.... give me a sec... breathe.. Ok I’m good. I just powered my way through shadow complex and man it’s a good game, like really good! I have personally never played Super Metroid or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night so this really was a new game experience for me and I really enjoyed it. In a way shadow complex played a lot like Diablo and Sacred 2. Constantly looking for that next upgrade to make your character that little bit stronger. At the start of shadow complex I was getting slightly frustrated. I kept seeing these areas I couldn’t get into because I didn’t have the right guns and every time I saw something I couldn’t blow open yet I kept thinking to myself  “oh great another thing I’m going to have to come all the way back for”. In the end you just have to let the game take you and trust it’s going to bring you back around in a smooth way and fair play to shadow complex it always did. I guess this shows my ignorance to the genre, I didn’t expect there to be so much backtracking as there was and I think it would have really started to grind on me but the combat was surprisingly solid. Firing into the 3 dimension can be a little tricky but I found myself using the melee attack most of the time mainly because it was effective and looked bad ass! It took me around 7 hours to finish (I know I’m slow!) and for 1200 MSP that’s not bad. I really can’t recommend this game enough so go download the trial see if you like it and then buy it because I really want to see a sequel!