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BombWatch: More on Gaming Podcasts; or, Yay Emulators!

Hey there,

So, I listened to about 5 or so episodes of the Hotspot last night. The earlier ones were only about 15 minutes long, so it took a little over an hour. I really enjoyed it. It's a great flashback, since the episodes were all from the pre-360 era. I also checked out the first Arrow Pointing Down, which I had already heard, but since I was already in nostalgia mode, I thought I'd check it out again. Looking back, it's absolutely awesome that I was only listening to two unemployed guys talking over Skype about video games, drinks, and Girls Gone Wild. I didn't check 1up Yours because it was 2 and a half hours long. I need to make time for something like that. I listened to about 6 podcasts in the time I would have listened to that one.

The other big news for me is that I downloaded a Sega Genesis emulator. Actually it's a program that emulators pretty much every Sega console up to, but not including, the Saturn. Now, I can take my own screenshots of Genesis games and upload them to the site, which is pretty awesome.

I'm going to see The X-Files: I Want to Believe today, which I'm not really excited about. I wanted to see Step Brothers, but no one wanted to go with me. When someone asked me to see X-Files, I thought "a movie's a movie" and agreed.

I'm not going to do the progress thing because I don't feel like checking. I think I'm gonna keep that to the nightly version of the BombWatch.

Ok, now that I have been informed that I unknowingling ripped off banksrob's catchphrase, I'm gonna try something different.

This is IGN Gamescoop, and we're out. (I think that's not taken)

>>> Met2609